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Nintendo Switch Discussion Thread (Question of the Day, Countdown, etc)

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What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

As Ubisoft seems to like Switch so much I think Trackmania and Trials would be well suited to a portable console. So those.



What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

I would strongly consider Persona 5, if it will get a Switch port later on. I would also invest in Xenosaga trilogy, if Namco were to finally produce one. Heck, pretty much every JRPG coming to Switch, I would buy. Outside of RPG's there's very few I actually want, outside of Indie-titles. Of course if Megaman and Castlevania would make a comeback, and there. Oh, and everything Platinum Games makes, I'm in.



What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

Final Fantasy VII remake 100%. FFXV possibly, being portable might become its saving grace. Persona 5 absolutely. Skyrim will fill in the absence of Zelda quite nicely. A Yugioh game and a Bomberman game would be fantastic.


With Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Splatoon being ported to the Switch, there remain just five Wii U games I'd buy, if I ever buy a Wii U. There's also three more I might consider, but I don't particularly feel like playing them. This sucks, especially considering the price of the Wii U. Its just not worth it.

So, why don't I just skip the Wii U? Well, these five games include Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101, which I really want to play, and I already bought the First Print Edition of B2 back then, as I was 95% sure I'd get myself a Wii U for Christmas the year B2 launched, but ultimately didn't.
I'd like:

Sonic Mania
Transformers Devastation
Marvel vs. Capcom 4.

The first two should be guaranteed for the Switch (provided SEGA isn't being horribly retarded here). I already have TFD on Steam but I'd like to have it on the go. MvC4 would be cool, even if it doesn't exist....maybe?



What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

Maybe something like Sonic 2017? So long as it wasn't nerfed from 60fps to 30fps, or something like that, to accomodate running on a portable.

Otherwise probably indie games. But mainly I'd just see a Switch as the console to get the games behind the characters of Smash Bros, good third party games would be a plus.



What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

Hmmm good one:
Kingdom Hearts 3 or the remaster remixes on Switch would be cool.

Some Final Fantasy spinoff games or full mainline games if possible.

Minecraft (well this will come out for sure down the road)

3rd party games wich use Nintendo IP like Hyrule Warriors and the rumored mario rabbids rpg game.

Maybe some Rockstar games if the Switch sells well like GTA and Red Dead.

Metal Gear Solid mega collection with all main games from the series.

Thats pretty much it what i could think of for now.



What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

Ohh yes, this is very much a question I've been waiting for, I'm sure we've all got a mental shopping list

- Overwatch (This is pretty much all I'm playing right now, it's endless fun. I play mostly on PC, but occasionally on PS4, and they feel very different. Given my fondness for Symmetra and Tobjorn, I prefer the console balancing. I'd love a version on Switch, given the likelihood of their free online multiplayer)

- Hearthstone/Gwent (I love card games, and having these on the go along with Streetpass potential would be exquisite)

- Rocket League (Incredible pick up and play game, having it anywhere would be wonderful)

- Civ 6 (It would be such a strange experience to play a 4X game on a Nintendo platform, and I've yet to pick up Civ VI)

- Yooka Laylee (Currently have this pre-ordered for WiiU, so we'll see if we get the chance to upgrade)

- Fallout 4 (Given Skyrim is coming, I can only hope Fallout also makes the Switch. I recently finished F4 and would love to go through it again plus DLC)

- Fractured But Whole (South Park RPGs are good stuff, and would suit the platform)

- Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Enjoyed what I played of it but never bought it due to PS4 requiring Plus, and Origin on PC. If Switch has free multiplayer, it seems like a no brainer.)

- Persona 5 (Playing P4G on Vita, loving it)

- Cuphead (What a pretty thing it is)

- Nidhogg [the original] (Great to play with individual Joycons I reckon)

- Leathal League (Same as Nidhogg)

- Zero Escape: Nonary Games (Yet to play Zero Escape, I've been waiting until a collection came along)

- Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 (Still yet to play Kingdom Hearts, but recentlt getting very into Disney. Don't let me down, Squeenix!)


