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Nintendo PR on psp's new pricepoint

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DJ Demon J said:
Do you really think American casual consumers would choose names like that over names like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo 4, Metal Gear Acid, etc.?
Do you really think that's at all what I was discussing? Or should you lose another of your Nintendo Trolls Until Permaban?
GaimeGuy said:
Tell me how it doesn't make sense.
Not sure if anyone touched upon this point but I'll post anyways:

To compare the GG to that of the PSP is like comparing apples to oranges. The one thing that I haven't seen anyone else bring up yet (might've missed it, sorry) is that the market itself is totally different then that of the 8/16-bit days. It has matured and is not dominated by kids and the parents that buy the games for them anymore. Sure they still exist today but Sony and MS have proven that there's a HUGE market outside of that demographic but unfortunately Nintendo's made little to no effort to make a mark there.

edit: btw, those of you claiming that the portable market doesn't care about graphics, couldn't be more wrong and the PSP will prove it to you :p


DJ Demon J said:
Do you really think American casual consumers would choose names like that over names like Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo 4, Metal Gear Acid, etc.?
DS is for the type of gamer that feels no shame saying "I'm really excited about Puppy Times!" ;)
Mr_Furious said:
Not sure if anyone touched upon this point but I'll post anyways:

To compare the GG to that of the PSP is like comparing apples to oranges. The one thing that I haven't seen anyone else bring up yet (might've missed it, sorry) is that the market itself is totally different then that of the 8/16-bit days. It has matured and is not dominated by kids and the parents that buy the games for them anymore. Sure they still exist today but Sony and MS have proven that there's a HUGE market outside of that demographic but unfortunately Nintendo's made little to no effort to make a mark there.

edit: btw, those of you claiming that the portable market doesn't care about graphics, couldn't be more wrong and the PSP will prove it to you :p

I think you overestimate the handheld market. It's dominated by younger people and hardcore gamers. The average 20 something casual gamer adult is not going to go out and buy a PSP for $200.
I know people like that. PS2 or Xbox with a few sports games is the extent of gaming as they can tolerate.


border said:
DS is for the type of gamer that feels no shame saying "I'm really excited about Puppy Times!" ;)
Well that or Madden, Mario, Pokemon, 007, NFSU, Ridge Racer, Rockman.EXE, Dynasty Warriors, Yu-Gi-OH!, Sonic, Zelda, DBZ, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Castlevania, Spider-Man...

BTW, when was GTA announced for PSP?
seismologist said:
I think you overestimate the handheld market. It's dominated by younger people and hardcore gamers. The average 20 something casual gamer adult is not going to go out and buy a PSP for $200.
I know people like that. PS2 or Xbox with a few sports games is the extent of gaming as they can tolerate.
And I think you greatly under estimate the portable market. The reason why so many older people ignored portable gaming is simply because the content wasn't there. The PSP is definitely going to change that, while the DS is not.

Justin Bailey

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DarienA said:
Well the other part of that argument is that those folks are playing games like solitaire and bewjewled which are quick/easy to get in and out off... have we seen some type of verbage from developers that they'll be moving towards putting games like that on the DS? From what I've seen we are going to continue to see what I'll term "complex-style" games, but with the DS it will allow developers to explore new control systems for those games. Your post is pretty pie in the sky.
Zookeeper is an example of a "simple" game that wouldn't be possible without the touchscreen (well possible, yes, but a pain in the ass).

And you know someone is going to release a solitaire/othello/etc compilation.


seismologist said:
I think you overestimate the handheld market. It's dominated by younger people and hardcore gamers. The average 20 something casual gamer adult is not going to go out and buy a PSP for $200.
I know people like that. PS2 or Xbox with a few sports games is the extent of gaming as they can tolerate.

The average 20 something casual gamer is likely to buy a PSP instead of a DS. :)


I swear this forum sometimes seems like 13 year olds battling over whose daddy is stronger...

Ok, here go my 50c on the subject:

Bottomline 1: Competition is good for gamers

Bottomline 2: DS DOES pose a big threat in Sonys eyes, big enough to make such a move that wasn't at all expected before DS's introduction

Ok, so Ill make my educated guess on how things panned out from a business perspective (im a business bachelor, cant help it).

