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No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle |OT| of Ultimate Vengeance (loli too)


Everything is tsundere to me
FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC banners by SaintZ! Everybody be sure to complement him for them!

*BEEP* You have [two] new messages. New Message:

Hey this is Diane from Beefhead videos calling to remind you that you have something overdue from us. Here are the details, just so you WON'T FORGET.


Developer: Grasshopper Manufacture
Publisher: Marvelous Entertainment/Ubisoft (US)/Rising Star (EU)
Platforms: Wii
Genre: Assassin Simulator
Number of Players: 1
MSRP: $49.99/€49.99
Official Website: http://nomoreheroesgame.us.ubi.com
Release Date: 01/27/2010 (US)/TBA (JP/EU)


*BEEP* Message Deleted.

New Message:

Hello there, my fine gentleman. We at the UAA are thrilled to have new participants at any time. If you are still interested in the services we provide our members, please call us back at 1-800-KILL-U-NOW. That's 1-800-KILL, the letter 'U', NOW.

Hello, You have reached the UAA automated hotline. Please stand by for options.
Press [1] for more information on ongoing UAA events. Press [2] to speak to a robot.



This month's event is [Pop Culture Killer]. Bishop, that guy at the video store, was killed in cold blood recently. Do you have the motivation and desire to climb your way up to the top to avenge his dead end life and gain all otaku glory? You will meet several fellow assassins on your journey, as well as their countless henchmen. Most of them will want to kill you, but NEW THIS YEAR for the UAA are ALLIES! These are Assassins that won't immediately try and kill you but will instead HELP! We at the UAA pride ourselves in ongoing innovation in the grand recession-proof Assassin Industry.

For more information on what you'll be doing with the UAA, press [1] now. If you still insist on speaking to a robot, press [2]. To repeat press [3]



As an Assassin with the UAA, it's up to you to chose which weapon you kill with, as you can kill someone with just about anything. One that's been making a resurgence is mass amputation via Official Sanctioned UAA BEAM KATANA®. Use your BEAM KATANA® by pressing the A button on your Wii Remote, and then when the enemy is dead enough, swing the Wii Remote vigorously in the requested direction to have your BEAM KATANA® do its work.

Try and fight through all 51 ranks, each with an Assassin to its name, to get the coveted NUMBER ONE SPOT EVER.

If you're worried that the Assassin Life is too much, don't worry, you'll have plenty to do on your downtime, such as do odd jobs, play video games, give your cat a diet, and many other potential activities.

If you want to hear more about those in and involved in the UAA, please press [1]. For the robot, press [2]. We may direct you to him this time. To repeat this section, press [3]/



We have many interesting individuals involved in the UAA

Sylvia Crystal
Founder and current CEO of the UAA, She enjoys yoga, holding Uzis, and wearing her sunglasses at night. By traveling via helicopter, she makes sure each transaction with an Assassin in the UAA has it's own special touch. Though don't get so excited boys, she doesn't get on her knees for just any incompetent dip shit.

Travis Touchdown
Former #1 Assassin, he too is participating in the same event, [Pop Culture Killer] to regain his title! using his BEAM KATANA® to cut down those who might have killed Bishop. He does largely the same thing you do: KILL, watch anime, play video games, KILL, care for his cat, KILL. Are you sure you're not him? You sure look like some bum geek otaku. How can I see you through the phone you ask? Well, I'll leave that up for you to decide.

Currently the #1 All Asia Assassin, Shinobu was spared early in her career by Travis (or you?), and is one of those ALLIES™. Totally dedicated to Travis, she is here to help him attain his #1 Rank.

Also a user of the Official Sanctioned UAA BEAM KATANA®, Henry is Travis's twin brother and husband to our wonderful Sylvia. But don't think there's any favoritism going on, he just happens to be the Cool Handsome Foil. He too is an ALLY™.

Who knows what other interesting characters you might meet at the UAA! Sign up today! Free promotional videos, pamphlets, and testimonials are on their way to your doorstep now!

That concludes the official UAA hotline message service. Thank you for calling.



No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle makes a good and hilarious first impression. The game looks sharp and plays well already, which has left us excited to dive in with more of the game. If you were a fan of the original game, NMH2 is for you. If you never tried the first game, NMH2 will be a good chance to find out what you've been missing out on.









