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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins

Ziggler probably getting that push thanks to his good friend, sensei, and constant eye of the new generation



I keep seeing how people are saying how great the main event was, but I have numerous problems with it:

Show turning on Cena: Somebody, anybody, tell me why this wouldn't have been better if Sheamus was in this spot. Seeing Show turn for the millionth time made me roll my eyes. The added bonus of yet another Cena/Show feud is like getting kicked in the balls one more time. Sheamus desperately needs to turn, and a feud with Cena would be fresh for him.

Ryback being the first eliminated on his team: So this guy had two weeks of build-up for this "PPV" built around which team he would side with, and he's eliminated long before Rowan and Kane? Why? Why was Ryback not protected better? Why didn't they just have Rusev and Ryback battle to a double count-out? This was poor booking IMO, and I'm nowhere near a Ryback fan

Why are Rowan and Harper upset with each other? Part of the match was built to these two finally getting their hands on each other yet we have no idea why they are feuding.

Rollins is dead for an eternity from a Zig-Zag: Sting needed to hit Rollins with a Scorpion Death Drop or something, because Rollins had an eternity to recover and it looked ridiculous to me.

Yes I know the end of the show was focused on HHH and Steph being out of power, but I really feel more should have been done to focus on Ziggler. Fine, let the Authority throw their temper tantrum in the ring, but have team Cena put Ziggler up on their shoulder or something up by the entrance way. Hell when Cena came out he didn't even raise Zigglers arm or anything.

It was a good match, but lots of silly over the top praise is being thrown out about it
Technically he got hit with TWO Zig Zags.


Can any of you fine gents or ladies link me to them Lucia underground gifs? I want to show my spouse what she missed when I went to the events.
They really are trying everything they can with Reigns aren't they? Now they let him regularly say bitch to be the cool face. I don't think dude ever ended Raw without standing tall either before he got injured. I don't look forward to him beating Lesnar at Mania.

Roman Reigns to arrive on a Stallion upon his return.


LAW News:

AXS TV has released a trailer for their 2015 programming and includes New Japan Pro Wrestling as part of the lineup for the new year.

The LAW can report that AXS TV has a deal to run 13 episodes (including the 2013 G-1 Climax tournament) and the first episode will feature the Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada match from the 2013 Tokyo Dome show.

The broadcast team will consist of Mauro Ranallo and UFC heavyweight Josh Barnett and will be taped in December.

We have not heard a start date for the series.

Hmm hope this is not the New Japan worldwide thing because that would be a bummer.

Also apparently I need to watch the main event of Survivor Series and nothing else.


So I was right about the planning on stealing the ending of Ready to Rumble with Sting being the main wrestler that helps end the reign of an evil authority figure.
has CM Punk officially quit wrestling or are we expecting a Wrestlemania return?

I'm honestly kind of expecting a Royal Rumble appearance -- have been since pretty much the day he quit. It would be almost exactly a year to the day, and I could see Vince giving him a year off.

I also hope it somehow leads to a heel Punk vs. face Bryan feud at Mania.

Hey, a guy can dream!


So not worth it
So, I'll start with saying I love Sting, and I loved all the Sting stuff.

But seriously, how were they expecting any reaction to the Big Show turning heel for the 10 fucking millionth time. He's like Kane, but just as bad.




I legit marked out, my #1 fav finally returns to my TV. I almost shed a tear. What a moment.

When I saw that guy in the Sting tshirt like right at the start of the PPV I said "Sting confirmed." to my GF as a joke... OMG!
I also loved how D-Bry finally got revenge on AJ (through his wife).

Omg that was hilarious. THE perfect way to do it lololololol.

F**king loved it, HOW DOES IT FEEL AJ???? TAKE THAT!


Goddamn. What a performance by Ziggler.

