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North Carolina to begin enforcing posted Speed Limits

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The reason for the "buffer zone" is simply because the ticket isn't worth writing unless it's a certain value. Maybe NC has different laws but most of the time the cops want you going 10 mph above the limit because that's where the ticket gets pricey. The "buffer zone" has always been about maximizing revenue and nothing more.


In Australia the speed limit that is displayed on signs is the speed limit that is enforced.

There is also a small buffer zone to allow for the small margin of error in speed-measuring devices, but the majority of people drive under the limit at all times.

As an outsider, it seems completely ludicrous to me that American speed limit signs are regarded as pretty much irrelevant.

Nah, when I'm going 100 it often feels like my fellow highwaymen are going 110 or more. Pretty used to seeing people pulled over on days when cops are out on patrol tbh. They're the limit enforced but the average driver here in NSW doesn't seem to care. I need a dash cam.


If they want people to be below 65, they should make the posted limit 55. Problem solved. Otherwise there will always be people going a bit over.

Also I laugh at the thought of this on I95 in jersey. People are regularly going 85 in a 65 zone.


I don't get it, is the posted speed in the US a limit or recommendation?

You shouldn't need a buffer. It's usually a limit.
It's a limit but speed enforcement is mostly determined by the flow of traffic.

If everyone is going 65 in a 55 you're not going to get pulled over because the stream of traffic is consistent.

If you're doing 65 and everyone is going 55, then obviously you're speeding past everyone and disrupting the flow. You're a hazard.
It's a limit but speed enforcement is mostly determined by the flow of traffic.

If everyone is going 65 in a 55 you're not going to get pulled over because the stream of traffic is consistent.

That's kind of stupid. "Hey, this road is safe at 55, but if everyone is going 65 then stuff it"

Lots of people speed.
I'm aware. Your neighbour to the north has plenty of people constantly pulled over on the side of the highway.

100 means 110 to a lot of people.

People that go under for no legitimate reason can get fucked. No reason to go 55-60 in a 70mph zone on a clear day. I just want to go 70-75.

You drive to the conditions and your experience. I'd rather just overtake someone going 15 under than have them drive faster than they can manage.


That's kind of stupid. "Hey, this road is safe at 55, but if everyone is going 65 then stuff it"
if traffic is going faster than you are, then you are the hazard.

love threads like these because you get these weird speed limit lovers advertising the fact that they're bad drivers


People that go under for no legitimate reason can get fucked. No reason to go 55-60 in a 70mph zone on a clear day. I just want to go 70-75.

Cool but I don't know what that has to do with my post lmao

I'm aware. Your neighbour to the north has plenty of people constantly pulled over on the side of the highway.

100 means 110 to a lot of people.

It sucks when you're forced to merge because the same people seem to not understand "the left lane is ending" and it becomes either "do over 110, or stop at the end of this lane".

if traffic is going faster than you are, then you are the hazard.

love threads like these because you get these weird speed limit lovers advertising the fact that they're bad drivers

The only reason I listen to the radio while driving is for alerts of accidents up ahead. Of which one usually happens a fortnight on the highway I travel basically daily at this point. It's real annoying and shouldn't have to happen because you'll; get home 15min early or something,.

Okay? This has nothing to do with the speed at which anybody is travelling. The article points out itself more people driving, and more people driving distracted as probable causes for an increase. People can die in cars, that won't ever be completely eliminated, and it's way more likely to happen if you're on your phone instead of paying attention. That said, there's no reason why a modern car would be particularly unsafe at 75 instead of 55 in good conditions, assuming the driver isn't also texting.
if traffic is going faster than you are, then you are the hazard.

love threads like these because you get these weird speed limit lovers advertising the fact that they're bad drivers

I'm a very good driver mate. Driving for 8 hours a day for over two years with no tickets or accidents (that were my fault) means I'm most likely not a bad driver. No need to make judgements based on the fact that I do the speed limit.

The idea that going the speed limit makes me the hazard because I'm obeying the recommendation for what is the maximum "safe" speed by whoever built the road, and others who are exceeding this may crash into the back of my vehicle, is just plain stupid.
I've lived in the Seattle area so long I forgot that people elsewhere in the country actually drive 10+ mph over the speed limit. Drivers here are so fucking slow it's awful. I actually get excited if I can drive 65 in a 60 zone because slow drivers love to hog the left lane on every interstate in the Seattle area. It's atrocious.


