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No Man's Sky Review Thread: The Scores Have Arrived (read OP)

There are far too many nagging survival mechanics in that game to make it relaxing. And I have 170 hours on Euro Truck Simulator, I like relaxing games.

I think it's relaxing. The number one thing for me is that if I land on a planet with hostile conditions, like extreme heat, cold or rads, I get back in my ship and go find a different planet. If it has too few resources, I get back in my ship and find a different planet. There are temperate planets with abundant resources and I explore those. I just have to periodically top off life support which is easy enough since I only explore planets that have isotopes everywhere.


It takes forever to do anything in this game. Traversal is slow and plodding, discouraging me from straying too far from my ship.

This game is terrible, I can forgive the graphics and the horrible fov. What I can't forgive is the horrible gameplay. Moving around feels terrible, when you can't "sprint" you're literally just walking. Have fun walking back to your ship.

You guys know you can "boost-move" right? Like dash forward and jetpack and go flying? Makes getting places on-foot a cinch.


There are far too many nagging survival mechanics in that game to make it relaxing. And I have 170 hours on Euro Truck Simulator, I like relaxing games.

Surviving is easy, but the inventory management is a bit tedious in the beginning. With over a dozen hours in and a ton of suit upgrades and a new ship I'm not really finding that to be an issue anymore.


Somebody just posted some really cool info about star types on Reddit - which I very much doubt any reviewers knew about or found out about:

I never saw this explained in the tutorial, and it looks like not a lot of people even know about it, so I thought I'd explain it here.

Yellow Stars/Class G
These are the default star systems you can travel to from the start of the game. Mostly basic resources can be be found on the planets present within them, and a lot of the planets are barren.

Red Stars/Class K
You need at least a warp reactor sigma to travel to these stars. Planets will have slightly rarer resources on them, and more planets will be habited with fauna and flora.

Green Stars/Class E
You need at least a warp reactor tau to have the ability to travel to these systems. They contain even rarer resources and even more planets will be tropical/lush.

Blue Stars/Class B
You need a fully upgraded warp reactor (theta) to travel to these systems. Planets will have a chance of having even the rarest resources on them, and a higher chance of being lush with plentiful plant and animal life.

In my experience, by default the waypoints to the center, Atlas interference, and black holes only traverse the yellow stars, so by following the path you will only be seeing the lower tier systems. I think it's a way to reward players for venturing off the beaten track, but I'm not certain.

Keep in mind, this is only information from my experience. But to me, it seems that the higher tier systems have a higher chance of having more lush planets with rarer resources.

This makes sense and looking back at my in-game travel records, it matches up very closely.

There are far too many nagging survival mechanics in that game to make it relaxing. And I have 170 hours on Euro Truck Simulator, I like relaxing games.

As the other guy said, I'm sitting on 34 Exosuit inventory slots, 24 spaceship slots, and 19 multitool slots. And the more upgrades/schematics I get the more making shit actually becomes fun, like in a satisfying 'click click' way.

Inventory management has become a much smaller ballache.
I'm right there with you...this is really close to my thoughts. I'm loving the game, but it's not because of the gameplay loop. I think that's fine and can become annoying sometimes with the intricacies of inventory management.

The game is amazing to me for what they did technologically with the universe creation algorithm, combined with the exhilaration that every new planet you visit is the first time it's being seen. It makes you feel so tiny and insignificant in this giant picture, and puts me in awe of what they created. I'm an explorer in games and this just creates an experience for me ive never felt before in a game. I am having more trouble even viewing this as a traditional "game" and see it more as an experience.

I totally understand why some people would never get into this, and I think most of the complaints against NMS are justified. Some people just want a fun gameplay loop and don't get that same joy from direction-less exploring. That being said, while those 90% of people have legit complaints, the other 10% of comments I'm seeing on the Internet now are frothing-at-the-mouth garbage. That group would be miserable no matter what the situation I suppose. There is some serious piling-on here that is kind of disturbing to watch. This thread is civil for the most part, but some other thread/Twitter comments are off-the-reservation crazy.

