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Nintendo says 'touching is good' in sexed-up DS ads


hyperbolically metafictive
except that the ds is a phenomenally unsexy machine, even insofar as machines can be sexy. and its appeal is the same fusty, idiosyncratic charm that so many nintendo products exhibit. and all the leering advertisements in the world won't do a thing to disguise this. and the way you leap from tactile to sensual to sexual is worrying. there's really nothing sexual about the ds.

look, the trouble with "sexy" videogame ads is that they aren't at all sexy. when microsoft tries to sell me on sudeki with "provocative" renders of some splay-limbed barbie doll or crushingly obvious innuendo, i'm not titillated, i'm just chagrined. i don't understand why nintendo fans celebrate nintendo for their ideological purity, and then celebrate nintendo anyway when they trot out a knuckle-dragger like reggie or fatuously try to associate their products with sex. well, i have a theory. but it's silly and insulting.

it's not just the "sexy" ads either. why did nintendo try to sell pikmin 2 with midgets in costumes? they're not good at transgression, and it wouldn't suit them anyway.


Credit goes to FriScho in the NDS thread.
drohne said:
how embarrassing for nintendo. witless, sexualized ads for games like bloodrayne and sudeki are depressing enough. witless, sexualized ads for mario and pokémon are just that step too depressing. i wonder who they think they're fooling.
Obviously not you!


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, i only wank to sony ads. that chime before a ps2 spot has me salivating like pavlov's best-conditioned dog.

mike...you're a dork.


Nintendo will be fine, despite the naysayers. Nintendo's console business is "shrinking" now, but it doesn't forever mean it's going to be that way, plus YEAH it's gonna shrink when new competitor, a BIG and heavily funded venture (X-BOX) who's whole goal it was to hurt Nintendo comes into the market making less room for everybody. But gaming is growing, and Nintendo is creating a 3RD tier for themselves...and I wouldn't doubt if the DS could end up being almost as profitable for them as the GBA market (given time).

You're right, the problems with GAMECUBE aren't really because of what NOA is doing now, it's 'cos they had something difficult to work with in the first place. GAMECUBE is Japanese focused, therefore ignoring MS, extra features, as well as going for an odd system color and shell design 'cos those things don't matter so much in Japan! Now that Mr. Iwata is in and he knows who his competition is (unlike Mr. Yamauchi who just didn't care about MS) and he himself saying that they were going to do research on the actual shell design (admitting that GAMECUBE's design, was an eyesore to thier image) for Revolution and other such hints make me feel like Nintendo is in better hands.

Alot of people will say that I'm using GAMECUBE's bad shell design & poor poor early advertising is an easy excuse as to why it's not doing better...but I think these people really don't realize from the perspective of retailers, analysts, gaming press, mainstream press and the mainstream consumer in general that Nintendo was never taken seriously this generation because the GAMECUBE does not look like a serious machine!


Nintendo trying to act cool, sexy and hip with their marketing is like seeing Grandpa in baggy pants, wearing a trucker hat. They should just stick to the classic image


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Give me a break! People complain about Nintendo not doing enough to improve their image, and now people are complaining that they shouldn't try and be hip, cause it's just not right. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU PEOPLE WANT?

People Always Need A Reason To Bitch About Nintendo™


GaimeGuy said:
Give me a break! People complain about Nintendo not doing enough to improve their image, and now people are complaining that they shouldn't try and be hip, cause it's just not right. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU PEOPLE WANT?

People Always Need A Reason To Bitch About Nintendo™

No doubt. Nintendo used to be on top, and now that they're "at the bottom" everything they do (good or bad) is going to be wrong. If Nintendo were a person and they got hit by a car, onlookers would say they fell incorectly.


DrGAKMAN said:
No doubt. Nintendo used to be on top, and now that they're "at the bottom" everything they do (good or bad) is going to be wrong. If Nintendo were a person and they got hit by a car, onlookers would say they fell incorectly.

You are ignorant.

Nintendo is still the biggest player in this industry.

Nintendo > Sony Computer Entertainment.

They have the biggest profits.

They are a major US publisher.

They are the biggest game publisher in Japan.

They are one of the biggest game publishers in the world.

Their top games sell into the millions.

GBA + GCN + Metroid/Pokemon/Zelda/ Mario/Starfox/etc. = $$$$$$$$$$$$$.


Leviathan said:
You are ignorant.

Nintendo is still the biggest player in this industry.

Nintendo > Sony Computer Entertainment.

