Single katana haze doesn't work like it did anymore though T_T
At first I thought those couple people I parried in PvP and didn't immediately lose all of their stamina just had a lot of it. Then I parried a random enemy and same thing happened.Single katana haze doesn't work like it did anymore though T_T
There's no new region in my game. What the actual fuck.
Go to menu and check what version is you game,maybe it didn't update yet? Should be 1.8. Also make sure you on difficulty you beat the game on.
At first I thought those couple people I parried in PvP and didn't immediately lose all of their stamina just had a lot of it. Then I parried a random enemy and same thing happened.
RIP horrendously OP revenant farming.
There's no new region in my game. What the actual fuck.
Edit: Do I have to beat the "The Queen's Eyes" mission?
It is 1.08. What difficulty?
That is quite likely, as the events of the DLC happen after that one.It is 1.08. What difficulty?
Edit: Do I have to beat the "The Queen's Eyes" mission?
Makes perfect sense.This game is perfect. Can play in short sessions or long.
It's my game away from games lol if that makes sense. Also great game for podcasts.
This game is perfect. Can play in short sessions or long.
It's my game away from games lol if that makes sense. Also great game for podcasts.
Thosein The Queen's Eyes are literally making me ask myself whether I should stop playing videogames. Pure fucking dreck designed to infuriate.three clones
Thosein The Queen's Eyes are literally making me ask myself whether I should stop playing videogames. Pure fucking dreck designed to infuriate.three clones
That new big yokai is dam good
Hey, so how is the kusarigama for pve and pvp? I feel like I'm limiting myself since I just use 2 katana. 1 normal, the other electric. Also, will someone who's ahead tell me how much Okatsu and the blacksmith skins are? I haven't gone that far in the game.
Messed around with the first boss for quite a while, lots of move variety , really good stuff.... I'd say hino/yuki tier if I liked the aesthetic
So I am doing doho and this....
I have done it five times and still no check mark, why? I tried using the skill and whatnot. It wants you to learn and go to skill customization.
None of those three are getting check marks....=(
Sorry, I'm confused. Is that screenshot not yours? I see check marks there, lol.
Trying to finish these last way of the demon missions thru co-op and I can't imagine how some ppl got this far without quick-change scrolls.
Wooo, finally beat two Yokai in a row. Thanks for the tips in this thread guys.
Also I just discovered I was buying single sword skills and there's a separate menu for dual katana -_- so that's a bunch of samurai points wasted. Wonder if I should just restart my playthrough. I'm fairly early in
Had fun using big toad as an Odachi training dummy earlier,
Really like the new dial a combo system, reminds me alot of monster hunter weapon combos.... but god dam do you need to do some heavy fluxing to go fast xD
edit: After writing that down i realize how suspiciously similar it actually is to Long sword in MH....
Had fun using big toad as an Odachi training dummy earlier,
Really like the new dial a combo system, reminds me alot of monster hunter weapon combos.... but god dam do you need to do some heavy fluxing to go fast xD
edit: After writing that down i realize how suspiciously similar it actually is to Long sword in MH....
For those who use dual swords, I made a quick and dirty weapon with skill damage (Sign of the Cross), this will be really good stacked with the master swordsman sign of the cross set bonus. God of wind III ki pulse into SOTC for sick damage.
Those slow strikes at 0:14... yep that's a spirit combo
Sick combos dude. Yeah I'm really liking the weapon too but it uses ki like crazy so gotta double flux all the time. The low stance hilt bash is seriously underrated though, does some good ki damage to enemies.
Says Sign of the Cross: I, does that work with sotc: II also?
oops meant to edit my previous post
I would imagine so as what Sotc II does is allow it to charge quicker but not charge more unlike iai QuickDraw for single katana. In fact it works the same way as a number of skills in that Sotc I is only available in the skill customisation menu (no separate Sotc II) and only Sotc I is shown in the status page as well.
I'll test and confirm later tonight by respeccing to only Sotc I and seeing if I do less or the same damage.