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Nintendo Press Conference - Has Begun

Getting this...

HTTP Status 500 -


type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: (while getting driver information from configuration) com.bisc.gist.configuration.cbjeNonexistentElement: cbjeNonexistentElement: Element "null" of subsystem "ODB" not found.

root cause

com.bisc.gist.db.cbjeODBMisconfigured: (while getting driver information from configuration) com.bisc.gist.configuration.cbjeNonexistentElement: cbjeNonexistentElement: Element "null" of subsystem "ODB" not found.

note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.
nice very nice. Although I couldn't care less about Final Fantasy or Pokemon Dash.

My import still stands although I wish someone would soften my fear that a usa ds won't communicate with a uk one


I'm thinking pausing the game. Sometimes you just need to pause.

Sleep mode, close the thing and you stop it.

BTW, I think the launch line is very far of weak. 12 games is a pretty good number, Super Mario DS looks quite reworked and you have quite a lot of variety, feel the Magic looks interesting for a launch title and then you have the included Metroid Hunters demo.

It´s a little wait and see for USA I suppose, depending of the quality of games like Ridge Racer or Rayman, but globally, is quite a complete launchment line for me.


TheGreenGiant said:

THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. did miyamoto get a makeover? Nice brown suit. Much better than the cheesy but cool 1up shirt.

:worships at the temple:

He is looking sharp.
He looks a lot older, too.


Bah, damn all of you that made me think there was a new Lunar!

The LUNA title is done by MABERASU -- interactive or whatever. The Game Arts project is still unannounced.


Deku Tree said:
Does it announce a DS SSB game on that list in Japanese?


"News - perm Rio brothers (tentative name)"

Probably the Super Mario Bros. game... :( My bad. I read wrong...
Kiriku said:
Yes, Sony's PSP plans were totally based on the theory that Nintendo would stop producing Pokémon games when NDS is released. I bet Sony are in shock now, who would've thought?!
Do you think their original plans anticipated launching against a new Nintendo portable? Then that their announced lineup would actually be decent, having being announced less than a year before launch? And that titles already announced for down the road would include Final Fantasy and a next-gen Pokémon? I know I wouldn't have a year ago.
I hadn't seen this final boxart before (particually with the added Metroid logo/details on the front)


I sort of wish the Metroid logo wasn't there at all. It sort of takes away from the "sleekness" of the cover.
Deku Tree said:
Does it announce a DS SSB game on that list in Japanese?

I believe he's referring to this:

Project JSS (tentative name)

Believed to be the Jump Super-Stars title that was revealed earlier this week to be partially developed by Nintendo and "like Smash Brothers."
Scrow said:
so what happened to the kick in the ass from sony for the PS1 and PS2? ;)
Nintendo's always been a little slow. The kick in the gonads from the PS1 finally made it Nintendo's brain.

Expect reaction time to pick up with Iwata running. Yamauchi was waaaaay to slow to react.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yeah, mahjong. There was a law passed a thousand years ago in Japan which said you must launch a system with a mahjong game, they can't get out of it.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The DS launch doesn't really excite me. Only thing coming is Super Mario 64 DS. My frothing demand for a NDS at launch decreases

If Mario Kart, Advance Wars DS and Wario Ware DS came out at launch, then I'd be all over that


Can we expect more info?

I really want to see Jump super stars media, as well as Castlevania and Final Fantasy CC.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Anyone want to resize that?

Can we expect more info?

I really want to see Jump super stars media, as well as Castlevania and Final Fantasy CC.

Oh I don't think we'll see any of those today. They would have been at the Japanese conference if anything.

There'll be more info though, we've got Madden, Rayman, Spider-Man, Ridge Racer etc stuff to come yet. We'll, get shots from some of them at least, probably all as they're launch games.
I was really excited for the NDS launch because of Animal Crossing and Mario Kart possibly being there. Now that we know they aren't.. do we know when they will be released? I'll still pick up a NDS for Christmas if those games will be out sometime soon (next few months after launch), but if they're like a year off... I don't think I will. Mario 64 was an awesome game, but I'm just not feeling hyped about a new version of it (at this moment in time.. could change in a flash :) ).. and that's the only game in the US launch that looks worth getting..
Looks pretty good resized in Firefox.

Wario all those are available before the end of the year in Japan, not to mention Balloon Trip/Yoshi and Goeman. That's a bloody fantastic line-up of games before the end of the year. I'd assume the US will getnearly all of them shortly after launch as well.


Mr. Driller
Feel the Magic XX-XY
Super Mario 64 DS

3 solid titles that wil keep me busy until the games start pouring in. Don't forget...we have *console* gaming to do too this holiday. Way too many games. o_O


Deku Tree said:
Wait. It looked to me like the DS game sticks way out the back of the DS. Is that true?

If true, it seems to me you can't really travel with a game stuck in the DS game slot.
do you mean the stylus??


Deku Tree

neo2046 said:
do you mean the stylus??


That's good to know! Thanks for that confirmation.

But no I didn't mean the stylus. If you watch that video, a little over 3 mintues into it there is a woman playing a DS and the cart is sticking way out the back (at least that's what I saw and I just watched the video again).
Deku Tree said:
That's good to know! Thanks for that confirmation.

But no I didn't mean the stylus. If you watch that video, a little over 3 mintues into it there is a woman playing a DS and the cart is sticking way out the back (at least that's what I saw and I just watched the video again).

are you talking about the girl who is blowing at the touch screen...?
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