Nintendo to shut down online functionality for Wii U and 3DS games in April 2024.



As of early April 2024, online play and other functionality that uses online communication will end service for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U software. Thank you very much for your continued support of our products. Find out more:

Austin Pour One Out GIF by Pixel Bandits


That sucks!! Last time I had my wii u out I was surprised how quickly I could get into Splatoon matches, that was probably like 2 years ago not sure how active it is lately but wouldn't be surprised if it's still just as fast lol. It was really nice being able to play without having to pay the ridiculous Nintendo online prices.


The PS3 still has it and it came out in 2006 lol
PS3 is a beast that sold incredibly well though.

A more apt comparison would be the PSVITA which has had its online shut down since years already despite coming out around the same time as the WIi U so judging just by that alone and how similar(shit) sales were for both I'm not surprised at his reaction.Especially since it's Nintendo we're talking about here and they love to save money wherever they can.


It is understandable, but if that is happening then they need to issue a final firmware to ensure software doesn't start crashing from the network stack hanging, like it already does in Art Academy Atelier when they killed the Miiverse, forcing users to disable networking in the settings.

Nintendo consoles have always been more robust for me than other consoles, but the abandonment of the WiiU bug squashing with firmware updates would have never happened if Iwata was still alive IMO. Games like Batman Origins being poorly tested causing the console to lockup in the first 10min intro and then sporadically throughout the game really isn't on.

Hopefully in putting the console out to pasture they will do one last firmware to squash loads of bugs so it will continue to age as a great last Iwata/Miyamoto console.
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Kind of a crazy short time from the official discontinue to dropping the online support. Though I guess online wasn't as much of a thing for Nintendo before the Switch, they'll probably need to be a lot more careful going forward.


Amazing that the Wii U has been dead far longer than it was alive for support at this point

The thing is swiss cheese though and they don't care, I hope it keeps growing a Dreamcast like situation for homebrew games that get more advanced.

Is someone going to make a backup online network like Pretendo I wonder?


Fucckkkk that. I’d already been working on a Origin Mark dex but that’ll actually be impossible once Bank is done for good. Shadow Pokémon ribbon challenge runs as well. Apriball stock also just went up. This sucks for Pokémon players.
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Marlboro: Other M
We already couldn't play Mario kart online for most of the year, and they already are announcing servers are closing?

It seems I won't be able to play Mario maker for much longer.


Mario Maker 1 and Splatoon 1 not being ported to Switch is criminal. I still prefer the first Splatoon over the others for some reason. Just something about it.
What I missed about Splatoon 1 was playing the mini-games on the gamepad while waiting for the match to start up. That was good fun.

Codes 208

Out of the big 3, the most profitable one is the most stingy as well. 2005 and 2006 online puts them to shame.
Its also their worst selling console, so nothing of value was truly lost

Except for maybe the five people who never upgraded to the switch.
Its also their worst selling console, so nothing of value was truly lost

Except for maybe the five people who never upgraded to the switch.
Man, the WiiU is awesome and there's full races in MK8 and people still play online in Xenoblade Chronicles X.

It's such a shame to see people just shit all over the WiiU on a gaming enthusiast forum. People conveniently forget that the Switch was riding high on WiiU titles for it's first few years. Nintendo made some of their best games on the WiiU and it's a God-tier local coop machine. I own two, still play one on a somewhat regular basis and the other is for backup. I can't say that for any other console I own.
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Hmm, that reminds me. I have to see if I can download all the add-ons to Monster Hunter on the 3DS. (I don't think that was actually being hosted by the nintendo e-shop.)


The PS3 still has it and it came out in 2006 lol
To be fair, Sony still has a significant number of PS3 cloud games as part of PS+ Premium.(Formerly PSNow.)

On Wii U I imagine only MK 8 and Splatoon see any significant online activity now. Splatoon is likely a wasteland outside Japanese players.(the only ones playing 2 years ago when I played a bit)

3DS though makes less sense. It sold significantly better than Wii U
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