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Nintendo Switch |DT2| No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness

Which of these definitely """real""" leaks are you most hyped for?

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Alls I need is Animal Crossings and a couple good RPGs. (It's to early to announce Pokemon Stars, right?)

I've been stuck with pre-order duty for the family. Really hope Amazon and Best Buy don't give me too much crap about multiple orders.


I've been saying Chair for quote some time, but everyone else says FROM and Platinum.

Not a bad guess actually. Would be a good way for Nintendo and Epic to partner on a UE4 game to show off as a sample in terms of the engine on Switch. They also just randomly updated and re-released Shadow Complex.


Junior Member
That would suck.

I would gladly pay money to get the upcoming content on 3DS. Always seemed weird to me that they're giving those new campaigns away for free, as they do seem like a considerable amount of work.
No worries, the Q&A cleared things up about the future of the Wii U, 3DS, & Vita versions of the game.
Yacht Club Games said:
Q: If I already own Shovel Knight on 3DS/PC/Mac/Linux/Wii U/XB1/PS4/PS3/PS Vita/Amazon Fire will I still get Specter of Torment, King Knight, and Battle Mode for free?

A: Yes. However, as always, Battle Mode is a local-play-only game and so will not appear on 3DS and PS Vita.


It sounds like a terrible idea. I don't even think From is capable of making a game as nuanced as Metroid.

Well, there's already aspects similar to Metroid in Souls, especially in the environmental connection and how From can absolutely nail atmosphere. I'm not saying they're the same things, but you can easily see some fundamentals in the design philosophy.

I mean, it will surprise everyone that Team Ninja is working on another Metroid

Because it wouldn't be, but it's not like that's all From Software can do. The important thing is that the team in charge of the game is good at level design, combat system, bosses, atmosphere and can do subtle storytelling. Those are all things From Software proved that they can do with the Soulsborne series, so i think that if Nintendo assists them (like they do with every team that works with them) and takes care of the technical side and polish of the game, From can be a good choice for Metroid.

I wouldn't want it to play like Souls, but FROM's take on atmosphere, isolation, interlocking level design, player discovery, and detailed environment art would all be pitch perfect for Metroid imo.

I think I get it now, thanks guys ^^


Karen is in there, approved



I can't see how a Souls style game would work with any of the franchises y'all are talking about. I like what I've played of Dark Souls but I reaaaally don't think that style of game works well with Nintendo.
Alls I need is Animal Crossings and a couple good RPGs. (It's to early to announce Pokemon Stars, right?)

I've been stuck with pre-order duty for the family. Really hope Amazon and Best Buy don't give me too much crap about multiple orders.

Too early? Maybe, maybe not. I would expect it to release until summer at the earliest regardless of whether they announce it, so maybe they hold off a while.

I personally think it would be a good idea if they did bring it up as it could be a solid selling point.

I can't see how a Souls style game would work with any of the franchises y'all are talking about. I like what I've played of Dark Souls but I reaaaally don't think that style of game works well with Nintendo.

How does it not with work with Nintendo? What about it makes it inherently not Nintendo?
Not a bad guess actually. Would be a good way for Nintendo and Epic to partner on a UE4 game to show off as a sample in terms of the engine on Switch. They also just randomly updated and re-released Shadow Complex.

I appreciate you adding more thought to my guess! I honestly just threw it out there because Shadow Complex basically is a Metroid game already. That and the fact that it was just randomly remastered as you noted. Never even thought of it being a UE4 showcase game.


Good Art™
I can't see how a Souls style game would work with any of the franchises y'all are talking about. I like what I've played of Dark Souls but I reaaaally don't think that style of game works well with Nintendo.

Developped by From Software wouldn't obligatory mean it has to be exactly like Soul. it would be a joint effort and have its unique style.


Neo Member
Shoulda made it $599 US dollars.


Decided to play along and this time make it a little more convincing lol. Am I breaking the rules by doing this on this forum? If I am, please let me know, been lurking this place for a long time and just got approved and bit ago, don't wanna get banned...


I can't see how a Souls style game would work with any of the franchises y'all are talking about. I like what I've played of Dark Souls but I reaaaally don't think that style of game works well with Nintendo.

Nobody's saying to literally just put Samus in Souls and make Lordran into Zebes, the level design, difficulty, world-building and more are perfectly suited to the Metroid franchise. Having the combat be range-based instead of melee-based, remove the RPG system in favour of permanent upgrades, add in a bit more concrete lore to the world and make the tone lighter but still oppressive and menacing (so from R to PG-13)
Decided to play along and this time make it a little more convincing lol. Am I breaking the rules by doing this on this forum? If I am, please let me know, been lurking this place for a long time and just got approved and bit ago, don't wanna get banned...