They have the biggest profits.

They are a major US publisher.

They are one of the biggest game publishers in the world.

Their top games sell into the millions.

GBA + GCN + Metroid/Pokemon/Zelda/ Mario/Starfox/etc. = $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Before you aim your cannons at a FELLOW NINTENDO FANBOY, maybe you should read the post more coherently before you spout off your own ignorance. Seriously...I've been watching you and you make us look bad.

When I said that "Nintendo used to be on top"...realistically, from a mainstream P-O-V that is the truth. I didn't say it in a negative way towards the company, nor was I suggesting they suck...at all...but from the image standpoint you best agree that Nintendo is at the bottom or you're outta touch with reality darlin'. Yes...Nintendo makes LOADS of money, yes they're still a top player in the industry, yes they've got bank, but I wasn't talking about them as a business...I wasn't talking about them as far as profitability...I was talking about thier image. If you had been paying attention to not only this topic, that post you quoted and me as a poster, you woulda realized that, but instead you go and try to "own" me by being an ass. Wow cool dude, thanks for justifying the Nintendo audiences maturity level with just one ignorant post, that wasn't even on topic, didn't comprehend the post you quoted and was aimed at the WRONG person.


DrGAKMAN said:
Before you aim your cannons at a FELLOW NINTENDO FANBOY, maybe you should read the post more coherently before you spout off your own ignorance. Seriously...I've been watching you and you make us look bad.

When I said that "Nintendo used to be on top"...realistically, from a mainstream P-O-V that is the truth. I didn't say it in a negative way towards the company, nor was I suggesting they suck...at all...but from the image standpoint you best agree that Nintendo is at the bottom or you're outta touch with reality darlin'. Yes...Nintendo makes LOADS of money, yes they're still a top player in the industry, yes they've got bank, but I wasn't talking about them as a business...I wasn't talking about them as far as profitability...I was talking about thier image. If you had been paying attention to not only this topic, that post you quoted and me as a poster, you woulda realized that, but instead you go and try to "own" me by being an ass. Wow cool dude, thanks for justifying the Nintendo audiences maturity level with just one ignorant post, that wasn't even on topic, didn't comprehend the post you quoted and was aimed at the WRONG person.

Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda. Was there anything in my post that was incorrect? If so, prove it.


Print ads appear in young men's magazines Maxim and Blender, with a buxom woman holding a DS model and advising, "How to Score! ... Start listening to her needs, playa!"

I have a scan of this ad that I'll post if it's allowed. :)


Leviathan said:
Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda. Was there anything in my post that was incorrect? If so, prove it.

Do you even read?

This wasn't even about being right or wrong, this was you saying I was ignorant 'cos I said that "Nintendo used to be on top" in context that had to do with thier IMAGE...not business. If you had read where I was going in this topic, and read that post coherently and realized who you were talking to then maybe you would realize that calling me ignorant was ignorant in itself. But hey I can speak your language if you like:

To be ignorant is to ignore logic and coherency and instead quickly spouting off stupidity without even knowing what you're talking about or who you're even talking to.

You are ignorant.

I wasn't badmouthing Nintendo.

I wasn't even talking about thier stature or where they stand in the industry business wise.

I was talking about Nintendo's image.

This is a topic about NDS's advertising.

Advertising is often linked to a companies image.

If you had payed attention to our posts, then maybe you wouldn't feel so schooled right now.


DrGAKMAN said:
This wasn't even about being right or wrong, this was you saying I was ignorant 'cos I said that "Nintendo used to be on top" in context that had to do with thier IMAGE...not business.

...but from the image standpoint you best agree that Nintendo is at the bottom or you're outta touch with reality darlin'.

I was talking about Nintendo's image.


If Nintendo has an "image" problem then explain how:

(1) Nintendo has SOLD as many so-called "kiddy" Gamecubes worldwide as Microsoft has sold "teh mature!1!1!!!" Xboxes?

(2) Pokemon is a huge phenomenon SALES wise?

(3) The GBA is a huge phenomenon SALES wise?

(4) Nintendo's main franchises SELL into the millions?

(5) Nintendo SELLS more games worldwide than Sony?


Leviathan said:
You are ignorant.

Nintendo is still the biggest player in this industry.

Nintendo > Sony Computer Entertainment.

They have the biggest profits.

They are a major US publisher.

They are the biggest game publisher in Japan.

They are one of the biggest game publishers in the world.

Their top games sell into the millions.

