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Nintendo Revolution needs a solid RPG game early in its lifetime.


Nintendo needs to make sure that a great RPG will be released early in Revolution's lifetime. I have waiting 3 years for some solid RPG(ToS, Baten Kaitos) love on the cube. It's definitley too long. SoA was good, but basicly only a port. FF:CC was not what I first expected it to be.

Is a deal with SquareEnix Possible? Probably not. Namco? Maybe. Camelot? (big GS fan) More likley. Just get it out of the door in it's first year please!


Yep. If you ask me, they need one for launch. Hopefully we'll see something like a Fire Emblem, or maybe a deal with Namco or SquareEnix could produce one for launch. One thing i'm hoping for is that these co op deals they're making with companies this gen reap benefits early next gen. I think they will, and I hope Nintendo doesn't prove me wrong.


I'm guessing likely candidates are a Tales of game, a Mario RPG, a Pokemon game (and OL ready if the system has wireless play), or a SE game.


A new console version Mother game would be huge. I'd imagine alot of american gamers aren't aware of how huge the following for that game is in Japan.


Mother 3 has been in development for ages now. It was on the N64 for a longass time, and then they restarted development on the GBA. Now it's most likely been cancelled. It would make sense if it reappears on the Revolution instead of the GBA or GC.


Kobun Heat said:
What console has ever had a solid RPG at launch?

Wonderswan Color?

PS2 with Summoner ;)

But I hope nintendo releases earthbound for Revolution, no matter how bad the graphics - I just want the same gameplay and humour intact.


Since when has any console launched with an RPG?

PS2 with Summoner

Let me rephrase that - Since when as any console launched with a GOOD RPG?

Never. Good ones aren't seen until at least year two or three if you're lucky. The dev cycle of an RPG is usually longer because they games on a bigger scale. Just look at this year and you see Xbox FINALLY rolling out some real RPGs aside from KOTOR. Its a fantastic RPG year for PS2 and GameCube is getting a few nice ones as well. Too bad Fire Emblem won't get out in the US this year :(


Arbitrary, but I'd like to add that everytime I read a post about the Nintendo Revolution, it makes me want to que up the Beatles on my MP3 player.


You don't think a bran new Mother would be a very very solid seller in Japan? Please explain, laughing boy.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I think Mother is a poor choice for a launch title since the point of the game was its charming story and such. It would not make a good showcase for a new system. This is part of the reason Mother 3 was cancelled, after all -- they could not find a balance between "modern" console graphics standards and the rustic charm of the first two games.


If true, that only explains why it was cancled, not it's impact sales wise if certain obsticles were overcome. I'm taking about sales potential, not politics, fox :)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It was cancelled because development was moving along at way too slow of a pace, and the development team just couldn't get the hang of the 3D graphics. Not because they couldn't strike a balance.


I say Revolution needs a major massive RPG within the first 6-9 months of release. like the timely release of Phantasy Star II on Genesis, that came 6-8 months after Genesis came out.


I agree... maybe one of the lower tier SE franchises (Chrono, Mana, etc...) would be ideal for a Revolution launch title


Mashing said:
I agree... maybe one of the lower tier SE franchises (Chrono, Mana, etc...) would be ideal for a Revolution launch title

Chrono 3 on the GC would probably be huge though. I'm guessing it'd be another Mana game if any of their major franchises.


Well Golden Sun is on its way to the cube, I thought it would be an ideal game to launch with Revolution.


Mashing said:
Maybe it's just me, but they've showed no interest in making a new Chrono game for PS2.

And that makes no sense. I mean, wasn't CT almost a Square Enix game in the sense that they had people from both companies making the game?

Maybe once Dragon Quest VIII is finished they'll get Toriyama to start on Chrono III.


(more a nerd than a geek)
If you follow "needs a solid RPG game early in its lifetime" with "in order to appeal to the folks that frequent internet gaming forums", you might be right.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Mashing said:
You can also change that to say "in order to appeal to Japanese gamers"

Pfft... as any Xbot will tell you, the Japanese market "no longer matters".

Needs it for what? Early growth? Unless the word "Final" and "Fantasy" appear somewhere in the title it's very unlikely an RPG will help push Revolutions. RPGs, while MORE mainstream, are still a niche genre.

Needs it to be a successful console in the long run? Well, I don't recall the PS2 having one (no, Summoner doesn't count), nor the PS1. Nor the Xbox, DC, N64, etc.

So basically I agree with DavidDayton. Revolution doesn't really NEED a good early RPG other than to get in good with gaming MB jockeys.


worldrunover said:
Needs it for what? Early growth? Unless the word "Final" and "Fantasy" appear somewhere in the title it's very unlikely an RPG will help push Revolutions. RPGs, while MORE mainstream, are still a niche genre.

Needs it to be a successful console in the long run? Well, I don't recall the PS2 having one (no, Summoner doesn't count), nor the PS1. Nor the Xbox, DC, N64, etc.

