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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins



I want every GIF where Virgil is left hanging on a high five or 2sweet.


For a guy who spent so long in WWE, Yoshitatsu sure is shit at getting the crowd behind him and gaining sympathy. Dude's so stoic, especially compared to Tanahashi.

It's really not that difficult to use and there's a few tutorials out there on how to order the shows.

Hopefully they'll get an English language solution soon though. There's that NJPWworld.com thing they're launching on December 1st, hopefully that'll have something to do with it.

I know I can make it work doesn't change that I hate the site.

Regarding the Syles Clash probably tucked his chin like Strong.


AJ needs to stop doing the goddamn Styles Clash

A few hundred other wrestlers have all taken it perfectly fine. Roderick Strong has never known how to take the bump, ever. It is shit that someone got injured but I don't think removing the move is needed. I remember when Homicide used to use the Vertebreaker and people used to tell him they aren't taking that move, so they teased it during the match but went with a different finish. I guess Styles could move it to that spot where it's teased rather than done I guess.

Random thought - Trent Acid vs Homicide was an incredible inter-promotional feud I don't think anyone else here saw from 2002-2003.


Gospel Gossip With Stro

Roman's Reigns

More bullshit with Paul. Also, gays are icky and bad.

He goes HAM on the Jews and non-believers in general. When God starts wrecking shit, the Jews will be punished first, for God shows no favoritism. He absolutely does show favoritism. What the fuck are you talking about, Paul? The Old Testament was 100% about God showing his favoritism for the Jews. Even Jesus being sent down to save everyone was for the Jews first and foremost. Everything God has done from the great flood on has been for the benefit of the Jews. Even though he hates them, they're still his favorites. Have you even read the bible, bro?

Now this cunt is shitting on the Jews for both following and not following Mosaic Law, while Gentiles are allowed to convert and not have to follow Mosaic Law or even get circumcised. Remember when Jesus said he didn't come to change or remove Mosaic Law, but to fulfill it? Then why is this follower of Jesus (a late convert who was killing followers of Jesus before at that) changing the rules after Jesus died? And why are people going along with it? Why hasn't Peter pulled rank on this shit?

After saying the Law doesn't really matter anymore because Jesus is more important, he goes on to say “Do we then render the Law null and void? Not at all—we give the Law its true value!”. Fuck this guy. You aren't Jesus, you stupid cunt. You can't be changing shit around now that he's dead.

Piece of shit just uses a bunch of circular logic to change what he wants to change. I have bad vibes from this dude. This is a guy who was doing his best to travel from town to town to kill followers of Jesus. He then claims Jesus talked to him, when no one else around him heard the voice (which is pretty unlike Jesus and God in most situations), then he converts with a zeal that even Peter doesn't have, and now he's changing all the rules. This guy seems like a sketchy character to me.

"God has imprisoned everyone in disobedience in order to have mercy on everyone." Is that the Biblical version of, "I'm doing this for your own good, because I love you" before a parent beats the shit out of their child?

Paul made it a point of pride to only preach in areas where no one had heard of Jesus, because he didn't want to build on a foundation laid by another. What he's really saying is he doesn't want to go where everyone already knows Jesus, because then his bullshit variations would sound like bullshit to those people who already knew the real deal. And then he starts talking about donations and money. This motherfucker is the Jim Bakker of the Bible.

Vegans are implied to be of both weak body and spirit. At least he got one thing right.


1 Steve Corinthians

This mother fucker is STILL TALKING. Going on and on about not judging people, then goes on to not only judge but damn people in the name of Jesus. Of COURSE this dude would be a hypocrite and not practice what he preaches. He also wants people to be like HIM, not like Jesus. What the fuck? Who edited this book? Did they not realize what this dude was saying? I think he might be the first anti-Christ and I'm not even joking. Everything Jesus stands for, Paul seems to reverse. Drop Mosaic Law (Jesus specifically taught NOT to do that). Don't bother with circumcision (Jesus was circumcised and taught that practice should continue). Jesus said the way to heaven was following Mosaic Law, prayer, and fasting. Paul cuts all that out and sticks with just faith and grace. Jesus actually forbade preaching to Gentiles. Paul made it his whole thing to preach to and convert Gentiles. He was teaching a different religion than Jesus did. He also never met Jesus and didn't learn from him like the other apostles.

In addition to all this, “judge not lest ye be judged” kind of stuff, he's absolutely telling people to judge “so-called” Christians and to not associate with them. Which is not at all what Jesus would say. “It's not my business to judge outsiders. As for insiders, however, you be the judge. Let god judge the outsiders, you just get rid of the evildoers among you.

