No, the odds are 10:292,000,000 = 1:29,200,000The odds are 1:292million. So if you buy 20$ worth that is ten tickets. So odds are 1:291,999,990
have you ever seen panic room?
The odds are 1:292million. So if you buy 20$ worth that is ten tickets. So odds are 1:291,999,990
Amazing how people will debase themselves so, in the hopes of getting to cheat the lottery. But just because they hire you doesn't mean you get to sneak around and find what the numbers will be!
The odds are 1:292million. So if you buy 20$ worth that is ten tickets. So odds are 1:291,999,990
I think you can purchase tickets online in some states.
Said fuck it and put down 50 bucks on it yesterday.
I won the FFXIV lotto, so I can win this one, right?
No dude. No.
If your odds are 1 out of 100 and you buy 50 tickets, are your odds of winning now 1 out of 50 or 1 out of 2?
Thank you guys. I thought I was going crazy.No, the odds are 10:292,000,000 = 1:29,200,000
If your odds are 1 out of 100 and you buy 50 tickets, are your odds of winning now 1 out of 50 or 1 out of 2?
Homer: I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I am going to win this lottery.
Marge: Homer, the odds are 380 million to one.
Homer: Correction: 380 million to 50!
Alright. Ended up with only $30 worth tonight and one pool at work. Big money!
Lol. No you can't online.
Hmm? I am confused now. I am about to purchase my tickets online. Will I have to go pick them up somewhere then? If so, what is the point in buying them online.
I don't want to waste money if I have to drive to get them since I can't tonight.
So the numbers don't have to be in order right? Just have the five numbers plus the powerball number?
Tickets are $2, not $1. So you'd have to spend twice the number of combinations.
On top of that, tickets have to be bought in person, and if you want to cover all numbers with no duplicates, you have to fill them all out by hand. Running around buying 300 million tickets that way isn't logistically possible.
In that case im definitely winning.The powerball is the only ordered number.
1 ticket with the $1 power play addon
Are you sure you can buy these online? I just did a search and only sites I saw seemed shady.
Just making sure if buying online is common.
I am looking at my Powerball website and it is asking for me to confirm my purchase. My state is Georgia, maybe you can buy tickets online here? IDK, I just don't want to press confirm and it tell me to pick up my tickets tonight.
This is only my second time doing the lottery so I know almost nothing about all of this lol
I am looking at my Powerball website and it is asking for me to confirm my purchase. My state is Georgia, maybe you can buy tickets online here? IDK, I just don't want to press confirm and it tell me to pick up my tickets tonight.
This is only my second time doing the lottery so I know almost nothing about all of this lol
No, the odds are 10:292,000,000 = 1:29,200,000
No dude. No.
If your odds are 1 out of 100 and you buy 50 tickets, are your odds of winning now 1 out of 50 or 1 out of 2?
Really? I thought the whole purpose was cunts not racking up credit debt.
Illinois, Georgia and Minnesota are the only states that actually selling tickets online right now. However, there are numerous other states in various stages of passing laws and setting up systems for selling tickets to their residents.
In these states, you can either buy your tickets in person like normal or visit the official sate lottery website to buy your tickets online. You can buy local state lottery tickets or multi-state tickets such as the Powerball and Mega Millions drawings.
You can't walk to a gas station, liquor store, or grocery store?
Technically, I could but the closest one is a mile and half. Not that far of course, but It is 8:38 and it is pretty cold (the coldest day in the whole winter IMO) and very dark out. In addition, there has been a huge increase in muggings around the area (I live on a school campus).
Hmm, maybe I should walk there. I have walked later at night than this. Is there a certain time when you can't buy anymore tickets? I live in Georgia so I think the Powerball is at 11 if I am correct.
Technically, I could but the closest one is a mile and half. Not that far of course, but It is 8:38 and it is pretty cold (the coldest day in the whole winter IMO) and very dark out. In addition, there has been a huge increase in muggings around the area (I live on a school campus).
Hmm, maybe I should walk there. I have walked later at night than this. Is there a certain time when you can't buy anymore tickets? I live in Georgia so I think the Powerball is at 11 if I am correct.
1 hour and 15 minutes from now is the cut off.
10 PM is the cutoff for EST
Imagine if you didn't buy a ticket and then tomorrow you read that it was sold at the gas station down the block from your house.