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Nobuo Uematsu leaves Square Enix?

Ranger X

JoshuaJSlone said:
To be fair I think most of those would have someone who deserves a lot more of the credit than Miyamoto.

Bad features and gameplay mostly comes from bad game designer and producers believe me.


Get the dude that did the music for Xenogears and Chrono Trigger/Cross to take his place, and no one will miss him. :D

"The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away..."


Diablos said:
Get the dude that did the music for Xenogears and Chrono Trigger/Cross to take his place, and no one will miss him. :D

That would be the Mitsuda mentioned on earlier posts :D Too bad the Xenosaga soundtrack is boring (of what little music there was in the game, bleh)

Uematsu was good but I think he's just getting old. The Black Mages soundtrack is quite nice though :D
Uematsu was good but I think he's just getting old.

He's still younger than Sugiyama was back when Dragon Quest 1 came out...

And there's just as much music in Xenosaga (ep. I) as there was in Xenogears. Both soundtracks have about 45 tracks, which take up two discs in the official release. Actually, Xenosaga probably has more music considering that fewer of its tracks loop.
Square has lost some of its "oomph!!" factor.

They really seemed like video game royalty towards the end of the SNES and the beginning-mid era of the PSOne.

Anyways good luck to Uematsu on his future endeavors.
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