So basically I agree with DavidDayton. Revolution doesn't really NEED a good early RPG other than to get in good with gaming MB jockeys.

but it sure wouldn't hurt ;)


worldrunover said:
Needs it for what? Early growth? Unless the word "Final" and "Fantasy" appear somewhere in the title it's very unlikely an RPG will help push Revolutions. RPGs, while MORE mainstream, are still a niche genre.

Well not really. If the RPG has amazing graphics and Nintendo advertise the graphics and the game, the casual gamers might eat it up. Just find a RPG series and advertise the hell of it. If Nintendo and Namco could work out a deal so ToS would be exclusive for only the N5 or "Revolution", they could turn ToS into FF.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
You mean "Tales of"

Tales of Symphonia is coming out in about two weeks for the N4 (GC). Silly human.


The RPG I always wanted for a Nintendo system is a Mario RPG with a Kingdom Hearts-like feel. Have Squre/Enix, Intelligent Systems & Nintendo work on it all together. "Tell the story" of the Mario Brothers starting out as plumbers in Brooklyn, give them that Italian "edge" and grit and then follow him as he goes down the wrong pipe into another dimension: The Mushroom Kingdom. It doesn't have to be deep, just make it like Mario RPG with Kingdom Hearts-like visuals. Bring back Boshi, Geno & Mallow from Mario RPG too to give it that Square feel.

The way I want the launch Mario to be on "Revolution" is a mix of 2D & 3D. Make the "overworld" map 3D, but when Mario enters a certain levels make them 2D. Make the 3D elements look like the SSBM CG sequence and make the 2D elements look like the GAMECUBE Paper Mario. I think this nice mix would attract newer gamers (whose first Mario game may have been Mario 64) and older gamers (who's first Mario game was SMB). Make some killer co-op levels and give the right balance of 2D & 3D. Also give this Mario game an Italian "edge" and don't be afraid to bring back the whole fireballs/shroom's stuff to break Mario outta the "kiddy" stigma!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The way the market works today, Revolution needs a game that lets you blow crap up, carry around guns, pillage, rape and murder people more than it needs any RPG, unfortuantely.


I think Tales of Legendia (if it exists) would be better served being retooled as an early Revolution release. Same goes for Phantasy Star Universe.


(more a nerd than a geek)
On a related note, Paper Mario is leagues ahead of Super Mario RPG... please keep Square away from the Mario RPG games from now on.

aoi tsuki

i don't see an RPG as a big seller for launch titles. Launch titles (in the US anyways) are generally flashy, arcadey affairs to show off the power of the system. And Madden.

No harm in having a title to carry the RPG moniker for those that want it, but i'm generally against RPG launch titles. There's too much that goes into development of good RPGs for them to get overlooked by flashy first gen crap.

DrGAKMAN said:
The RPG I always wanted for a Nintendo system is a Mario RPG with a Kingdom Hearts-like feel. Have Squre/Enix, Intelligent Systems & Nintendo work on it all together. "Tell the story" of the Mario Brothers starting out as plumbers in Brooklyn, give them that Italian "edge" and grit and then follow him as he goes down the wrong pipe into another dimension: The Mushroom Kingdom. It doesn't have to be deep, just make it like Mario RPG with Kingdom Hearts-like visuals. Bring back Boshi, Geno & Mallow from Mario RPG too to give it that Square feel.

The way I want the launch Mario to be on "Revolution" is a mix of 2D & 3D. Make the "overworld" map 3D, but when Mario enters a certain levels make them 2D. Make the 3D elements look like the SSBM CG sequence and make the 2D elements look like the GAMECUBE Paper Mario. I think this nice mix would attract newer gamers (whose first Mario game may have been Mario 64) and older gamers (who's first Mario game was SMB). Make some killer co-op levels and give the right balance of 2D & 3D. Also give this Mario game an Italian "edge" and don't be afraid to bring back the whole fireballs/shroom's stuff to break Mario outta the "kiddy" stigma!
i don't mean this in a bad way at all, but you really need to head Nintendo's Fanby Division.


What console has ever had a solid RPG at launch?


Feel lucky with how quickly the console got SoA:L. With that and Crystal Chronicles, Tales of Symphonia, Baiten Kaitos and Paper Mario 2.... RPGs is not the systems weak point. I'd rather have the GC RPGs than the PS2 RPGs.


What console has ever had a solid RPG at launch?

I know it wasn't at launch, but Final Fantasy VII came very early on during the PSX's life and look at what heights that game alone rocketed it to (no, I'm not saying the thing was only a success because of FFVII...but certainly it made it successful early on)

To do any good, I think a great RPG needs to launch and be what they are claiming the Revolution is itself: Revolutionary.


Queen of Denmark
JC10001 said:
The way the market works today, Revolution needs a game that lets you blow crap up, carry around guns, pillage, rape and murder people more than it needs any RPG, unfortuantely.
So true. :(


xavean said:
I know it wasn't at launch, but Final Fantasy VII came very early on during the PSX's life and look at what heights that game alone rocketed it to (no, I'm not saying the thing was only a success because of FFVII...but certainly it made it successful early on).
FFVII released in PS1's 3rd year on the market. Comparatively Tales of Symphonia actually released earlier on GameCube.
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