Can I ask a quick question has any of rumors pointed to being able to expand the internal memory from 32Gb?

Not specifically the internal memory (and 32 GB is still a rumour, though I do think Laura Dale will be correct), but rumours have told us that we can expand storage with SD cards that are officially supported for sizes up to 128 GB (but that emphatically does not mean you can't have higher: the 3DS works with SD cards much larger than the supported size). You should be able to put in a 256 GB or 512 GB SD card in, which should give you a large pool of memory.


There looks to be a MicroSd card slot underneath the kickstand, 128 gig cards are quite affordable now.

Not specifically the internal memory (and 32 GB is still a rumour, though I do think Laura Dale will be correct), but rumours have told us that we can expand storage with SD cards that are officially supported for sizes up to 128 GB (but that emphatically does not mean you can't have higher: the 3DS works with SD cards much larger than the supported size). You should be able to put in a 256 GB or 512 GB SD card in, which should give you a large pool of memory.

Thanks guys.


I really hope the Switch gets a number of big multiplayer titles from third parties because I'd happily move to that platform if it has free multiplayer over Xbone and PS4


Gold Member
i'll be getting one just for mario/zelda/pokemon. however, if Rocket League/Overwatch were to come to the Switch that would be great. might pick up Skyrim too.

really hope the rumored prices are true. i was prepared to pay £350. if the rumors are true then i will get the £250 premium model with extra storage/bundled game, the pro controller, and another game.

i know zelda/pokemon won't be there on launch but i'll be getting a switch day 1. they are probably gonna be really hard to get a hold off. i remember the Wii launch and the launch of the NES Classic doesn't make me feel optimistic about the switch's launch.


I'd be getting it mainly for nintendo games, but I would buy exclusive third party stuff. Any third party multiplatform I buy on PC (I skip out on multiplatform on ps4 and xbox also), but I would probably rebuy Skyrim just so I could play it anywhere. The portability could possibly increase my interest in some multiplatform games, but I would really have to see what gets announced.


I literally just bought it for PS4 but I'll probably buy again for the portability. (Remote play sucks)

I love that game!

I can see myself in the bed, with some earphones, exploring dungeons at 2 AM. The perfect setting.

Unless it has Xbox level mod support there is no way in hell I'd buy Skyrim again.

Unfortunately I think the rumor stated it was like the PS4 version, so mods only with the in-game assets.
I couldn't really imagine it not being on the console. The only issue is launching alongside Mario Switch. I believe YL is due in march ?

Playtonic's said they're not currently working on a Switch version right now. They're personally handling the Wii U and PC versions, while the others are outsourced I believe.

Why they're doing Wii U out of all the consoles is pretty obvious: Most of their backers pledged for it. Obviously they're wanting to appeal to Nintendo fans who grew up playing Rare's games on the N64, and they're wanting to give the Wii U version "the right attention". I'd imagine they'd do the Switch port themselves when the time comes.


Oh god I'm getting hyped just thinking about Pokémon: Stars on the switch. I've been waiting my whole life for online Pokémon battles on my couch. I hope they add online functionality besides what's already in Sun and Moon. Even if it's just the switch system level friends list or whatever, could be really neat with something like Miiverse implemented as a way of organizing tourneys and inviting people to watch. I hope that share button allows for easy uploads to YouTube ect. Very excited about this console now!


Dont't have a PS4, X1 or high end gaming PC. So I'd buy any 3rd party game that interests me on Switch.


Shenmue III


Shit, forgot Sonic Mania somehow. That too for sure!

Random thought, any signs as to where the Amiibo scanner is on the Switch? I'm guessing the screen like with the New 3DS, but they'll be tricky to use when the unit is docked if so. Maybe it's on one of the Joy-Cons?



-games not also developed for PS4

-games that do or don't look as good as PS4 version but have more appealing control options (ex. Vanquish 2 on Switch looks worse, but lets you use IR aiming while secondary analog stick for camera control or Indie game SteamWorld Quest looks as good on Switch and has better control options)
Looks like a nice lineup for the first year. Even though they're getting mobile games, I don't see any main series Animal Crossing or Fire Emblem games coming until 2018. New Leaf just had a pretty big update and the Splatoon team is also in that division, and Fire Emblem Fates took 3 years after Awakening and they might go down the multiple versions route again.

