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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins

So, 2014, despite having one of the best WrestleMania's ever, can be considered one of the worst years in WWE history, right?

At least, as far as the main roster goes. I haven't watched a single Smackdown all year, I've stopped watching Raw and the PPV's, while solid wrestling wise, have been mostly uninteresting (with WM30 as the notable exception).
Yes. This is a dire year. We're in times darker than the low points of the New Generation.

The wrestling's great now. Everything else is garbage.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They actually didn't threaten to leave for WWF/WCW; they had short term contracts and just left for one promotion or another, or were fired/let out of their contracts. Threatening to leave for the other company meant you'd be depushed and devalued like crazy.


This year's WWE was better than 2008-2011 because in ring wise, it blows those years away. There were probably more 3 star level TV matches this year than there were 3 star level matches total in those 3 years.
Why do people stop at 2011, it wasn't really good, either.

The walkout ended up being the biggest storyline of it all because it lasted the longest. And that story was absolutely putrid.


I enjoyed most of 2011. Crazy R-Truth, obviously Punk, the triumphant return of Nash, Cena having his first good matches since 2006, Awesome Truth.

Sure, there were still bad points, but it was very watchable.


They actually didn't threaten to leave for WWF/WCW; they had short term contracts and just left for one promotion or another, or were fired/let out of their contracts. Threatening to leave for the other company meant you'd be depushed and devalued like crazy.

They still had a certain amount of leverage especially when someone really talented had a soon to be expiring contract during the MNW.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They pretty much had no leverage until Hall openly talked about leaving. The only people with actual leverage before were people with belts with expiring contracts.


I enjoyed most of 2011. Crazy R-Truth, obviously Punk, the triumphant return of Nash, Cena having his first good matches since 2006, Awesome Truth.

Sure, there were still bad points, but it was very watchable.
Forgot about R-Truth. Actually I think he ended up being the most entertaining thing about the year.

The Punk thing I just cannot forgive. It flopped so hard. It introduced Triple H into the fold as this authority figure and they had that awful, awful walkout. Then Triple H-Kevin Nash had a Ladder match, because reasons.
This year's WWE was better than 2008-2011 because in ring wise, it blows those years away. There were probably more 3 star level TV matches this year than there were 3 star level matches total in those 3 years.

yeah. I think I'd agree with this. the in ring product is pretty good at least. match endings? those have been variable to say the least. storylines? uhm... I guess some have been okay...

but if you like wrasslin, 2014 has been good I think.
If nothing else 2011 gave us hope for a brighter WWE future and then spectacularly dashed it (or should I say Nashed it), this sort of thing seems to have become something of an annual event for the company now it's happened again every following year.

Well unless we go back further to 2010 with the Nexus angle being Cena'd.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The leadup and the bits directly after the Miz Wrestlemania were really good. He was rather an effective weasely heel.
Shield's booking has been good. from the climb to the very top, to the back stabbing, to what has come after, even considering the Bray Wyatt diversion. frankly, I'd rather see Dean featured in his own match than having him team up with Cena yet again. I'm sure he's not done with Rollins either. there's still the matter of that briefcase...

on the flip side, the Wyatt's booking has been terrible.

having them lose everything. then wasting what was a great tag team in Harper and Rowan and *never* giving them a win. then splitting them up without any drama, and then just throwing Harper and Rowan into a feud.

I'm sure the feud will be good match wise, because those two boys can really go, but the storyline... yeah. uhm. we haven't even been given the most basic reasons for why it's happening.

Is Rowan on Team Cena because Kane is scary? I'm really grasping at straws.
I enjoyed most of 2011. Crazy R-Truth, obviously Punk, the triumphant return of Nash, Cena having his first good matches since 2006, Awesome Truth.

Sure, there were still bad points, but it was very watchable.

Yup, this.

IMO, R-Truth was so silly that he was one of the best characters in years. A pity that he's on the lower card. He's still very entertaining.
I almost forgot about babyface crazy R-Truth. I think it was in early 2013 or so when they dropped Little Jimmy and just had him rap again. Now he's just the guy people lose to once Vince decides their push is over
Miz was great when everyone was swinging from his nuts when he was US champ. He was still great as WWE champion. I've still not gone off him.


If he is, then that's really smart. With the lack of a real pro wrestling competitor in North American the next best thing would be to use another Entertaiment medium for leverage. Back in the 90's a random midcarder could threaten to leave for WCW, or WWF and it would start a bidding war for their services.