Totally on board. I personally still love the lore and I actually enjoy all the gameplay (from Pokémon Snap with creatures to flying planet-to-planet to managing inventory) but I can understand why many couldn't get behind it and critical response was lukewarm.

Damn straight, shooting rocks is serious business.

Also of note, lol at the justifying that happens when people have to start admitting that all opinions are valid (both sides).

"Game is not for people who need their hand held"
".... for people who aren't creative"
"for CoD/Madden types"
"for people who aren't chill enough."
"for people who hate freedom and kick puppies in their spare time"

I'm literally going from star to star, gathering stuff to allow me to travel to the next star.... but I'm only using that for direction, my main focus is languages.


Is there any word on a fix for the blueprint already known issue?

I've found some great blueprints scouting around, but 90% of the time it says i already have them and they don't get added to my inventory.


Somebody just posted some really cool info about star types on Reddit - which I very much doubt any reviewers knew about or found out about:


Great Info. I went from green stars with plenty of tropical flora & fauna to a yellow star that was mostly dead... really, really dead. lol

Now off to find how to get those upgrades.


What is the game like when you get past 10-12 hours and aren't dealing with inventory bullshit and subsistence level survival?


Speaking of star systems, I think I have mainly been in F type star systems. Maybe they have been G, but I could swear they are F. Will check when I play again. I have just been following the Atlas path so far.


You always deal with inventory bullshit and recharging stuff

Not "subsistence-level survival" though

And I'd hardly call it bullshit when you've got effectively 70 free slots at any time and you start crafting loads of useful stuff and actually have the things you needed before you even thought you needed them

It def gets better


I submitted a refund request on Steam even though I played 4 hours and got approved.

I enjoyed it to start, but even by 3 hours or so and visiting about 10 planets I could see how absolutely shallow the game is.

It has some great views, and I enjoyed flying around space, but that's about it.

The content on the planets was pretty much identical the entire time, there is almost nothing to do once you have been into all the building types and seen what appears to be a maximum of 3 different ruin formations.

Biggest disappointment for me this gen, overtaking Fallout 4.

I really wanted to like it, and I feel bad for Hello Games really, but this game is completely soulless.

I have to agree with all of this. To me, the whole game feels like a being on an empty mmorpg server ...everything just feels so static and uninteresting. I've visited 4 systems and 9 planets and I already feel like I am at the point where I need to push myself to keep playing.

The inventory management between the exosuit and starship is tedious, mining for resources is boring, the planets are more or less very samey as you mentioned and the ship combat is lacklustre.


people complain about walking... i dont walk more than 5 mins from my ship.. I'll just fly from icon to icon and explore around the immediate vicinity.
I'd like to play it like this too, but my ship eats 25% of fuel every time I fly for some reason. Such a bullshit mechanic.


I'd like to play it like this too, but my ship eats 25% of fuel every time I fly for some reason. Such a bullshit mechanic.

Yeah I tend to hoard plutonium. Plus I get that stupid glitch often that launches the ship into space instead of just off the ground.


I think if I had to sum up this game I'd say it's disappointing with potential. I gotta say this was hands down my most anticipated game, the wait was long and I hung on every bit of info I could get.

The big problem with this game is there is so little to do and the game relies heavily on exploration which is fine with me (long time Minecraft player) but the systems at work in this game do everything possible to even make exploration such an unpleasant experience.

The inventory system is probably the biggest downfall of this game and imo ruins the entire thing. Now I get that they can't give unlimited but after awhile I just started hopping planets because I couldn't be bothered to sell stuff anymore and it felt like I was gathering to throw stuff away just so I can gather more. Even with a maxed out suit it's just a massive bore that keeps taking me away from what I want to do.

The lack of stuff to do is also really bad here and I don't understand why they couldn't figure out some additional things to do here. You can find giant monoliths which grants you some story and you walk up and press X (everything is walk up and press X) and I kept thinking why couldn't they have some sort of switch or puzzle or even an item hidden on the planet that you had to search out in order to power it or whatever, something other than pressing X.

