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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

new portiage


The front of that Ryback shirt isn't too bad, but, as usual, the back just kills any chance of any self-respecting male buying it. I really don't understand this obsession with writing stuff on both sides of a t-shirt.

Btw, who the hell buys Ziggler's merch?


I'm not fond of it either, but I won't be letting that stop me from watching the biggest show of the year.

I saw it. Wrestlerave '03 was my very first ROH DVD purchase and I loved their ladder match at that show, so much I went and bought my first CZW tape to see another of their matches. Acid was pretty underrated - he wrestled some terrible backyard-as-fuck matches in his time, but occasionally you saw flashes of brilliance.

Good man.

It was originally a Jersey All Pro vs CZW feud and it all began in JAPW before both ended up in ROH. The match they had at CZWs better than our best was insane especially as it had already built on previous matches.

Homicide in 2003 was simply outstanding at that time, he meshed with everyone and had that wild persona that just worked. His match vs. Corino at ROH's Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies is a personal fav. By late 2004 that magic was gone and he was just another guy who hit lariats.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is Scott Hall the most over person to have never won a major world championship in his entire career? I guess Piper could be competition, but Scott was over for a REALLY long time as both a face and a heel. I think if you were able to remove the drug problems, there is no better blueprint for what a wrestler should be than Scott Hall. Especially in the 90s.

And maybe it is just me shitting on the present for no reason, but I've been watching these mid to late 90s Raws and Nitros on the Network with the free trial, and it makes me sad. Is their product better than what's currently offered? Hell, I don't know. That's a different argument although I do think most people would say yes. I'm more sad because the crowd is so into everything that's going on. Alex Wright? Sure. Some luchadore that has had no promos and no spotlight? We'll pop big for him too. As opposed to crowds today that mostly sit on their hands until the main event occurs. Surely most people knew that it was scripted by this point, but they still got caught up in the moment. The WCW and WWF stuff, even if a lot of it isn't fun for me, is like a party atmosphere. It's what a wrestling event should be. Even early 90s WCW with their weak card was pulling these people who were just hyped about nearly everything.


Just had a wonderful idea:

The Bible by Scott Steiner

"And in the begging, God created everything. But he didn't create me, cuz I'm a genetic freak. And on the 7th day, he rested, cuz he's a lazy piece of WHITE TRASH who shoulda kept working instead of taking the day off to suck on cheese dogs cuz he coulda been in the gym trying to look like me but he was too busy stuffing his fat face and watching NASCAR while trying to hit on his sister and even she won't touch him even though she's WHITE TRASH and that's what WHITE TRASH do cuz he ain't got no body like Big Poppa Pump got even if he worked on that 7th day cuz no body look like this body and that's why the ladies cum around when the Big Bad Booty Daddy comes to town cuz I'm down and ready to pound. HOLLAR IF YA HEAR ME."

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think Scott Steiner reading anything is a good idea, Bible or otherwise. He needs to land an exclusive deal with Audible.

I was afraid to raise my eyelids because I'm a big pale pussy! I got 20/20 vision, and I can come out in the sun whenever I want because I'm not normal. And if you try to throw garlic at me I'll just give it to Samoa Joe because he's fat!


"And God told Moses to throw down his rod and it would turn into a snake. But I ain't got to throw down my rod, cuz it already is a snake."

"God separated the Red Sea and it looked almost as big as when I flex my largest arms in the world."

"Ya see, Jesus said he is a loaf of bread, and that makes a lotta sense to me. Cuz bread has a lotta carbs and bread makes you FAT and Jesus wasn't no son of god cuz I am the sun and the moon rolled into one and when your woman wants some, I don't stop 'til she's all done."

"Ya see Job only had one job and the only job I'm worried about I can't put in the Bible."

"Paul could be the antichrist or the Count of Monte Cristo, it don't matter to me, cuz I got veins in my arms bigger than his whole body."

"The great flood happened cuz I was working out in the ocean and dropped one of my plates when I was done cuz you don't get arms like this if you are a normal man. I ain't Norma. Imma genetic spring. It would have taken me an hour to build the ark. Noah got 2 of every animal but he didn't get no genetic freaks cuz there is only one and he looked into my eyes and knew that he could never compare to the glory of me or Midajah's thighs."

Man God

Non-Canon Member
– PWInsider reports that WWE officials have been talking about possibly using an ECW Original or two as a surprise at the 2015 WWE Royal Rumble, since it’s being held in Philadelphia.