DS is, in my eyes, a very smart move by nintendo that is working really good from a strategical standpoint. Nintendo doesn't want sony to have a new system on the market without any direct competition for a couple of years befor GBNext hits. This could have the same effect PSone had when it launched and give sony too great of a head start (a thought Iwata expressed as very important on the next gen homeconsole battle as well).

The answer: the DS. They announced it at E3 and it really took off. I guess Sony wasn't expecting this kind of response from Nintendo, and certainly not expecting the attention it got. Seriously, I believe Sony wasn't at all intending on releasing PSP at that pricepoint.

Sony's price is, in my eyes, a rection to srong DS competition. And they played their card just perfect. It is the perfect price to put Nintendo in trouble. The question is: will Nintendo now follow suit? That's a hard desition for N executives. You don't want a price so low that people percieve it ti be a much lower quality product from PSP, because its price is just high enough. My guess it could go to $129 or $139. But I presumme it wount go down al all.

Anyway, as far as how successfull both machines will be I will, with great caution, say that both of them will be very successfull. NOTE TO DOOMSAYERS: With that lineup of games DS WOUNT FAIL. Period. It will do incredibely well actually.

My guess is Nintendo will dominate with both, DS and AGB 70-75% of the handheld market in 2005. In 2006 Nintendo will have + or - 65% of the market and sony 35%.

GBNext startegy will be interesting to see and how it goes from there onwards depends on it.
Mr_Furious said:
And I think you greatly under estimate the portable market. The reason why so many older people ignored portable gaming is simply because the content wasn't there. The PSP is definitely going to change that, while the DS is not.

Well that's what Sony's hoping for. But the average adult gamer isn't going to buy a PSP so they have something to play while they're on the john. Sorry, it's the truth.


jarrod said:
The average 20 something is more likely to buy an Xbox than either.

The average 20 something is more likely to buy a PSP instead of a Gamecube. :)

okay, i quit. Although, now that I think of it, I do believe PSP would make casual gamers think twice before buying an Xbox.
border said:
Someone who entered the conversation with totally bloated and subjective hyperbole like "The DS is getting more developers excited than anyother systemin recent years" is accusing me of spin! Oh irony, thou art my goddess...

Seriously, sucking up to any company's hardware in the press (or in press releases) has personal benefits. If you can't see that, I dunno what to say.

Durr that wasn't me. That was Robert-GCA. LOLOL

And sucking up to press releases also counts for the PSP so noone post Kutagari quotes anymore.
seismologist said:
Well that's what Sony's hoping for. But the average adult gamer isn't going to buy a PSP so they have something to play while they're on the john. Sorry, it's the truth.
There's a lot more opportunities for adults to play portable games than when taking a shit. Sorry, it's the truth.


Insertia said:
The average 20 something is more likely to buy a PSP instead of a Gamecube. :)

okay, i quit. Although, now that I think of it, I do believe PSP would make casual gamers think twice before buying an Xbox.
Well sure, GameCube's on the way out... though I meant to say "Xenon" when I said "Xbox" before.

Sony's main problem though is that their casual PS2 base seems pretty happy with their PS2s... and I don't see PSP really offereing them anything they can't get better at home. Also what happens long term, will PS2 owners decide to upgrade to PS3 or PSP in 2006? Nintendo targeted the same audience wih GBA & GC initially and look how that turned out. :/
jarrod said:
Do you really think that's at all what I was discussing? Or should you lose another of your Nintendo Trolls Until Permaban?

You need to take a pill man, I'm just asking a fucking question. Jesus Christ. I know you've got a huge boner for me to be banned, but I am allowed to have an opinion.


jarrod said:
Sony's main problem though is that their casual PS2 base seems pretty happy with their PS2s... and I don't see PSP really offereing them anything they can't get better at home.

The same can be said for any handheld, including GBA-DS. Hell, it can be said for portable CD and Mp3 players also.

Also what happens long term, will PS2 owners decide to upgrade to PS3 or PSP in 2006? Nintendo targeted the same audience wih GBA & GC initially and look how that turned out. :/

Well, much of GC's current state is contributed to Xbox and PS2 giving it a heavy dose of competition rather then GBA being in it's target audience.
I'm pretty sure PSP will always be seen as a secondary system compared to PS2/3, unless something drastic happens.