Why can't the planets generate some mini missions or objectives that completing would give you some extra bonus and not just the find everything bonus. Maybe completing them unlocks a treasure box that has good items. I mean this game needs something more because after awhile the planets start becoming the same and It just feels like there is no motivation to explore and considering you can scan almost 90% of the entire planets items within a few minutes of landing it makes it even worse.

Space is completely confined to a small area and the forced space battles with auto lock on are more annoying than fun (so much for big space battles). It's just another thing in your way to a planet. On the planet the ship thrusters are annoying and since the planets have nothing for long stretches you rely on your ship to get around.

Visually the game has it's moments but after roughly 30 planets and putting about 14 hours into this game I've seen the same trees re-skinned, the same 4 legged dinosaur body with different heads and even the land forms look the same and almost every cave I've found all look the same.

I don't know maybe I'm just venting but man I'm just really, really disappointed.I haven't even made it to the center and at this point I feel like I don't really care because if it's like anything else in the game it probably isn't worth the effort. It really feels like a glorified walking sim where you shoot some rocks and press X with a bunch of really boring micromanaging.
I don't have the game so I don't know but can you not take off in atmos without it costing fuel? I understand interplanetary jumps costing fuel, but going around planet should be minimal at best if any.


I don't have the game so I don't know but can you not take off in atmos without it costing fuel? I understand interplanetary jumps costing fuel, but going around planet should be minimal at best if any.

The actual process of lifting off costs fuel, but moving around the planet after lifting off costs nothing.
He probably means critically, in relation to the kind of hype it got.
Yes thank you, I thought that was obvious. Obviously through hype and dishonest messaging they're going to sell a decent amount, but that's not what I'm talking about. If people are satisfied by a 68 metascore fine, but I think compared to what people were expecting, this game has fallen way short. It's unfortunate, since the premise and the trailers were spectacular.
I don't have the game so I don't know but can you not take off in atmos without it costing fuel? I understand interplanetary jumps costing fuel, but going around planet should be minimal at best if any.

The actual process of lifting off costs fuel, but moving around the planet after lifting off costs nothing.

There's two types of fuel, a "lift off mechanism" that reduces by 1/4 or so after every liftoff, and then an actual fuel tank that reduces as you fly around (maybe only reduces in the turbo mode (L1+R1), which can't be enabled in a planet's atmosphere?).

Most planets have plenty of fuel for the liftoff thing, I've just been keeping a full stack of that always in my inventory so I can enter a planet and look for something interesting->land->explore->take off->repeat
Played for a few hours and refunded through Steam. The game ran alright, but I'll wait until they release a few patches to fix a few if the games mechanics.


What do you mean by this?

I meant that each area you warp to feels like a little area with 3-4 planets you can fly to and I was hoping you could fly out far and find more planets but trying to do so just hits an invisible wall. Obviously there has to be some limits but space feels like a small hub to hop between a few planets until you get to the next warp area.
I just requested a refund on steam. I wanted to like the game but it's just too damn repetitive. After three hours of doing the same thing over and over I called it quits.


You always deal with inventory bullshit and recharging stuff

I was under the impression that once you had a ton of inventory slots you could just stock up on the essentials and not have to worry as much about your supply of carbon, plutonium, etc.

The main thing that bothers me is that you can't just zip around a planet on your spaceship. Since every takeoff eats 25% of your thrusters, you have to carefully consider when and where you want to stop for a walk around. If I could just hoard plutonium though, it wouldn't be such a nagging inconvenience to land my ship.

Xaero Gravity

The more I play, the more bored I get. It's oddly relaxing to play after a long day at work, but it's just not something I see myself going back to just to have fun, if that makes any sense. As it stands, it's easily my biggest disappointment this gen and there's no way I can recommend this for $90 Canadian. Had I bought this on Steam, I too would have gotten a refund.