Debut Trailer

E3 2009 Trailer

TGS 2009 Interview

Toilet Trailer #1 - About NMH2

Toilet Trailer #2 - Story


GamePro - 4.5/5
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle is a worthy successor to its 2008 predecessor, and an excellent swan-song for one of the most bizarre, crude, and hilarious protagonists in recent memory. Love it or hate it, there's nothing else quite like No More Heroes, and at the end of the day that only attributes to the game's outlandish appeal.

G4TV - 4/5
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle makes some big improvements on its predecessor. It’s more funny, it looks better and the 8-bit minigames are a fantastic addition. It's not an exceptionally long game, but it's a tight, lean experience that trims away a great deal of the first game's bloat. It has a few big stumbles on the way to its bombastic finale, but it's still a very satisfying experience at its conclusion. Undoubtedly, it's one of the finer games to be released on Wii in some time. Don't feel ashamed about recharging that laser sword. It's for a good cause.

Game Informer - 8.5/10
The game never gets too heavy though; the simple-but-fun beat-em-up combat and ridiculous boss scenarios rise above any minor remaining issues with No More Heroes 2. A few of the later boss battles and levels that attempt to mix things up contain some of the frustrations that dragged the first game down, but for the most part this is yet another third-party Wii exclusive of which Nintendo faithful can be proud. Finally, Suda51 delivers a game that almost anyone can appreciate.

1up.com - A-
But if you fit the rating, and are indeed "mature" enough to see past all of that, you'll find that Desperate Struggle is a fine sequel that takes the fun parts of the original (the combat, the characters, the dialogue) and tries to make those the focus while practically quartering off the weaker parts. By being the high-quality, consistently enjoyable action game it wanted to be the first time around, Desperate Struggle is now a must-buy, and at the very least, finally makes the series deserving of the evangelism surrounding it.

Now connecting you to a robot.


Hey, you've reached Destroy Man, Neither of my two halves are available at the moment, so if you could please leave a message after the DESTROY SPARK!!!!!! -pszzt!- *BEEP*


Sigh. This is so far away for me (I know it's next week) but I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

For clarification, does anyone know what's the go with censorship and such?


Everything is tsundere to me
Nemesis556 said:
Sigh. This is so far away for me (I know it's next week) but I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

For clarification, does anyone know what's the go with censorship and such?
Censorship? What's censorship?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Game length is ~10 hours according to Bozon.


Jocchan said:
Doomed, is the typo (desparate instead of desperate) intentional?

I assumed so since Vengeance was also spelt wrong, and desperate is in the LOGO so how could he spell it wrong? >_>

doomed1 said:
Censorship? What's censorship?

I've heard the EU and JP versions will be released in two different SKUs or something. Not entirely sure what the deal is, but I suppose it doesn't matter since I am grabbing the US version next week....


Nemesis556 said:
I assumed so since Vengeance was also spelt wrong, and desperate is in the LOGO so how could he spell it wrong? >_>

Must be like Inglourious Basterds or something.


With No More Heroes 2 and the Paris, Texas blu-ray both coming out on the 26th, it will now officially be known as Suda 51 day.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Nemesis556 said:
I assumed so since Vengeance was also spelt wrong, and desperate is in the LOGO so how could he spell it wrong? >_>
LOL, didn't notice that.


EatChildren said:
Game length is ~10 hours according to Bozon.
Seemingly shorter than the first, probably due to the lack of hub world.

Oh, about that, excellent OP, but maybe a few words about improvements over NMH1 would be a good thing ?

Also, from the IGN podcast

- Craig says the storyline makes no sense
*whistles* I like that.


This will be mine. Great thread. But very surprised that no one has used the word "Fuckhead" in a post yet.


Oxx said:
Must be like Inglourious Basterds or something.
As intentional as it might be, it's really...... AAAAA damn these minor spelling mistakes making me all jumpy!


Vinnk said:
This will be mine. Great thread. But very surprised that no one has used the word "Fuckhead" in a post yet.

Fuckhead, happy now?

I can't believe this is right around the corner, seems like we just heard about it yesterday.


