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Nintendo's Shipping to Canada: Estimated Shipping Times?


I'm in the process of signing up for the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Demo Disc offer thanks to some generous folks across the web getting me two extra codes, and am hitting another roadblock.

Nintendo says it will take two weeks from the date of processing to get it to me. Now, this is fine; I am in no rush for the disc. The problem is that if it is ANY later than that, I'll be at University while the disc sits here at home. And, I have no idea how long it might be before I get back home...could be two weeks, could be two months.

Has anyone shipped anything from Nintendo to Canada before? I'd use the Zelda Collector's Edition as an example, but mine never got shipped that time around for awhile, and everything got messed up. Are we talking the two weeks, or a longer period of time? Note, it's East Coast.

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