No rules being broken. You're not suggesting it's real.

If fact, you're showing how easy it is to fake this sort of thing, which I think is pretty valuable for people.



Decided to play along and this time make it a little more convincing lol. Am I breaking the rules by doing this on this forum? If I am, please let me know, been lurking this place for a long time and just got approved and bit ago, don't wanna get banned...




Does it bug anyone else that every piece of switch promotional material in stores is just the exact same 2 images that we've seen since October?

Not in my opinion. It's a very simple, yet, effective image, so I'm glad they went with it. My only complaint is they haven't promoted that other image which showed the several different configurations of the device. I understand they may want to keep things simple for now, but seeing all those varied modes of play could be a selling point for many also. I'm betting they will put it at the back of the Switch package, but I'd sure love if it got a bit more attention right now.


Amidst all the craziness I'd like to remind folks that we might actually realistically see something regarding BG&E2 tomorrow. Pretty exciting.

Most of GAF has seemingly written it off as:
1) It's likely going to be a small, perhaps digital-only affair
2) It's not entirely exclusive to Nintendo so it's apparently doomed
3) We know about it already so it doesn't count as new somehow
Which is a shame because if it had appeared in the presentation completely out of the blue I think we'd have seen the second coming of Bayonetta 2 levels of hype and meltdown.


Junior Member
*Trailer cold opens with a starry sky*

*Fade to black* "Nintendo presents"

*Camera pans down to reveal the interior of a cavern, with an egg embedded in in ground. Ominous music begins*

*Fade to black again* "Directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki"

*A Metroid bursts open from the egg with its distinctive cry*

*Fade to black for the final time. FROM Software's logo appears as the ominous music builds*

*The Metroid is hovering in front of us. From off-screen, a freezing blast, followed by a missile annihilates the hatching.*

*Camera cuts to Samus in her classic Varia Suit. Her theme from Super Metroid starts building*

*Camera slowly pans around Samus while the sound of several eggs cracking is heard. A camera 180 completed, Samus is cornered by a number of hatchings. She charges her arm cannon as her theme crescendos.*

*Cut to black*


"LATE 2017"

Sweating hard

Try not to spend too much time focussing on that "surprising developer". I would honestly be surprised if they got a mention.

Well then not From or Plat.
Most of GAF has seemingly written it off as:
1) It's likely going to be a small, perhaps digital-only affair
2) It's not entirely exclusive to Nintendo so it's apparently doomed
3) We know about it already so it doesn't count as new somehow
Which is a shame because if it had appeared in the presentation completely out of the blue I think we'd have seen the second coming of Bayonetta 2 levels of hype and meltdown.

As someone who played through BG&E multiple times, I'm ashamed of myself for forgetting this is even a thing that should be happening! This is one case where the leak definitely took away some of the excitement for me.
Most of GAF has seemingly written it off as:
1) It's likely going to be a small, perhaps digital-only affair
2) It's not entirely exclusive to Nintendo so it's apparently doomed
3) We know about it already so it doesn't count as new somehow
Which is a shame because if it had appeared in the presentation completely out of the blue I think we'd have seen the second coming of Bayonetta 2 levels of hype and meltdown.

GAFs wrong and here's why:

1) This contradicts Ancel's stated scope and goal of the game.
2) Yeah, any exclusive talk is silly. We should be glad it exists.
3) People too thirsty for that hype juice, even though another Bayo 2 meltdown would have been entertaining.


El Capitan Todd
Unfortunately I ma still very concerned about them trying to position it for their "core gamers " at first
Both the illusory western positioning (home and western third parties over the more substiantial portable japanese positioning) and the price will disappoint (299, you will see )

Decided to play along and this time make it a little more convincing lol. Am I breaking the rules by doing this on this forum? If I am, please let me know, been lurking this place for a long time and just got approved and bit ago, don't wanna get banned...

So there is a Switch bundle?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I think it's going to do well, but I'm also not a fan of how Nintendo treated fans that did buy the Wii U. Delaying the only Zelda for the Wii U to coincide with the Switch reveal was a dick move.

I'm looking forward to wait games they will show off tomorrow.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Hype trains are banned? When the fuck did this happen and why?

Probably because it's a symptom of delusional fanboyism.

Hype trains are usually for an unknown quantity. They create fervor and zeal that multiplies, usually in echo chambers.
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