I don't know if I'll buy many third party games though since I'm probably getting a PS4 soon. Although I do prefer using a handheld to play games a lot of the time for multitasking reasons.
Playtonic's said they're not currently working on a Switch version right now. They're personally handling the Wii U and PC versions, while the others are outsourced I believe.

Why they're doing Wii U out of all the consoles is pretty obvious: Most of their backers pledged for it. Obviously they're wanting to appeal to Nintendo fans who grew up playing Rare's games on the N64, and they're wanting to give the Wii U version "the right attention". I'd imagine they'd do the Switch port themselves when the time comes.

Ahh ok.

Maybe the we are not currently not working on a Switch version is just PR speak. Saying that they're not the biggest studio in the world are they? Be cool to see it on the Switch though.
The whole SRPG for Mario X Rabbids will probably end up being the reason I don't get it. It's fine because everything doesn't have to appeal to me. It's nice to see variety in the lineup.
What third party games you would buy if they announce it for Nintendo Switch?

Thanks, BDGAME.

Already setting money aside for DQXI, Skyrim, and anything From announces. RE7 would be sweet too.

I really hope that a) the Metroid rumor is true and b) we're either getting a 2D or 3D game in the vein of Metroid Prime and Super Metroid.

I'm guessing that even if a) pans out, we're not going to get Metroid. We're going to get Other M or Federation Force or some shooter or some open world game or some action RPG. And I'm going to be glum. That's my guess. All the From Metroid posts are not helping :p. Admittedly, I've only played up to getting the Lordvessel in the first Dark Souls this past summer, losing steam as it opened up, but that game is its own thing and is not at all like either Zelda or Metroid and I really don't get the desire to give one of those series to them. Like, it is all about the combat and slowly filling in the map while figuring out how to handle the enemies and hazards. It is not about puzzles and gadgets and platforming like Metroid and has heavier combat focus than Metroid should have. Dark Metroid wouldn't be Metroid.

The thing about the Souls series (to me) is that it is a modern, gameplay mechanics-focused Metroidvania experience. I think a Metroid game in a similar vein- while adding in all of the upgrade/movement mechanics from Metroid- could be a very deep and satisfying experience. Dark Souls 1 for instance has some of the best Metroidvania level design ever seen, and in a Metroid setting it could be a thing of beauty.

Can I ask a quick question has any of rumors pointed to being able to expand the internal memory from 32Gb?

The rumors indicate a MicroSD card slot, as well as a more premium SKU available from launch with more storage (64GB or 128GB, we don't know).


I'd consider buying any 3rd party game on the Switch so long as the 3rd parties...

A. Release the game on the Switch at the same time as other consoles.

B. Release the same version of the game as other consoles (graphical fidelity aside). No skimping on DLC/Multiplayer/online features.

It pissed me off no end that Wii U owners were criticised for poor 3rd party sales on the console when often the releases were either late, or sub-par, or both.


Eh because of the expected power gap I probably won't be buying 3rd parties on the switch, unless they are exclusives.

I would be all over a switch ffv or ffvi remake.


The thing about the Souls series (to me) is that it is a modern, gameplay mechanics-focused Metroidvania experience. I think a Metroid game in a similar vein- while adding in all of the upgrade/movement mechanics from Metroid- could be a very deep and satisfying experience. Dark Souls 1 for instance has some of the best Metroidvania level design ever seen, and in a Metroid setting it could be a thing of beauty.

I don't think you can just add Metroid over the top of Dark Souls. The two game styles would clash. Metroid becoming about feeling your way for paths of least resistance and learning how to weather the encounters better would be it not being Metroid. Platforming and gadgets on top of the Souls gameplay would tie it to the combat deaths and make it repetitive and chore-like. Souls works in part because it doesn't throw much between you and the fights you're working on. Metroid Souls wouldn't be Metroid and would muck up the Souls formula insofar as it tried to be.