I'm sure if Ziggler, or Ryback wrestled back in the 90's, and were told that they would be pushed down the card they would say "fuck you, give me a raise, and a bigger spot, or I'm taking my talents down to Atlanta".

The only thing that makes me doubt this is that he's made it clear he hasn't left for financial reasons. But then I guess everyone has a price.




This is amazing.

It really is, what a ridiculously amazing album of terrible songs. Jimmy Hart wrote the lot of it.


Friends, the next Gospel Gossip will not be fun and playful. I have some serious, serious issues with Paul and I'm not finding a lot of humor in them.
Survivor Series:

Sting debuts, surprise attack, cut to credits.


I told you... told you told you told you... that the only thing for sure about Sting... is nothin's for sure!

Did you forget about me? Did you forget about the Stinger? Did you forget about the time after time I put down the Hulkster? The time that I went 1-on-1 time after time with the Nature Boy Ric Flair? The time that I faced off with Gollllllllldbergggg Golllllldberggg?

I think you did, WWE Universe, but I'm here to remind you and remind the Authority just how bad my bite can be. The Stinger's back. The Stinger has some unfinished business, yes he does, folks. The Stinger's coming for you, Authority, you better watch your back.

It's showwwwwttmmeeeeee folks.... for only $9.99 on the WWE Network!



The only thing that makes me doubt this is that he's made it clear he hasn't left for financial reasons. But then I guess everyone has a price.
Look at Funk. The reason he retired the first time was because he thought he was financially set for life. Turned out that wasn't the case, and so he had to come out of retirement... Over, and over again.

Unless of course Punk has not only saved his money, but also invested it. Because otherwise retiring hastily was really stupid of him.


They'll probably make Sting a WWE Network exclusive character. He only ever shows up during TV commercials and after the PPV/TV feed of shows end.
Look at Funk. The reason he retired the first time was because he thought he was financially set for life. Turned out that wasn't the case, and so he had to come out of retirement... Over, and over again.

Unless of course Punk has not only saved his money, but also invested it. Because otherwise retiring hastily was really stupid of him.

Maybe he'll end up going the Steve Austin route, he's already involved with the Nerdist. Once SCSA is done with Redneck Island maybe they'll replace with White Trash Island hosted by Punk.

He seems savvy enough to exploit his celeb status long enough to bring in the dosh.

Straight Shooting: Grumpy Cat is adorable.

Agreed. It's a cat though, pretty much every cat is awesome. Not a hard task for it.


Now this is true. I'n not even sure a Bryan return could get me to watch the whole product again. Just grab his segments.

True, also the Bryan segments could end up being just as terrible as the rest of the product. Well at least his wrestling would still be fun to watch, but I don't know if that makes it worth it to watch RAW again.

I am curious about what they will do with Sting. There are opportunities there I guess but it will probably be shit like the rest.


Watch WWE pull a WCW, and have Sting hang around in the crowd for 3 months, but this time he has a friend with him. But not only is this gentleman a friend, but he's also a protégé. That protégé is none other than Soloman Crowe! Yes, they kept Crowe off TV as long as they did because they were waiting for Sting to sign.


Wait you can now only see the NJPW iPPVs through NicoNico? Fuck I hate that site. Probably means no Wrestle Kingdom live for me.
For a guy who spent so long in WWE, Yoshitatsu sure is shit at getting the crowd behind him and gaining sympathy. Dude's so stoic, especially compared to Tanahashi.

Wait you can now only see the NJPW iPPVs through NicoNico? Fuck I hate that site. Probably means no Wrestle Kingdom live for me.

It's really not that difficult to use and there's a few tutorials out there on how to order the shows.

Hopefully they'll get an English language solution soon though. There's that NJPWworld.com thing they're launching on December 1st, hopefully that'll have something to do with it.


For a guy who spent so long in WWE, Yoshitatsu sure is shit at getting the crowd behind him and gaining sympathy. Dude's so stoic, especially compared to Tanahashi.

It's really not that difficult to use and there's a few tutorials out there on how to order the shows.

Hopefully they'll get an English language solution soon though. There's that NJPWworld.com thing they're launching on December 1st, hopefully that'll have something to do with it.

Well you don't have to worry:

NJPW announced that Yoshitatsu is out of the remainder of the World Tag League due to a neck injury, presumably caused by the Styles Clash as Power Struggle where Yoshitatsu landed on his neck similarly to Roderick Strong earlier on the year in ROH.

Sucks for him and this injury might take him off the January 4th show. Man if you take the styles clash wrong it does some damage.
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