Justin Bailey

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DJ Demon J said:
You need to take a pill man, I'm just asking a fucking question. Jesus Christ. I know you've got a huge boner for me to be banned, but I am allowed to have an opinion.
You've got no one to blame but yourself. If you didn't constantly troll Nintendo threads you wouldn't be under the microscope like you are now.


DJ Demon J said:
You need to take a pill man, I'm just asking a fucking question. Jesus Christ. I know you've got a huge boner for me to be banned, but I am allowed to have an opinion.
Well, if you'd respond with something relevant for a change rather just going left field or taking a dig at whatever Nintendo platform/game/strategy/quote, maybe I'd be more receptive towards those opinions. Troll.


Insertia said:
The same can be said for any handheld, including GBA-DS. Hell, it can be said for portable CD and Mp3 players also.
Sure... but PSP isn't going for GBA's audience. They're going for PS2.

DS seems to be aiming for both somewhat (sleek design & Madden for you.. but hey here's a new Pokemon too), though who knows if that'll work.

Insertia said:
Well, much of GC's current state is contributed to Xbox and PS2 giving it a heavy dose of competition rather then GBA being in it's target audience.
I'm pretty sure PSP will always be seen as a secondary system compared to PS2/3, unless something drastic happens.
I don't think so, Nintendo's initial problems came in targeting children first with GameCube... it's "image" problem versus PS2/Xbox is a result of that though. Kids would rather buy a GBA, adults would rather get a PS2... had NCL designed GC to be a real counter to PS2 (or even a real successor to N64), I don't doubt it'd be doing better in the market today.
Justin Bailey said:
You've got no one to blame but yourself. If you didn't constantly troll Nintendo threads you wouldn't be under the microscope like you are now.

Whatever, just because my commentary hits a little too close to home for the blind followers of Nintendo doesn't automatically make me a troll. To be honest, I think it shouldn't be an issue anyway--if you don't like what I say or can't handle it, then put me on ignore. There are others who do like to hear what I have to say. I'm never calling out "Troll! Troll! Mods ban him plzkthxbye!" if someone slams on Xbox, PS2, or anything (well, if someone slammed Blaster Master or Bionic Commando I may do that). Anyways, jarrod's comments force me to drift OT...

I'm not surprised by Nintendo's response. Nothing than Nintendo or Sony has done so far in regards to positioning of DS/PSP should be surprising to anyone here.
jarrod said:
Well, if you'd respond with something relevant for a change rather just going left field or taking a dig at whatever Nintendo platform/game/strategy/quote, maybe I'd be more receptive towards those opinions. Troll.

Maybe you need to take the blinders off for a second when you read my posts?


krypt0nian said:
And sucking up to press releases also counts for the PSP so noone post Kutagari quotes anymore.
What relevance do the quotes of a 1st party president have in a discussion of public developer feedback? When did anyone ever suggest that quotes shouldn't be "allowed"? The point was only that praising a platform has a self-serving purpose, and you'd have to be naive to think that vociferous praise is purely selfless.

Sorry for the misquote, though you seem to be in the "Let's take everything at face value" camp anyhow.

Justin Bailey

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DJ Demon J said:
Whatever, just because my commentary hits a little too close to home for the blind followers of Nintendo doesn't automatically make me a troll. To be honest, I think it shouldn't be an issue anyway--if you don't like what I say or can't handle it, then put me on ignore. There are others who do like to hear what I have to say. I'm never calling out "Troll! Troll! Mods ban him plzkthxbye!" if someone slams on Xbox, PS2, or anything (well, if someone slammed Blaster Master or Bionic Commando I may do that). Anyways, jarrod's comments force me to drift OT...

I'm not surprised by Nintendo's response. Nothing than Nintendo or Sony has done so far in regards to positioning of DS/PSP should be surprising to anyone here.
There are plenty of other people here that have the same opinions you do and say the same things you do, but they aren't considered trolls. Now I wonder why that is?
Justin Bailey said:
There are plenty of other people here that have the same opinions you do and say the same things you do, but they aren't considered trolls. Now I wonder why that is?