GBA + GCN + Metroid/Pokemon/Zelda/ Mario/Starfox/etc. = $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

:lol I read the reply and then show his tag and I burst out laughing.

edit: Damnit he's banned. He was entertaining... stupid but entertaining...


Leviathan said:

If Nintendo has an "image" problem then explain how:

(1) Nintendo has SOLD as many so-called "kiddy" Gamecubes worldwide as Microsoft has sold "teh mature!1!1!!!" Xboxes?

(2) Pokemon is a huge phenomenon SALES wise?

(3) The GBA is a huge phenomenon SALES wise?

(4) Nintendo's main franchises SELL into the millions?

(5) Nintendo SELLS more games worldwide than Sony?

Oh my...you did read my posts, and yet you're STILL delusional enough to believe that Nintendo doesn't have a bad image??? Perrin Kaplan ***said herself*** that Nintendo was #1 at making money, #2 in sales/marketshare but #3 in image/mindshare. I'm sorry, but when a Nintendo higher up says it, then it's hard to say otherwise. Yeah, Nintendo still makes money and nobody does it better...that's not what I was talking about then and that's not what I'm talking about now.

This is you personally attacking me 'cos it is your opinion that they have a good image when we ALL know that their third in that category. Nowhere do I insult them as a company...at all...I'm merely stating the fact that amoungst the "big 3" thier third when it comes to mindshare. Sorry, but if you can't accept that then you're outta touch. Would you not agree that they could use a boost in the image department, if they had the image of Sony then MS would be in the dust...and I'm not just talking in sales or in a business sense, I'm talking about overall mindshare and mainstream acceptance. Where GAMECUBE (not PokeMon, not GameBoy) stands right now Nintendo hasn't hit the mainstream as well as Sony & MS have...sorry, but they haven't.

Don't retort this post with how Nintendo is so profitable, or how well thier games sell...'cos we both know that if thier image was better then that would make thier sales even better. By your logic Nintendo should stop advertising or continue with Mario Sunshine quality commersials 'cos thier profits are so high it makes up for shitty advertising and bad image/mindshare.

Man...you are off your rocker!

EDIT: Man...he got banned! It's funny how he's been arguing with a bunch of Sony & X-BOX fans and annoying alot of people, but then when he targets me (a fellow Nintendo fan) he got banned. Ha...the irony. I guess he had to target me 'cos everyone else probably put him on ignore. I tried to PM him so this topic wouldn't get ruined, but he instead insisted on getting schooled in topic. I'm sorry...I'm a Nintendo fan, but that was just isanly fanatical. Sometimes it's entertaining and I know why that's mod's keep us around, but damn...he was like not even listening to reason when he posted!

Justice: 1
Leviathan: 0


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
DrGAKMAN said:
Oh my...you did read my posts, and yet you're STILL delusional enough to believe that Nintendo doesn't have a bad image??? Perrin Kaplan ***said herself*** that Nintendo was #1 at making money, #2 in sales/marketshare but #3 in image/mindshare. I'm sorry, but when a Nintendo higher up says it, then it's hard to say otherwise. Yeah, Nintendo still makes money and nobody does it better...that's not what I was talking about then and that's not what I'm talking about now.

This is you personally attacking me 'cos it is your opinion that they have a good image when we ALL know that their third in that category. Nowhere do I insult them as a company...at all...I'm merely stating the fact that amoungst the "big 3" thier third when it comes to mindshare. Sorry, but if you can't accept that then you're outta touch. Would you not agree that they could use a boost in the image department, if they had the image of Sony then MS would be in the dust...and I'm not just talking in sales or in a business sense, I'm talking about overall mindshare and mainstream acceptance. Where GAMECUBE (not PokeMon, not GameBoy) stands right now Nintendo hasn't hit the mainstream as well as Sony & MS have...sorry, but they haven't.

Don't retort this post with how Nintendo is so profitable, or how well thier games sell...'cos we both know that if thier image was better then that would make thier sales even better. By your logic Nintendo should stop advertising or continue with Mario Sunshine quality commersials 'cos thier profits are so high it makes up for shitty advertising and bad image/mindshare.

Man...you are off your rocker!

Can you guys have an argument without resorting to name calling? Thanks.

*goes back to eating his popcorn*


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Scalemail Ted said:
yeah..well, I think the other half of the argument got banned.

damn it now I don't have anything to watch while eating this popcorn.
Leviathan said:

If Nintendo has an "image" problem then explain how:

(1) Nintendo has SOLD as many so-called "kiddy" Gamecubes worldwide as Microsoft has sold "teh mature!1!1!!!" Xboxes?

