Absolutely terrible idea. Many posted speed limits (especially on highways) are awful to begin with. But hey, anything to skim money off citizens in the easiest way possible, right?
how about you don't speed?
Absolutely terrible idea. Many posted speed limits (especially on highways) are awful to begin with. But hey, anything to skim money off citizens in the easiest way possible, right?
I'm all for it.
how about you don't speed?
batman, you have a stalker.Everyone speeds including you.
Everyone speeds including you.
batman, you have a stalker.
i thought society was supposed to be moving forward with conserving energy? driving faster means using more fuel.Why is society moving backwards with regards to speeding?
Limits need to be raised, not lowered and definitely not taking the buffer away.
Why is society moving backwards with regards to speeding?
Limits need to be raised, not lowered and definitely not taking the buffer away.
Agreed. Speed limits in North America are too low. Top Gear actually had a segment on it highlighting the issue.
Did they? What episode? Should be interesting.
how about you don't speed?
Hopefully other states follow suit.
Okay? This has nothing to do with the speed at which anybody is travelling. The article points out itself more people driving, and more people driving distracted as probable causes for an increase. People can die in cars, that won't ever be completely eliminated, and it's way more likely to happen if you're on your phone instead of paying attention. That said, there's no reason why a modern car would be particularly unsafe at 75 instead of 55 in good conditions, assuming the driver isn't also texting.
Everyone speeds including you.
The lethality of accidents goes in direct proportion to the speeds involved. Period.
Cars have been getting safer, yes, but that doesn't mean they can ignore simple physics. Just lowering the speed, even if it kept the amount of total crashes (BIG assumption), will drop the amount of fatalities, that's just a fact.
Speeds limits always seemed weird to me. This may have changed since I left, but I remember a lot of freeways in the Chicago suburbs were marked at 55 MPH, yet from my experience traffic was routinely moving at 70-78. Technically you of course could get pulled over going 20 above the limit, but 55 seemed unreasonably slow for these big 4 lane freeways.
Yep, and when I get pulled over I will pay the ticket I deserve as I broke the law. Pretty simple really.
What's the point of a limit of you have a buffer?
im sure it depends.. my state for awhile it was 20 bones for every mile over the limit... it was 5, but they did change it back...The reason they never enforce the 1-9 mph over is because there's no money in that. 10+ is a good fine.
Holy fuck thats stupid.
In Canada, atleast Ontario, theres a 10kmph buffer. I think Schoolzone is the only exception.
It's not about the law.
People will speed because they won't get caught. People will speed, and I guess police are now at times concerned with pulling people over at 1mph over. They have the instructions to do so, but they often won't much more often than they will. Yay.
The majority of accidents are caused by slow drivers, not fast ones. A speeding car is near you for a split second. A slow driver is an obstacle to everyone behind them, and many accidents result from other drivers trying to avoid them. Los Angeles has incredible numbers of freeway crashes during commute hours every day, many of them lethal, and nobody is going anywhere near the speed limit on any of those roads. You literally can't.
Speed or lack thereof is not the safety concern, and people who think it is are part of the problem, not to mention uninformed. The problem is inadequate infrastructure to handle the volume of traffic and incredibly poor driver training.
Still failing to see the issue. Police could always pull somebody over for going 1 MPH over if they wanted to because the law dictates an upper limit. There's just been a call to better enforce the law.
A buffer? Police in the UK will happily pull you over for doing 2-3mph over the limit.
On the other hand they don't carry guns, so guess it balances out
I thought the 10MPH buffer existed because most traffic tickets don't even have an option to fine you at that low range, not because of "lazy cops." Does NC have an option to select "1-10" MPH over with an associated fine?
Still failing to see the issue. Police could always pull somebody over for going 1 MPH over if they wanted to because the law dictates an upper limit. There's just been a call to better enforce the law.
Right. An officer will do what they feel like doing, with the "law is the law" being a convenient excuse. Nothing new under the sun.
If they are more enforcing now, they will later relax.
No, but at some point it becomes a felony, I believe. In some states, anyway.
People saying "they'll need to pull over everyone" are missing the point. By imposing this, and enforcing it by fining people, fewer people will do it.
I bet they lose more money than they gain when 90% or these tickets get reduced/thrown out.
Driving in America sounds like the fucking worst. I rarely speed in the UK and if I do it's at most 74 instead of 70. Nothing so important that I need to get somewhere 2 minutes early.
Lmao whatever North Carolina police.
Here in Texas if you aren't going at least 10mph over the speed limit on the freeway (ours go up to 80mph, God bless Texas) the police might actually get frustrated by you going too slow and try to pass you.
Except for bumfuck-nowhere cities that deliberately hunt you down for that ticket money.Lmao whatever North Carolina police.
Here in Texas if you aren't going at least 10mph over the speed limit on the freeway (ours go up to 80mph, God bless Texas) the police might actually get frustrated by you going too slow and try to pass you.
Who cares if it makes less people drive like idiots. Know way too many people that are AWFUL drivers but think they need to go 90+ on the freeway as if they can't spare 15 minutes of their lives.
"convenient excuse"...The law is the law, if it were PRACTICAL to enforce it all the time, they would. Making it sound like it's the man keeping you down sure must feel a lot better than just admitting to knowingly breaking the law to save a couple of minutes (at most). And yes, I drive over the limit too, but if I got a ticket that'd be the risk I take by doing it.
That's like getting away with stealing bubble gum from the store and then getting mad that they catch you once in a while.
That may be the reason they were brought in but it has positive side effects. Namely lower energy collisions are less likely to be fatal and lower speeds give drivers more time to react therefore reducing the number of collisions compared to the same road with a higher speed limit. (I can see you bringing up the fact that there are more fatal collisions at lower speeds. This is not because collisions are more likely to be fatal at lower speeds but because lower speed roads have more junctions and sharper turns.)Lol are you one of those people that hold up traffic? Do you even realize the purpose of speeding tickets? It's all about the money.
In Virginia 15+ and over 80 on the Interstate is a felony.
Sorry to sort of hijack this thread but as I'm a junior I can't make my own.
My girlfriend has been offered a job in North Carolina (we are both in england) the job is about 20minutes away from Charlotte.
Anyone care to give an opinion on North Carolina/ Charlotte to an Englishman who has only ever been on holiday to Florida and Vegas before?
She is a "primary school" teacher in England, not sure what year she is going to teach in America yet. Her salary will be around $35k is this enough to live on? (It will just be her on her own to begin with for a year
Until we get married).
Just looking for any general information really, do anything anyone can add would be awesome![]()