I don't think anyone here has the same opinion I do about Nintendo (I've disagreed with many others here who are anti-Nintendo), and I know for a fact that anytime anyone says something that really cuts true to the heart of what is wrong with Nintendo's current situation it's either ignored (even after multiple posters point out the flaws in arguments of the Nintendo faithful) or the fanboys bleat for the mods to ban "trolls."


Jarrod -- I think it's correct to say that GameCube was mistakenly aimed at kids, but I think you're making a bad analysis when you say that PSP is only for PS2 gamers, who are only adults.

PSP might not have a lot of pull with real young kids, but I think 10+ will be fair game. Kids are growing up faster and seeking to emulate the big kids earlier and earlier. If you can put PSP in their minds as a semi-status symbol, then they'll be drawn to it pretty quickly. Plenty of them already own a PS1 or PS2, and are familiar with the franchises.

Justin Bailey

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DJ Demon J said:
I don't think anyone here has the same opinion I do about Nintendo (I've disagreed with many others here who are anti-Nintendo), and I know for a fact that anytime anyone says something that really cuts true to the heart of what is wrong with Nintendo's current situation it's either ignored (even after multiple posters point out the flaws in arguments of the Nintendo faithful) or the fanboys bleat for the mods to ban "trolls."
I think the point is that "cutting true to the heart of what's wrong with Nintendo" isn't really neccesary to bring up in every discussion concerning them.
Justin Bailey said:
I think the point is that "cutting true to the heart of what's wrong with Nintendo" isn't really neccesary to bring up in every discussion concerning them.

If it's relevant to the topic; people do this with Sony, Microsoft, anything else, even in OT.


DJ Demon J said:
Maybe you need to take the blinders off for a second when you read my posts?
Maybe you need to take the blinders off when writing them?

border said:
Jarrod -- I think it's correct to say that GameCube was mistakenly aimed at kids, but I think you're making a bad analysis when you say that PSP is only for PS2 gamers, who are only adults.

PSP might not have a lot of pull with real young kids, but I think 10+ will be fair game. Kids are growing up faster and seeking to emulate the big kids earlier and earlier. If you can put PSP in their minds as a semi-status symbol, then they'll be drawn to it pretty quickly. Plenty of them already own a PS1 or PS2, and are familiar with the franchises.
Sure... and really I'm surprised Sony hasn't done more to get the youth market in terms of software. Something like Yu-Gi-OH! or Rockman.EXE would be a huge coup for PSP and help hit Nintendo where it counts... but instead DS seems to be geting those games. :/

Justin Bailey

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DJ Demon J said:
If it's relevant to the topic; people do this with Sony, Microsoft, anything else, even in OT.
Well it happens to be my opinion (and the mods agree, apparently) that you ignored this rule on a regular basis.
jarrod said:
Well that or Madden, Mario, Pokemon, 007, NFSU, Ridge Racer, Rockman.EXE, Dynasty Warriors, Yu-Gi-OH!, Sonic, Zelda, DBZ, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Castlevania, Spider-Man...

BTW, when was GTA announced for PSP?

Take-Two has been VERY vocal in their support of the PSP. They expect to have 4 titles. Looking at Take-Two's limited library, I think that a GTA would be a natural and logical expectation. It's certainly not guaranteed, but it's a very, very strong possibility.


sonycowboy said:
Take-Two has been VERY vocal in their support of the PSP. They expect to have 4 titles. Looking at Take-Two's limited library, I think that a GTA would be a natural and logical expectation. It's certainly not guaranteed, but it's a very, very strong possibility.
I agree, at least a sectioned down GTA. Or possibly 2D.


Madden, 007, NFSU, Ridge Racer, Dynasty Warriors, Yu-Gi-OH!, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Castlevania, Spider-Man...
on Madden, NFSU, Ridge Racer, Final Fantasy, and Spiderman 2: The PSP and DS versions have some verystark differences. The PSP version is infinitely more appealing than the DS versions because the graphics on the DS versions of most of those games are absolute garbage when compared to the PSP versions. It's like the Xbox and PS2 versions of games like Splinter Cell or the new Black Arrow. You can tell that there was quite a disparity in hardware power.