(2) Pokemon is a huge phenomenon SALES wise?

(3) The GBA is a huge phenomenon SALES wise?

(4) Nintendo's main franchises SELL into the millions?

(5) Nintendo SELLS more games worldwide than Sony?

I'm as big a Nintendo fan as the biggest out there, but I will tell you they have an image problem.

1 - Microsoft hasn't sold shit in Japan, Nintendo has because they have no image problem over there (whereas Microsoft does).

2 - While Nintendo does have a kiddie image problem, the kid market is still MASSIVE.

3 - See #2, plus the GBA has other games, and it's also low priced to make it more attractive to consumers.

4 - Nintendo's main franchies sell well because everybody who owns a system buys them. I guess the biggest franchise on PS2 is GTA, but it doesn't penetrate the PS2 userbase as well as Mario and Zelda penetrate the GameCube userbase.

5 - Nintendo has more development studios than Sony, a LOT more. Sony relies heavily on 3rd parties, and has only a few first parties. Their biggest first party titles don't sell near as well as Nintendo's. It all boils down to the fact that Nintendo is known for games, and Sony is known for their platform.

Agent X

drohne said:
i don't understand why nintendo fans celebrate nintendo for their ideological purity, and then celebrate nintendo anyway when they trot out a knuckle-dragger like reggie or fatuously try to associate their products with sex.

I was thinking along similar lines when I read this thread.

It's very difficult for a company that's traditionally been "family friendly" to suddenly market towards an entirely different demographic. The problem here is that their effort is so blatant, forced, and overt, that it stands a good chance of backfiring for these reasons:

1. Parents who are considering buying the DS for their children might be offended if Nintendo tries to portray it as a "mature" system.
2. Most other people will perceive Nintendo as "trying too hard" to change their public image, without really understanding what it is that needs changing.

See, the launch game lineup really doesn't offer much that older gamers would be interested in, that would make them want to rush out and buy the system. Many of the DS games seem like gussied-up ports of GBA games that no one over the age of 13 would give a darn about, or N64 relics that got stale way back in 1997. The few appealing games are generally multiplatform games like Madden NFL 2005, which is already available on at least 6 other existing formats and is slated for release on at least 3 others (BTW, the "3 others" all have touch screen interfaces, too). Hopefully the future games will be more interesting, and won't rely on gimmicks and "hey, we're cool too" advertising.

I think shuri hit the nail on the head with the following comment:

shuri said:
Nintendo trying to act cool, sexy and hip with their marketing is like seeing Grandpa in baggy pants, wearing a trucker hat. They should just stick to the classic image

That's probably what they should do. The DS marketing approach as described in this article smacks of an attempt to shift directly from one extreme to the other.
Agent X said:
I was thinking along similar lines when I read this thread.

It's very difficult for a company that's traditionally been "family friendly" to suddenly market towards an entirely different demographic. The problem here is that their effort is so blatant, forced, and overt, that it stands a good chance of backfiring for these reasons:

1. Parents who are considering buying the DS for their children might be offended if Nintendo tries to portray it as a "mature" system.
2. Most other people will perceive Nintendo as "trying too hard" to change their public image, without really understanding what it is that needs changing.

See, the launch game lineup really doesn't offer much that older gamers would be interested in, that would make them want to rush out and buy the system. Many of the DS games seem like gussied-up ports of GBA games that no one over the age of 13 would give a darn about, or N64 relics that got stale way back in 1997. The few appealing games are generally multiplatform games like Madden NFL 2005, which is already available on at least 6 other existing formats and is slated for release on at least 3 others (BTW, the "3 others" all have touch screen interfaces, too). Hopefully the future games will be more interesting, and won't rely on gimmicks and "hey, we're cool too" advertising.

I think shuri hit the nail on the head with the following comment:

That's probably what they should do. The DS marketing approach as described in this article smacks of an attempt to shift directly from one extreme to the other.

So what you're saying is that if Nintendo wants to try to reach new audiences they should stay the same?


Agent X said:
I was thinking along similar lines when I read this thread.

It's very difficult for a company that's traditionally been "family friendly" to suddenly market towards an entirely different demographic. The problem here is that their effort is so blatant, forced, and overt, that it stands a good chance of backfiring for these reasons:

1. Parents who are considering buying the DS for their children might be offended if Nintendo tries to portray it as a "mature" system.
2. Most other people will perceive Nintendo as "trying too hard" to change their public image, without really understanding what it is that needs changing.