If this is about the labyrinth, I guess I could see DS as a 3D Castlevania in that they both have more RPG elements than Metroid. I'm thinking the way gating is done and the way "getting lost" is handled with Castlevania and Dark Souls sharing enemy strength gating at times it seems you could go both ways. Sequence breaking then, is oftentimes about punching above your weight, whereas in Metroid it is largely about inventive platforming and isn't dangled to the player so overtly. In standard play, Metroid is more linear and has a tighter flow. (It probably doesn't help that I don't want the Castlevania side of the "genre" from Metroid.)

Perhaps FROM could make a good Metroid game but I do not see any evidence of that in Dark Souls other than "they make good games," which could apply to lots of developers and is not enough to point to them being good at Metroid in particular. Moreover, they would need to abandon DS formula to do it.

To put this in context, of course, there was little reason to think Retro could pull Metroid Prime off as well and I'm generally in the way where I think the next good Metroid would be a miracle that I cannot foresee.


Portable Battlefield(or even the next Battlefront) would be really nice. Other than that I would like to see Fallout 4 and the Final Fantasy VII remake.

And exclusives of course. That's my main reason for getting consoles after all.'

EDIT: I also hope for a lot of indies to come out. Games like The Witness and Hyper Light Drifter would be a nice addition, even though they are "old".


They would be fools to not port Sonic Mania. Their fanbase is on Nintendo, and even Project Sonic 2017 is already announced for it.
I don't think you can just add Metroid over the top of Dark Souls. The two game styles would clash. Metroid becoming about feeling your way for paths of least resistance and learning how to weather the encounters better would be it not being Metroid. Platforming and gadgets on top of the Souls gameplay would tie it to the combat deaths and make it repetitive and chore-like. Souls works in part because it doesn't throw much between you and the fights you're working on. Metroid Souls wouldn't be Metroid and would muck up the Souls formula insofar as it tried to be.

If this is about the labyrinth, I guess I could see DS as a 3D Castlevania in that they both have more RPG elements than Metroid. I'm thinking the way gating is done and the way "getting lost" is handled with Castlevania and Dark Souls sharing enemy strength gating at times it seems you could go both ways. Sequence breaking then, is oftentimes about punching above your weight, whereas in Metroid it is largely about inventive platforming and isn't dangled to the player so overtly. In standard play, Metroid is more linear and has a tighter flow. (It probably doesn't help that I don't want the Castlevania side of the "genre" from Metroid.)

Perhaps FROM could make a good Metroid game but I do not see any evidence of that in Dark Souls other than "they make good games," which could apply to lots of developers and is not enough to point to them being good at Metroid in particular. Moreover, they would need to abandon DS formula to do it.

To put this in context, of course, there was little reason to think Retro could pull Metroid Prime off as well and I'm generally in the way where I think the next good Metroid would be a miracle that I cannot foresee.

I do agree with a lot of what you're saying. The gameplay mechanics and the gating/progression of DS and Metroid are completely different.

What I think the DS teams can bring to a Metroid game though is cohesive level design. DS1 is in my opinion one of the best showcases of level design in any game, let alone the Metroidvania genre. Metroid generally has that labyrinthine feel with branching paths blocked by platforming/upgrade related challenges, but the different areas in the games don't feel terribly cohesive. In Prime, you have "shortcuts" connecting back to previous areas, but they don't make much sense in the context of the actual world.

DS1 on the other hand gives absolutely every area except Lost Izalith a purpose for being there, for appearing the way it does, and for connecting to the other areas that it connects to. I might be slightly off by calling it just level design- it's more the merging of level design with atmosphere that I found to be phenomenal with Dark Souls. And that's something that Prime is also known for, though I think it can be improved upon greatly.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
They would be fools to not port Sonic Mania. Their fanbase is on Nintendo, and even Project Sonic 2017 is already announced for it.
If Sonic Mania doesn't get a Switch port, that's no good!

Real talk: Really fucking hyped for Sonic Mania. It's the real Sonic 4. I've waited a long time for this.
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