Dabookerman said:
Wait, NMH2 for the Wii has the option of not using waggle?
That was what was hinted when it wa made clear it was not using wiimotion+,
meaning that in the end I had No More Reasons to finish my playthrough of the first or even getting the sequel
Mael said:
That was what was hinted when it wa made clear it was not using wiimotion+,
meaning that in the end I had No More Reasons to finish my playthrough of the first or even getting the sequel

Luigiv said:
I don't believe so, Nunchuck and Classic controller only.

Very well. I don't have a classic controller, and I still think the idea of having to connect it to the Wiimote incredibly silly. So I won't get one.

In this case, I will wait for the 360 version. I don't see why they won't release it, since they're doing the first one anyway.
Thanks for the info, toodles!


Dabookerman said:
Very well. I don't have a classic controller, and I still think the idea of having to connect it to the Wiimote incredibly silly. So I won't get one.

In this case, I will wait for the 360 version. I don't see why they won't release it, since they're doing the first one anyway.
Thanks for the info, toodles!

Next time don't bother checking the official thread, thanks ;)


Dabookerman said:

If your whole point was saying how much you're awaiting the 360 version of this Wii game, you could do that in all the npd threads available or even the discution thread regarding the ports of NMH.
No need to derail the thread over that.
Now maybe I took your post as an easy troll and if that's not the case then I apologize for this and the last post.


botticus said:
I rather hope Amazon can get this to me sooner than their estimated 2/1 date. I need that weekend.

Not likely. I'm in the same boat as you; Amazon.ca is the fucking worst. Won't be surprised at all if the listing changes to "Out of Stock" on the 26th and our estimated ship dates get pushed into April or some bullshit.


Mael said:
If your whole point was saying how much you're awaiting the 360 version of this Wii game, you could do that in all the npd threads available or even the discution thread regarding the ports of NMH.
No need to derail the thread over that.
Now maybe I took your post as an easy troll and if that's not the case then I apologize for this and the last post.

Are you shitting me? You're going at him for trolling/derailing when your first post was to say that you're not going to finish the FIRST game because the SECOND doesn't support the control scheme you want.



Wiimote fanboy fuckheads, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Really looking forward to this whenever a PAL date comes out. enjoyed the first one despite it's blatant flaws, and from what I've read of this it sounds like they've tightened it up alot for the sequel.

should be a fun ride


Nicktals said:
Are you shitting me? You're going at him for trolling/derailing when your first post was to say that you're not going to finish the FIRST game because the SECOND doesn't support the control scheme you want.


I own the first game since its release in PAL land, what does that tell you about the situation?
The fact that it use the CC instead of going all out with the wm+ means that the gameplay will NOT feel as fresh as the 1rst one did at its release.
Seriously I don't play games for the stories, gfx and all that crap. it's mostly because it provides new experiences, my backlog is also REALLY big at this point. if I've not finished the first (despite playing & loving killer7) I don't see how the compromised sequel could be a good investment for me.

NOTE : I could also talk outa my ass here, I mean the announcement of nmh on the traditional consoles coupled with the announcement of this one using the CC lead me to believe that it would be largely uninteresting to me.
I could be way offbase (and this topic will prove me right or wrong VERY soon, when the game will be released)

pfff who am i kidding I'll buy it anyway >.>
djdac said:
Be ready to wait a long time if it ever does.

I don't mind the wait. This year is already packed.

Mael said:
If your whole point was saying how much you're awaiting the 360 version of this Wii game, you could do that in all the npd threads available or even the discution thread regarding the ports of NMH.
No need to derail the thread over that.
Now maybe I took your post as an easy troll and if that's not the case then I apologize for this and the last post.

I love the fact that I am labelled a troll for asking a pretty harmless question. Not once did I try to antagonize anyone in this thread. If anything it was you guys, but heh, I know how you guys act so it doesn't surprise me.
Anyway, I asked in this thread, because it is ON TOPIC. Since you guys would be the ones to follow NMH related news, and I don't hence the question.
I merely asked some questions, questions were answered, and I was ready to leave, till you are more or less telling me to not come into this thread. Who are you to tell me what thread I can or cannot post in eh?
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