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NOM UK DVD - Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario, Mega64.com movie etc...

Bought the Nov (or is it Dec?) issue of Nintendo Official Magazine today, and it comes with a DVD showing off all of the Christmas games. I already own Tales of Symphonia and it made that game look particularly attractive even to someone who's already sold...

Metroid Prime 2

There is a seperate Metroid Prime 2: Echoes menu on the disc, it's something of a main feature. The other feature is Tony Hawks Underground 2. Yawn. Moving on. Back onto Metroid I mean. First movie is a movie of the opening moments from Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. I assume this is from the US demo disk. It's been edited about to be slightly shorter but you see everything you need to. The next movie is called "Future Echoes" - which is "a glimpse of later levels in the game". This demonstrates other weapons as well as what variety there is in the locales. There are two game trailers that are 100% in-game footage, and one of these shows the Federation Marine visor footage that was edited out of the first movie on the disc. The "Render assistance" mission you receive at the beginning of the game is displayed but in a much fancier way. Both trailers show some multiplayer footage as well as demos of the new weapons and gadgets like the dark beam and morph ball cannon. There is a Metroid Chronology feature, that basically takes you to a menu with boxarts for all the Metroid games so far, placed on a timeline indicating where they stand in the Metroid universe. Clicking on boxart brings up game footage. Which I found quite a nice touch for a simple mag demo disk (a Nintendo one no less).

The Metroid Prime 2 footage looks fucking gorgeous on a TV. Way better than the med-res IGN movies I'd watched and screens I'd seen had been having me believe. Only a couple of weeks to go in the UK, and I'm just now starting to get excited about it.

Other games

The Pikmin 2 footage is cool, whether or not it will sway people into purchasing I don't know. As I said earlier, the Tales footage was impressive. They edited together the opening anime movie and mixed it with ingame footage, keeping the music intact from the opening. It showed off what little FMV there is in the game as well as the more beautiful locales in the game, as well as things you can't do until later on - like the Unison attacks. It really made it look as nice as it should. The Paper Mario 2 footage showed a couple of battles, Mario turning into a plane outside hooktail castle, and the Super Mario Bros spoof level with Bowser. There were videos for every EA game coming out soon too - Lord of the Rings the Third Age, Need for Speed Underground 2, The Urbz and EA games already out like Madden, NFL, NHL, FIFA, etc etc... a lot of EA videos basically. In fact, Tales might be the only non-Nintendo/EA footage on the disc. :D

GameStars Live & Mega64

In the Special Features section of the disc, there was footage and interviews from the Nintendo booth at Game Stars Live with various geeky types talking about how much they love Donkey Konga and other games. There was this one dude I think they picked for his curious facial hair alone, and a pair of girls that seemed like the only ones being genuine -- but maybe I'm being too cynical.

The Mega64.com movie - was some dude walking around a Haunted House attraction with a dust buster style vacuum going "Maaaaaario" until he got threw out. Raised a smile, and I've never seen the site before either. I'm sure it's old here though :lol

Anyway, just thought I'd give a heads up to anyone who hasn't got the mag yet.

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