I'm a very good driver mate. Driving for 8 hours a day for over two years with no tickets or accidents (that were my fault) means I'm most likely not a bad driver. No need to make judgements based on the fact that I do the speed limit.

The idea that going the speed limit makes me the hazard because I'm obeying the recommendation for what is the maximum "safe" speed by whoever built the road, and others who are exceeding this may crash into the back of my vehicle, is just plain stupid.
It's okay to drive at or a little below the speed limit in the U.S. Just make sure you stay in the far right lane. Otherwise, you might get ticketed.
It's okay to drive at or a little below the speed limit in the U.S. Just make sure you stay in the far right lane. Otherwise, you might get ticketed.

Ticketed for driving the speed limit. It's a crazy idea. (Edit: misread that.)

And yeah, if you're doing below the limit in Aus you stick to the left lane, to allow the right lane to travel at speed with as little braking as possible.


Ticketed for driving the speed limit. It's a crazy idea.

And yeah, if you're doing below the limit in Aus you stick to the left lane, to allow the right lane to travel at speed with as little braking as possible.
they're saying that if you drive in the fast lane but are going slow and holding up traffic then you can get a ticket. pretty simple. anyway if you are incapable of going above the speed limit then you're a bad driver plain and simple


Eh. I constantly drive ~80mph on the Expressway on the way to work. Speed limit is 60, but the only time I ever see anyone doing that is when using the on/off ramps or if they're in the very right lane. Even with cops around. The only people I ever see get pulled over are the ones usually going 90+.
they're saying that if you drive in the fast lane but are going slow and holding up traffic then you can get a ticket. pretty simple. anyway if you are incapable of going above the speed limit then you're a bad driver plain and simple

Ah yes I read that wrong.

That's the case in Aus too, if you drive slowly in the overtaking lane you can get a ticket. I misread it initially.

I can easily drive much faster than the speed limit, but the inability to do so without endangering others isn't what I would consider "bad driving". If you can follow road rules and drive at the speeds indicated without endangering others, than I'd say you're an adequate driver. I guess this is a cultural thing that we won't agree on.
As an Ohio resident, people routinely go over the speed limit.

Not by 5-10 mph, but usually 15-20, even in construction zones. And half the time I can see them staring at their phones, too (which is also supposed to be illegal)

In Ohio?!?! You guys have an absolutely insane amount of cops and speed traps down there. I feel like I pass a speed trap every 5 minutes or less when I'm driving through Ohio. If they don't see you with a front license plate and see your out of state, then GG if you are going 2+ over the speed limit.
I actually drive under the limit. It's an upper bound, guys!

It's not. It's a lower bound!

I'm a very good driver mate. Driving for 8 hours a day for over two years with no tickets or accidents (that were my fault) means I'm most likely not a bad driver. No need to make judgements based on the fact that I do the speed limit.

The idea that going the speed limit makes me the hazard because I'm obeying the recommendation for what is the maximum "safe" speed by whoever built the road, and others who are exceeding this may crash into the back of my vehicle, is just plain stupid.

The speed limit is completely arbitrary, which is why nobody follows it. It's 55 in some states and 70 in others. Why would anybody be surprised that everyone ignores speed limits in the US, it's because speed limits aren't about public safety in the US. They are about gaining revenue from motorists.


I hate speed limits, they make no sense have been proven wrong and unsafe. All speeds limits should be adjusted to some percentile that drivers drive on them and roads would be considerable safer. Something like 80% of people drive the speed that is most safe and ignore the sign.

Most people severely overestimate their own driving ability and level of skill.

This is why we still see idiots on the road getting into accidents while on the phone and skidding off the side when it rains.


Let's never evolve and adapt laws because... laws.

People in here OK with this and/or thinking 55/65 is an A-OK speed limit that should be respected to a T at all times are the same people against legal marijuana I bet.

It's the law. Never question it. There's more than enough proof out there. Ignore it all.

I go 80 in a 65 all the way down to NYC. Most people are driving around that speed and it's dandy. I've been pulled over twice in a span of 10 years making that trip up and down about 4 times a year. One of the cops actually told me how ridiculously slow it was for the road. They know.

$$ not safety. I don't mind you slow pokes cruising in your right lane, but don't act all uppity when I'm going 15 faster, like I'm some crazy death wish adrenaline junky. Come on.
The speed limit is completely arbitrary, which is why nobody follows it. It's 55 in some states and 70 in others. Why would anybody be surprised that everyone ignores speed limits in the US, it's because speed limits aren't about public safety in the US. They are about gaining revenue from motorists.