Prepare to get your ass Franchised.


:::puts down an empty bottle of Strobogo Brand Whiskey:::

I hope. :::hic::: That STING. :::burps::: Comes back tonight as...


:::passes out:::


:::puts down an empty bottle of Strobogo Brand Whiskey:::

I hope. :::hic::: That STING. :::burps::: Comes back tonight as...


:::passes out:::

Mother fucker, I'm challenging you and Paul to a SHOOT HANDICAP MATCH. I'm sober, PAL. Haven't had anything to drink in at least a week. So you can S MY D, friend.


So was Warrior, and despite him still being on roids at 55 and 0% less of a dipshit, they put that idiot in the Hall of Fame.

I totally remember that Dean Douglas vs Hulk Hogan feud that draw all that money on that one Wrestlemania.

Yes anything is possible with Shane Douglas but eh, I'll gladly be wrong.


I hope the ECW Original is Joey Styles. Or New Jack, just for kicks.

But the one I want that'll never ever happen is JT Smith. With his italian gimmick. That's one of my favorite storyline things ever.

The front of that Ryback shirt isn't too bad, but, as usual, the back just kills any chance of any self-respecting male buying it. I really don't understand this obsession with writing stuff on both sides of a t-shirt.

Actual cool shirt design is something small on the front where a pocket would be, then larger art on the back. I don't get what your huge issue is with art on the back. Do you constantly look down at a shirt while you're wearing it and think "fuck yeah" to yourself? You should be more mad that the art isn't upside down so you can see it while you have it on.

Mostly joking, but I honestly am puzzled by what about that is such a big turn-off. If anything, I would rather only have art on the back. Art on the front is for dickheads that wear superhero shirts. Like, you're not the Flash, you just got his shirt at Target.

Is Scott Hall the most over person to have never won a major world championship in his entire career? I guess Piper could be competition, but Scott was over for a REALLY long time as both a face and a heel. I think if you were able to remove the drug problems, there is no better blueprint for what a wrestler should be than Scott Hall. Especially in the 90s.

I'd say it's Jake, but Hall is close.

So was Warrior, and despite him still being on roids at 55 and 0% less of a dipshit, they put that idiot in the Hall of Fame.

Except Warrior was about 17000% more a draw on his worst Powerteam USA day than Franchise was at his peak. It was good for business.


the best wrestling review bit ever written said:
And moments in, a fat white man with a mullet and skull/snake shirt is trying to lynch a black man pretending he is Sicilian as the crowd chants YOU SUCK DICK. The 90s were a terrible time. Leon Spinks is in the crowd, looking very confused. This is so shitty. The whole show. Fuck. FUCK.

Legit laughing over here. The 90s were terrible.
Except Warrior was about 17000% more a draw on his worst Powerteam USA day than Franchise was at his peak. It was good for business.
Yes, but we're talking about a gimmick Royal Rumble appearance here, not anything important. I mean, I don't think he'll be in it because he wouldn't have any heat, just that it wouldn't be because Vince still holds a grudge against him. Even Macho Man overcame that, sort of.
Yes, but we're talking about a gimmick Royal Rumble appearance here, not anything important. I mean, I don't think he'll be in it because he wouldn't have any heat, just that it wouldn't be because Vince still holds a grudge against him. Even Macho Man overcame that, sort of.

Weren't Douglas and Raven both on the Heyman DVD despite being supposedly on the shitlist?


:::puts down another empty bottle of Strobogo Brand Whiskey:::

I... hope. :::hic::: That... STING.... :::falls over::: Comes back... :::vomits::: tonight as...


Hah, JR retweeted my GIF of the Meltzer Driver. All he had to say was "Well...it's different". Can't wait to hear him call that insane jr. heavyweight tag title 4-way match at Wrestle Kingdom. I'm sure he'll just love watching the Bucks from ringside, lol.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I seriously don't get how people think Hogan's leg drop isn't believable. It's a 6'7" 300 lb guy, kayfabe or not his legs are huge in the Golden Era, dropping his fucking leg on your head. There's plenty of things to shit on Hogan for, but the legdrop is one of his best looking moves.


:::puts down last bottle of Strobogo Brand Sandworm Whiskey:::

I.... :::hic::: STING.... :::vomits::: COMES BACK :::falls over::: TONIGHT AS...

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