“I would hope that everyone could be like me.” This dude is literally saying stuff like, “Now, God didn't tell me this, but as someone who God trusts a lot, but I am suggesting this...”.

“From now on, those with spouses should live as though they had none. Those who mourn should live as though they had nothing to mourn for, and those who rejoice should live as though they had nothing to laugh about.” “However, in my opinion, one is happier if one remains single, and I think I have the Spirit of God in this matter.”

He starts saying that HE is saving people. Not Jesus. Paul. Paul is saving people. By following him, you can be saved. What in the fuck. “Imitate ME, as I imitate Christ.” Not “imitate Christ”. Not “be like Jesus”. No. Paul wants you to be like HIM. “You are to be praised for remembering me so constantly, and for maintaining the teachings just as I handed them down to you.”

Of course, Paul was the last person to see Jesus after the Resurrection. IN THE FUCKING WOMB. This fucking guy. He also says he's worked harder than all the other apostles.

Now, this was weird shit to me. As you may have gleaned by now, I don't ascribe to any of these texts that I've read. I have no affiliation or attachment to any given religion. I wouldn't even say I'm an atheist, because religion is something I never think about at all in the first place to even give a shit whether there is a god or not. Yet, right from the start, something about Paul bothered me. And the more written about him/by him, the more uncomfortable I got. It started out as just a weird negative feeling. But then the more I read, it turned into a profoundly unsettling feeling and emotion that I can't really describe. Something about what I was reading from him felt wrong. Felt off. Bad. So I write all this stuff about him and then look him up, and what do you know, a lot of people also seem to think he's the anti-Christ. In fact, Islam has such a negative opinion of him that they believe he is in the same stage of Hell as Cain and Nimrod, and that there is a jail in the most painful part of Hell named after him.

What I'm trying to say, and I'm directing this right at Paul:

I know I can make it work doesn't change that I hate the site.

I'm not fond of it either, but I won't be letting that stop me from watching the biggest show of the year.

Random thought - Trent Acid vs Homicide was an incredible inter-promotional feud I don't think anyone else here saw from 2002-2003.

I saw it. Wrestlerave '03 was my very first ROH DVD purchase and I loved their ladder match at that show, so much I went and bought my first CZW tape to see another of their matches. Acid was pretty underrated - he wrestled some terrible backyard-as-fuck matches in his time, but occasionally you saw flashes of brilliance.
"I'm proud of him. He started just as I did, in the independent circuit getting $20, $50 per night driving 1000 miles to get paid $30 or not even that. And he made it to the big stage at WWE and he succeeded; people loved him. But there was one day when he wasn't happy with what was going on in WWE and he said 'you know what...' I remember that day because I had a match against Kofi Kingston that night and it was only eight minutes before Raw. I was in the ring and then Mike Chioda approached me and said 'they want you to do another 14 minutes'. I was like 'yeah, whatever'. I was in the ring with Kofi Kingston, who is another amazing performer, another underrated wrestler by the company. I was like 'okay, brother, let's do this, whatever.' We did that match and then I said 'what happened?' And then they came to me and said 'well, you know, CM Punk said fuck you, WWE, I'm out of here.' And then I was like 'what happened?' 'Okay, this and that and that and that happened.' And I was like 'that's a stand up guy.' He is a guy who really believes what he's saying, what he's thinking, and just because of that he has all the respect in the world. And the funny part is a year after god put me, or destiny put me in the same position.

"I was there with this stupid guy. Some people approach me and say 'do you regret what happened that day' and I say, straight to the camera, no. No. Because 15 years from now, my son is going to Google my name. He's going to Google his father and he's going to be proud of what his father did. I stood up for my beliefs. I stood up for who I am and where I come from. And not just because of my accomplishments through the years, because of this incident all my countrymen are worshiping me right now because they know I fought for my beliefs. I fought for who I am and where I come from."



– PWInsider reports that WWE officials have been talking about possibly using an ECW Original or two as a surprise at the 2015 WWE Royal Rumble, since it’s being held in Philadelphia.

strobogo is marking out.
Does NJPW pay good?

It depends if you're under contract or brought in on a tour by tour basis, but either way it's more than most places that aren't WWE. Styles said that with New Japan and indie bookings in between tours he's going to make more this year than the 350k TNA were paying him previously.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I can't decide if Sheamus vs Bad Luck Fale would be amazing or amazingly awful, but either way I'd like to see it.

I'm going with awful. Fale's been a hell of a lot of fun this year, though. Really warmed up to him a lot, to the point where I bought one of his shirts. That's a big thing for me.
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