The more I play, the more bored I get. It's oddly relaxing to play after a long day at work, but it's just not something I see myself going back to just to have fun, if that makes any sense. As it stands, it's easily my biggest disappointment this gen and there's no way I can recommend this for $90 Canadian. Had I bought this on Steam, I too would have gotten a refund.

It's $66 CAD ($51~ USD) with no tax on steam and GOG :p


Gold Member
I meant that each area you warp to feels like a little area with 3-4 planets you can fly to and I was hoping you could fly out far and find more planets but trying to do so just hits an invisible wall. Obviously there has to be some limits but space feels like a small hub to hop between a few planets until you get to the next warp area.

Damn that's way different than what I had in my head. Everytime I think I'm going to like the game I hear something else that bums me out.
I think if I had to sum up this game I'd say it's disappointing with potential. I gotta say this was hands down my most anticipated game, the wait was long and I hung on every bit of info I could get.

The big problem with this game is there is so little to do and the game relies heavily on exploration which is fine with me (long time Minecraft player) but the systems at work in this game do everything possible to even make exploration such an unpleasant experience.

The inventory system is probably the biggest downfall of this game and imo ruins the entire thing. Now I get that they can't give unlimited but after awhile I just started hopping planets because I couldn't be bothered to sell stuff anymore and it felt like I was gathering to throw stuff away just so I can gather more. Even with a maxed out suit it's just a massive bore that keeps taking me away from what I want to do.

The lack of stuff to do is also really bad here and I don't understand why they couldn't figure out some additional things to do here. You can find giant monoliths which grants you some story and you walk up and press X (everything is walk up and press X) and I kept thinking why couldn't they have some sort of switch or puzzle or even an item hidden on the planet that you had to search out in order to power it or whatever, something other than pressing X.

Why can't the planets generate some mini missions or objectives that completing would give you some extra bonus and not just the find everything bonus. Maybe completing them unlocks a treasure box that has good items. I mean this game needs something more because after awhile the planets start becoming the same and It just feels like there is no motivation to explore and considering you can scan almost 90% of the entire planets items within a few minutes of landing it makes it even worse.

Space is completely confined to a small area and the forced space battles with auto lock on are more annoying than fun (so much for big space battles). It's just another thing in your way to a planet. On the planet the ship thrusters are annoying and since the planets have nothing for long stretches you rely on your ship to get around.

Visually the game has it's moments but after roughly 30 planets and putting about 14 hours into this game I've seen the same trees re-skinned, the same 4 legged dinosaur body with different heads and even the land forms look the same and almost every cave I've found all look the same.

I don't know maybe I'm just venting but man I'm just really, really disappointed.I haven't even made it to the center and at this point I feel like I don't really care because if it's like anything else in the game it probably isn't worth the effort. It really feels like a glorified walking sim where you shoot some rocks and press X with a bunch of really boring micromanaging.

The more I play, the more bored I get. It's oddly relaxing to play after a long day at work, but it's just not something I see myself going back to just to have fun, if that makes any sense. As it stands, it's easily my biggest disappointment this gen and there's no way I can recommend this for $90 Canadian. Had I bought this on Steam, I too would have gotten a refund.

Gaf, I usually am not one to go by reviews but instead my heart and pre release gameplay. I honestly waited for this game to get reviewed because I was a bit confused as to how things could sustain being so long, and how it looked extremely receptive. When I read things like this, it validates my decision to skip it. I know people will not like what I am saying, but this is honestly the first game in 10+ years that I waited on reviews and player feedback.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Is it possible to get into the Everspace beta now? Or did we have to kickstart it?
Why would someone that likes it want to waste their time convincing someone that doesn't like it to try and like the game?

I'm still playing, still enjoying it, no desire to market the game to anyone or explain in detail why I like it.