And what makes you think the aforemented franchises won't appear on the PSP, and perhaps in better representation? Dynasty Warriors has been announced for the PSP. I've not seen anything on a DS version except in the Nintendo Games List that Nintendo has been pushing around.


Vagabond said:
The PSP and DS versions have some verystark differences. The PSP version is infinitely more appealing than the DS versions because the graphics on the DS versions of most of those games are absolute garbage when compared to the PSP versions.
I'm not saying that PSP Spiderman isn't better than DS Spiderman. But I'd avoid terms like "infintely more appealing" just because of a graphical comparison.


border said:
Jarrod -- I think it's correct to say that GameCube was mistakenly aimed at kids, but I think you're making a bad analysis when you say that PSP is only for PS2 gamers, who are only adults.

PSP might not have a lot of pull with real young kids, but I think 10+ will be fair game. Kids are growing up faster and seeking to emulate the big kids earlier and earlier. If you can put PSP in their minds as a semi-status symbol, then they'll be drawn to it pretty quickly. Plenty of them already own a PS1 or PS2, and are familiar with the franchises.

You have a point though, but as far as parents are concerned price is the most important thing. Say for instance Nintendo dropped the DS price to $129 or even an outrageous $100 (the defacto mass-market price) and the PSP was still at $185-$199... Which one is the soccer mom likely to pick up for their teenagers (the ones who don't have their own cashflow)?

It all remains to be seen... both Nintendo and Sony are playing their cards just right... it's going to be great to sit back and watch as a consumer.


jarrod said:
Maybe you need to take the blinders off when writing them?

Sure... and really I'm surprised Sony hasn't done more to get the youth market in terms of software. Something like Yu-Gi-OH! or Rockman.EXE would be a huge coup for PSP and help hit Nintendo where it counts... but instead DS seems to be geting those games. :/

And i'm totally happy i'll still get my rockman.exe fix. :D bettter not move anywhere. but who knows. I'll own both handhelds anyway. XD I only hope for visual imprvement. Already the concept of using the touchscreens for battlechips is basically like the Progress PET's holographic display. Total kickass.
Mashing said:
You have a point though, but as far as parents are concerned price is the most important thing. Say for instance Nintendo dropped the DS price to $129 or even an outrageous $100 (the defacto mass-market price) and the PSP was still at $185-$199... Which one is the soccer mom likely to pick up for their teenagers (the ones who don't have their own cashflow)?

Going by that logic, the GC would sell best.


explodet said:
I'm not saying that PSP Spiderman isn't better than DS Spiderman. But I'd avoid terms like "infintely more appealing" just because of a graphical comparison.
But really, its MUCH more appealing to the buyers. And it will afflict DS sales (And PSP sales will recieve a boon)


BTW: Are we still assuming the PSP will be released in North America for 185 bucks because of the japanese price converted to yen?


Operations said:
Going by that logic, the GC would sell best.

Ture... but you have to look at the brand. Even the the DS isn't carrying the Gameboy brand it does look like a mutated GBA SP and parents will associate it with Gameboy intentional or not.

Sony can erode that brand but it's not going to happen overnight (or even in one generation IMO).


The irony of proponents of the "PS2 experience" now counting graphics as the ultimate reason to own a system is just funny.

Nintendo should release a new Gameboy that plays the entire Gamecube library. The disks are already small enough. The only problem would be legal obstacles, but I think it could be done. "Gameboy X", or "GBX".


Insertia said:
When one version of the game is Playstation quality, the other DC/PS2 quality, graphics are a pretty big deciding factor.
Very true. This isn't the difference between Nintendo 64 and PSX, Master System and NES, Xbox and PlayStation 2, or Game Boy and Game Gear. There's a real generational leap between DS and PSP.


Vagabond said:
So what's going to make the DS version the two versions sell better if both versions are released around the same time?

The different aspects of DS?

If graphics was everything Doom3 would been the greatest game of alltime so far.

If graphics was everything, gamegear would have stomped the original gameboy. etc.

I am not denying that graphics isn't important, but gameplay is still king. And Nintendo will try to find new gameplay ideas with the DS.
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