Interesting thought, thanks for the insight.

Not a single officer in NC drives the speed limit.

I'm not sure of the law in that area, but the police may be totally exempt or have situational exemptions from following speed limit laws. Might be something to look into.
It sucks when you're forced to merge because the same people seem to not understand "the left lane is ending" and it becomes either "do over 110, or stop at the end of this lane".

It always bottlenecks just outside my workplace because it goes from 3 lanes to 2 on the highway. Always in the mornings and afternoons.

I feel your pain.


I'm okay with this so long as they actually make speed limits not dumb in the first place. Anything below 70 is horrible.
Fuck that. These highway speed limits are bullshit anyways. 65mph on a highway in a modern car is ridiculous and an archaic idea of what a safe driving speed is.

some people can barely drive at 30 miles an hour, you really want them to raise the limit?
and don't safety precautions in cars have limits depending on the collision, especially how fast you were going?
I only just got my driver's license in August (I'm 25 now) and my driving instructor got on me if I ever went under the speed limit. He rather have me go 32mph than 29mph with a 30mph limit. I'd love to see them try to enforce this.


Europe doesn't widely enforce speed limits on its highways. I didn't see any accidents during my week stay and we traveled by car a fair amount.

I'd be curious to see how this anecdotal observation holds up to a comparison of Europe and North American MVC collision reports.

Which has fewer collisions? Which has fewer deaths?

Many would assume it'd be North America because of speed limit enforcement, but I'm not sure.


I'd think constantly pulling everybody over would be more dangerous than only pulling over the people going 15+ above the limit.
In Ohio?!?! You guys have an absolutely insane amount of cops and speed traps down there. I feel like I pass a speed trap every 5 minutes or less when I'm driving through Ohio. If they don't see you with a front license plate and see your out of state, then GG if you are going 2+ over the speed limit.

If you can't reasonably see the cop before you pass him/her, there's an easy case for entrapment, which is illegal here. And quite a few cops understand that the flow of traffic is more important than scaring one car into braking, causing a pileup.

But, yeah. I can definitely confirm people like to go quite a it above the speed limit in Ohio. The Shoreway between Lakewood and Cleveland has been under construction for a while, and the supposed speed limit was 35. Almost everyone still goes 55, if not faster.


I cant imagine driving to Greensboro doing the actual speed limit. That shit would take a year.
I see nothing wrong with going 60 in a 55 or something like that.
Many would assume it'd be North America because of speed limit enforcement, but I'm not sure.

i dunno, a lot of people here are morons who drink and drive, text/talk on phones while driving, even eat while driving. and they don't know how to drive in poor weather conditions.


If you can't reasonably see the cop before you pass him/her, there's an easy case for entrapment, which is illegal here. And quite a few cops understand that the flow of traffic is more important than scaring one car into braking, causing a pileup.

But, yeah. I can definitely confirm people like to go quite a it above the speed limit in Ohio. The Shoreway between Lakewood and Cleveland has been under construction for a while, and the supposed speed limit was 35. Almost everyone still goes 55, if not faster.

Since 1868, I believe.


Maxis Redwood
Absolutely terrible idea. Many posted speed limits (especially on highways) are awful to begin with. But hey, anything to skim money off citizens in the easiest way possible, right?
I don't get it, is the posted speed in the US a limit or recommendation?

You shouldn't need a buffer. It's usually a limit.

In Germany they will subtract a buffer from your ticket. This depends on the method that was used for measuring (basically they subtract the standard deviation given by an institute for that device).
For stationary radar it's usually 3% and from within cars it's 5%. Though under 100 km/h they will always simply subtract 3 km/h.

So if you're measured 34 km/h in a 30 zone, you'll get fined for driving 1 km/h too fast.

Usually your speedometer will show a speed ~4% faster than what you're driving because by German law the speedometer is never allowed to show speeds lower that what you're actually driving, thus companies prefer staying on the safe side.

Combine those two things and it's standard practice to go a bit faster than the speed limit (based on your speedometer) and you won't get fined.
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