On a basic level I enjoy grindy games, they are relaxing, this is grindy and the locations change and the soundtrack is great. Its an enjoyable way for me to spend time and unwind.
Why bother even replying to my post then? If you have no desire to share your thoughts on the game then why didn't you just keep scrolling instead of clicking the reply button and typing? I'm honestly curious as to why people who like it are enjoying it? So have you played any other survival crafters? Any thoughts on what makes this one stand out? Or just that's it's 'chill'? That seems to be common one and I'm not really sure I get it. Just that its a nice, breezy time waster with some decent aesthetics?
They should have hand crafted perhaps one solar system. And added a meaningful story and gameplay. 18 ultra mega million planets doesnt mean nothing if your game is not fun to play and there isn't any meaningful things to do. I hope other companies use this game as an inspiration and make something even better. The technological achievement for no man sky is marvelous. No one can deny that IMO. The fact that they created a game like this straight from mathematics, logic and different algorithms (well to be fair almost all program have some kind of algorithm) is simply amazing.


They should have hand crafted perhaps one solar system. And added a meaningful story and gameplay. 18 ultra mega million planets doesnt mean nothing if your game is not fun to play and there isn't any meaningful things to do. I hope other companies use this game as an inspiration and make something even better. The technological achievement for no man sky is marvelous. No one can deny that IMO. The fact that they created a game like this straight from mathematics, logic and different algorithms (well to be fair almost all program have some kind of algorithm) is simply amazing.
The whole point of the game is to explore hundreds of panels and vast solar systems.


My gripe with the inventory is that upgrades take up space as well. That is one thing I should not have to juggle.

Yeah, when I saw that my heart sank. I get the progression they're going for, and making inventory space the thing you value, but I was already a bit peeved with the inventory at that point, and I got excited when I could build an upgrade and figured it would just absorb into the equipment, it was a moment where the game could've gone a different direction for me but instead just kind of slapped me in the face.

Still holding out for mod support, or at least a few more patches and a price drop.


No, Suicide Squad is a "bombing critically".

This is a "mixed reaction" in terms of the degrees of reception

Show me the threads on movie enthusiast forums where people were going on about how Suicide Squad was going to be the movie of forever. Expectations and reality diverged in a way I have rarely seen here.

This is not directed at you, but I am struggling to understand why some people who really like this game are so resistant to the idea that it might be bad. It's okay to like bad things.


They should have hand crafted perhaps one solar system. And added a meaningful story and gameplay. 18 ultra mega million planets doesnt mean nothing if your game is not fun to play and there isn't any meaningful things to do. I hope other companies use this game as an inspiration and make something even better. The technological achievement for no man sky is marvelous. No one can deny that IMO. The fact that they created a game like this straight from mathematics, logic and different algorithms (well to be fair almost all program have some kind of algorithm) is simply amazing.

I have bad news for you, most video games are made from mathematics, logic, and different algorithms.

Seriously, this isn't amazing at all. Elite does the same thing. Elite did the same thing in the 1980s.


Yes thank you, I thought that was obvious. Obviously through hype and dishonest messaging they're going to sell a decent amount, but that's not what I'm talking about. If people are satisfied by a 68 metascore fine, but I think compared to what people were expecting, this game has fallen way short. It's unfortunate, since the premise and the trailers were spectacular.
Dishonest messaging?
Are we still hang up on the "let's be clear, this is not a mp game, but you might be able to run into someone" thing?
The reviews didn't really bother me, but the lack of any real story, barely any NPCs, and the lame design choices (computer orbs are stores that you can sell/buy things from) bother me way more.

I've jumped 5-6 systems and landed on most of the planets, everything seems the same. What is the point of "exploring" empty worlds so you can make warp cells, rinse and repeat. You'd also expect that being an advanced life form with space faring capabilities, you'd know some way to communicate with the other life forms around.

I think I'll just finally play Mass Effect 3 for PC.
Glad I held off my purchase to be honest, friends are disappointed by it, the playthroughs have bored me and it seems the best thing about it is the soundtrack.

The idea of the game is great in principle but the execution is another matter. I admire Hello Games in the sense they have aimed for something hugely ambitious and massive in scale but what good is having such scale if within that there is very little substance for the player? It just ends up being monotonous and for a game that needed substance, it required a team much bigger than Hello Games.
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