See, the launch game lineup really doesn't offer much that older gamers would be interested in, that would make them want to rush out and buy the system. Many of the DS games seem like gussied-up ports of GBA games that no one over the age of 13 would give a darn about, or N64 relics that got stale way back in 1997. The few appealing games are generally multiplatform games like Madden NFL 2005, which is already available on at least 6 other existing formats and is slated for release on at least 3 others (BTW, the "3 others" all have touch screen interfaces, too). Hopefully the future games will be more interesting, and won't rely on gimmicks and "hey, we're cool too" advertising.

I think shuri hit the nail on the head with the following comment:

That's probably what they should do. The DS marketing approach as described in this article smacks of an attempt to shift directly from one extreme to the other.

Thanks for going back on topic.

I don't really agree, but I see where you're coming from. You're probably thinking of Nintendo's past attempts at being "mature" with like the Conker ad's and such. I think it's a possitive thing for Nintendo when an outside mainstream press looks at thier NDS advertising approach in a possitive light though.

As far as Reggie goes, I think some people are too hard on him and others are seeing him as the man who's gonna "turn things around". While I don't see him as the one to turn things around (the whole company has to turn, not just one dude) I also don't see him as this idiot neanderthal people say he is...it's his job to hype stuff and talk smack...he's in the image business! Would you rather Nintendo continue with the once or twice at 3AM, on 3RD tier cable ads with Mario Sunshine-esque approach??? I think Reggie is better then THAT crap!

I think I can wrap up the "Nintendo's DS advertising is bad/wrong" argument with what was said before. No matter what Nintendo does (kiddy approach or "mature" approach) they're gonna be wrong. People say they can't stand that Nintendo is always doing quirky new stuff, then they complain when Nintendo "milks" thier tried & true stuff. Thing is, people have different opinions and tastes and you simply can't satisfy everyone, but I think this advertising works well with Nintendo DS 'cos...

Cruel Bastard Mario said:
I think bumping up the sexiness of the advertising makes great sense. First, people want sexy hardware. Ever since this industry began (or since the introduction of compitition made it an issue, anyway) people have been talking about the sexiness of their hardware. and Second, the NDS (with it's touchscreen) is a very tactile machine. It's all about touching. It's a perfect opportunity to go for a sensual approach, because there aren't really borders between you and the machine anymore.


Scalemail Ted said:
So what you're saying is that if Nintendo wants to try to reach new audiences they should stay the same?


Man...I wish I could sum stuff up like that with one-liners.

Agent X

Scalemail Ted said:
So what you're saying is that if Nintendo wants to try to reach new audiences they should stay the same?

No, what I'm saying is that Nintendo is not addressing their real weaknesses.


Scalemail Ted said:
So then what are Nintendo's real weaknesses?

Bad image as a whole. And on the console front not being taken seriously by publishers. There's tons of games that come out on PS2 *and* X-BOX, but that don't come to GAMECUBE. Then there's the whole bad Nintendo representation at rental & retail outlets, not to mention constant doomsday reports from the press and analysts. This is all chocked up to bad image. Nintendo also seems to have glaring holes in thier console lineup. They need better racers, sports, fighters and more mainstream stuff. There's also other stuff...but most of thier main problems have to do with not enough games and a poor image!
Agent X said:
See, the launch game lineup really doesn't offer much that older gamers would be interested in, that would make them want to rush out and buy the system. Many of the DS games seem like gussied-up ports of GBA games that no one over the age of 13 would give a darn about, or N64 relics that got stale way back in 1997. The few appealing games are generally multiplatform games like Madden NFL 2005, which is already available on at least 6 other existing formats and is slated for release on at least 3 others (BTW, the "3 others" all have touch screen interfaces, too). Hopefully the future games will be more interesting, and won't rely on gimmicks and "hey, we're cool too" advertising.

So this is what you consider to be Nintendo's Weakness?
Now is this in reference to Nintendo's games historically or just this specific line-up?
Is the problem the games that are made are of no interest to older audiences?
What kind of games would appeal to an older market?


Still Tagged Accordingly
it's real

'Touching is Good' Campaign Features Provocative Spots

REDMOND, Wash., Oct. 25, 2004 - Do not adjust your TV sets. The sultry voice you hear emanating amid the static heralds Nintendo's massive, multimillion-dollar "Touching is good" campaign to spread the word about the innovative, touch- and dual-screened Nintendo DS™. The new hand-held video game and communications system launches Nov. 21, and will be backed by the largest launch program ever for a Nintendo product.