I feel like performance is being over shadowed by Sting and The Authority storyline. He brought it and if people still think that someone like The Miz is better than him after this match then I just don't know anymore. Guy can go and bumps like no tomorrow. He does need a different finisher but other than that he was right up there with Ambrose/Wyatt. He talks in an interview about coming up with moves but says that some are not touchable and such so the fameasser was taken because WWE ok it and Billy Gunn is basically retired at this point so it's ok to use now. Things like the Superkick and such can be used but not as finishers because it's fresh in everyones head with Shawn Michels and how that's his move. Depends on the person and how popular it is I guess.

Edit: Dolph Ziggler Interview On His Moves 20 Minutes in.
AJ thing was so wonderfully crafted, who booked that?

Actual thought and care put into something diva related. Very un-WWE-like.

Almost feel it had to have been AJ's idea
or Punks.


Just let Ziggler put a few dudes to sleep with the Sleeper. Sleeper is a good enough finisher and no one else uses it.

I think Ambrose/Wyatt have a much better match in them.

The Sting debut should have been different. Lights out, end up with all but Rollins KTFO with Sting and his bat on the turnbuckle, Zig Zag, Ziggler wins and Sting points the bat at him, hands it to him then turns his back. Maybe have Ziggler whack a HHH who is just getting up.


Just let Ziggler put a few dudes to sleep with the Sleeper. Sleeper is a good enough finisher and no one else uses it.

I think Ambrose/Wyatt have a much better match in them.

The Sting debut should have been different. Lights out, end up with all but Rollins KTFO with Sting and his bat on the turnbuckle, Zig Zag, Ziggler wins and Sting points the bat at him, hands it to him then turns his back. Maybe have Ziggler whack a HHH who is just getting up.

Here's the interview about how he goes about his moves and such. Go to 20 minutes in.

Dolph Ziggler on Brock Lesnar as champ, CM Punk's departure, life after WWE, more


^^ I concur with both opinions (the two above the one above)


I can smell something...

it smells like...


That can only be a good thing. Right?


Tokyo Dome, yeah?


The Sting debut should have been different. Lights out, end up with all but Rollins KTFO with Sting and his bat on the turnbuckle, Zig Zag, Ziggler wins and Sting points the bat at him, hands it to him then turns his back. Maybe have Ziggler whack a HHH who is just getting up.

I think we won't be seeing the bat at all during Sting's WWE run. Toy investors probably told Vince "no".


So not worth it
AJ thing was so wonderfully crafted, who booked that?

Actual thought and care put into something diva related. Very un-WWE-like.

Almost feel it had to have been AJ's idea
or Punks.

Bryan Alvarez says AJ and Nikki were told their match would only go 20 seconds right before they were coming out, so no.

That was so fucking awesome, marked out hard when Sting came out. Swore my arse off on the commentary, how the fuck did they not know what the deathdrop is.

Still, I wish it was Orton coming out to fuck Triple H and Rollins over. Really put a nail in the Evolution coffin and show he won't bow down to H. Could have done a lone wolf thing, come in to save the good guys every now and then while chastising Cena for being a shit friend/team mate.

Sting vs H at WM31 should be great though, as long as Borden can still go. Interested to see what kind of story they come up with for Sting.

Fuck me, the commentary was incredibly bad throughout the night though. Especially during the Diva Tag match, inane and insulting at times. JBL was really bad at times.
Choice of camera was weird at times, I remember during one of the panel segments it kept holding on people who weren't talking way too long before shifting, super weird.

That Diva Tag match was way better than I expected despite the slow start, Naomi was great.

Really interested to see what the fuck they are doing with the Cena booking. He was a real piece of shit again tonight, sat out the back once eliminated despite H fucking up 2 refs and sending out his own one. Not to mention the what, 10 minutes of Ziggler getting destroyed. Then he comes out looking fresh as a daisy to hug Ziggler and jump up and down for the crowd with a million dollar smile. Fuck.

Hope Ambrose gets to destroy Rollins soon.
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