Since childhood, we've been told "please do not touch" - don't touch that lamp, stop touching your food and don't touch anything in this store. Nintendo DS changes those rules. The "Touching is good" multimedia campaign creatively touts the unique features of the dual-screened Nintendo DS, which include a touch screen, a built-in chat function, wireless communication and voice recognition.

Intriguing pre-launch television ads begin airing on Oct. 25. The series of three ads presents a static-filled screen with a female voice-over that encourages viewers to interact with two blue boxes that appear on the screen. The sultry requests for interaction coincide with the special features of Nintendo DS.

To support this pre-launch effort, Nintendo has aligned itself with powerful media partners that target a hip, male demographic. MTV produced a custom ad for Nintendo DS featuring the stars of Wildboyz using Nintendo DS to play a wireless multiplayer game while engaging in one of their exciting trademark adventures. Nintendo will offer a video with behind-the-scenes footage of the making of this commercial on Nintendo.com. In addition, custom advertorials will run exclusively in Dennis Publishing's Maxim, Blender and Stuff magazines, instructing readers "How to Score." The ads relate to readers and viewers of these popular media brands by speaking their language.

During the launch phase for Nintendo DS, three new television ads will showcase the unit's unique features. This engaging and surreal campaign will demonstrate the appeal of Nintendo DS to a wide range of ages and demographics. Consumers will not be identified simply by age, but rather by the kinds of lifestyles they lead. Nintendo will market Nintendo DS to the full spectrum of hipsters, budding enthusiasts and hard-core gamers.

In December, Nintendo will run ads on more than 5,000 movie screens across the country. Print ads in gaming magazines will support the launch, along with a full range of Internet and broadband efforts. There will be unique program integration with major TV networks. In addition, Nintendo DS is being featured on the Nintendo Fusion Tour, a multi-city tour that presents the best in music and video games.

"The campaign for Nintendo DS marks a different, bolder approach for Nintendo," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "We think such a radically different and creative device like Nintendo DS deserves the backing of an equally innovative and provocative marketing campaign."

Nintendo's media agency of record, Starcom U.S.A., and its specialist division, Starcom Entertainment, negotiated media placement and branded integration with MTV and Dennis Publishing. Nintendo of America's advertising agency, Leo Burnett USA, created the pre-launch and launch television ads.

Nintendo DS will sell at an MSRP of $149.99. In addition to the built-in PictoChat™ chat function, Nintendo DS will come bundled with a playable demo of Metroid Prime® Hunters: First Hunt, the latest installment in an extremely popular first-person shooter franchise.

Before the end of the year, Nintendo DS users will be able to enjoy games of all kinds, from Super Mario® 64 DS from Nintendo, Madden NFL 2005, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 2005 and The Urbz™: Sims in the City™ from EA, and Spider-Man 2™ from Activision. Other third-party titles available during the launch window include Ping Pals from THQ, Feel the Magic™: XY/XX from SEGA, Rayman® DS and Asphalt Urban GT™ from Ubisoft and Ridge Racer® DS and Mr. DRILLER®: Drill Spirits™ from Namco. More than 120 games remain in development for Nintendo DS around the world.

The worldwide leader and innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its popular home and portable video game systems. Each year, hundreds of all-new titles for the best-selling Game Boy® Advance, Nintendo DS™ and Nintendo GameCube™ systems extend Nintendo's vast game library and continue the tradition of delivering a rich, diverse mix of quality video games for players of all ages. Since the release of its first home video game system in 1983, Nintendo has sold more than 1.9 billion video games and more than 170 million hardware units globally, creating enduring industry icons such as Mario™ and Donkey Kong® and launching popular culture franchise phenomena such as Metroid®, Zelda™ and Pokémon®. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of America Inc., based in Redmond, Wash., serves as headquarters for Nintendo's operations in the Western Hemisphere.


Scrow said:
Nintendo has sold more than 1.9 billion video games and more than 170 million hardware units globally
Actually Nintendo sold well over twice that many hardware units... they've sold about 170 million Game Boys though.


drohne said:
it's kenji the lawyer. he represents the sf kosmo gang.

oh fine, i won't be a dick: it's a character from bangaioh.

I thought it was the elephant man or something :p
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