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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


I love how we, as nerds on the Internet "know" more based on speculation and conjecture than people who were there and have actual info.

Is it 100% true? We will never know, but it's more details than we knew previously.
well the podcast is gonna be a network exclusive so...



Wrestling is just a shitty industry that eats people up.

Any entertainment industry is like this. If only WWE could be like IMAS. ^_^
Maybe CM Punk's interview was a pre-emptive strike in the event that Vince was planning on discussing it and controlling the narrative.

It's very possible, although the SCSA podcast was only announced a few days ago.

Who knows! Good timing for wrestling fans though.

Good timing for getting people to stay subscribed to the Network too, will be a lot of eyes on that interview to see what might come out of it.


For anyone having trouble getting to the podcast here's the youtube link. I just finished it and I got no words. Nothing but respect for him and the WWE with those doctors is asinine as fuck. Money makes the world go round even if it cost you your health. Fucking shame.


For anyone having trouble getting to the podcast here's the youtube link. I just finished it and I got no words. Nothing but respect for him and the WWE with those doctors is asinine as fuck. Money makes the world go round even if it cost you your health. Fucking shame.

That really is the worst part of it all.

I'm not all that surprised he went back to family friendly garbage with Hulk HoganCena as I'm sure he never wanted to do the attitude era-2003 phase of WWE. Despite how much everyone in Rivalries/MNW tries to tell you that McMahon is a rebel and TMF

What blows my mind is after all the shit that has happened to wrestlers, losing someone like Austin because they had to keep going through injuries, Rock leaving because he would get paid more to be in movies instead of risking his health. The whole Benoit/Guerrero stuff..

You would think they would care about their employees health more. Bury them creatively all you want, but come on.
Cryptic line about NOAH in the Observer this week;

"There is some major news from here brewing."

Also, seems like TMDK may be loaned out to New Japan next year, presumably in return for more talent exchanges. That'll definitely be a boost to the tag division, lots of fresh matches there.
I'm not worried about NOAH. they have that new parter ship with NJPW and a new vision. Love that tournament aspect.
"Regarding the New Japan World press conference on 12/1, it is being described as a TV and Internet connection. The New Japan blogger on the TV-Asahi site (TV-Asahi, which co-owns the New Japan archives is a partner in the project so if it’s on their site it’s probably accurate) said it would be like the WWE Network. We’ve had some speculation that CMLL may be involved with this since the two promotions are business partners on the tour and Mistico cut a promo for something in Japan a few months back, which may have been for this."

Hnnggg, a NJPW/CMLL WWE Network-like streaming service? Gawd, I hope this is available internationally.
They need to go international, non of this niconico bullshit.


That really is the worst part of it all.

I'm not all that surprised he went back to family friendly garbage with Hulk HoganCena as I'm sure he never wanted to do the attitude era-2003 phase of WWE. Despite how much everyone in Rivalries/MNW tries to tell you that McMahon is a rebel and TMF

What blows my mind is after all the shit that has happened to wrestlers, losing someone like Austin because they had to keep going through injuries, Rock leaving because he would get paid more to be in movies instead of risking his health. The whole Benoit/Guerrero stuff..

You would think they would care about their employees health more. Bury them creatively all you want, but come on.

This is what throws me for a loop..Like after all that and shit like this is still happening? No more chair shots to the head, no more blood is to make investors happy but it seems like more of a front. Behind the scenes if your a cash cow and hurt like he was your gonna work unless your lord sina but even he will work through it because it's his life and will do anything for "The Company".

Jamie OD

If the Vince podcast with Austin is going ahead next week it is going to be super awkward no matter if they acknowledge this or not..


This Caprice Coleman dude is pretty good.

I've come to respect his ring work a lot more over the past 2 months or so. He's 37, so he's more of a mentor to younger guys at this point. Totally love his entrance theme and his sweet jacket, though.

This BJ Whitmer guy is a good promo.

Yeah, he's pretty natural at this stage. He goes for the throat in his promos on the regular. Natural heel.

I kind of want to see this bachelor party.

Someone from Wrassle-GAF was there. I haven't watched it, but I'd like to at some point. Maria does a lap dance, so yay.

Jay Lethal's man, Truth Martini just instructed the ring announcer to say that Lethal is the greatest 1st generation wrestler of all time. I have to admit that got a sincere laugh out of me.

Small touch, but really nice. Their cell phone pic shtick is also great. Lethal usually has those pics posted on his twitter too. He's posted them with a comment like "Me with some loser." Lethal in general has had a really good 2014. Easily his most memorable run since the Randy Savage and Flair copying in TNA.

Ok, my thoughts on ROH will have to wait because I need to listen to AOW now. I will say that I enjoyed it but I'm going to have to delve deeper into the ROH universe to get a true sense of it.

OMG, CM Punk time! I haven't been this hyped since Sting made his WWE debut. I'm surprised TheWesker hasn't spoiled the podcast yet. I'm going in fresh. Why did CM Punk leave?! I'm about to find out!


ROH puts up the previous weekend's episode on their site every Thursday/Friday. You can keep up for free, and it's only 50 minutes a week. Always goes by pretty quickly.

Looking forward to the Punk interview hitting iTunes and cell phone podcast apps today or tomorrow.


Getting ready to listen to this punk thing


Am I doing the thread? I will do the thread. I'm not even picky about the title.

So...13 years later, Vince has to depend on WCW homegrown talent to save his company. Ha.

There's nothing to save. Everything is good! People like the bunny! 9.99!

She'd probably make a lot more if she had her own website or did one of the cam sites instead.

She used to be on wrestlingvixxxens, no idea if it even still exists. But I think it wasn't a profitable venture.

So one of the Bellas is getting into bed with an Alan Moore LARPer. I'm not even that big on them, but what the fuck.
You're all acting like this CM Punk interview is some giant revelation and the only thing that surprised me is WWE possibly ignoring a Staph Infection.


You're all acting like this CM Punk interview is some giant revelation and the only thing that surprised me is WWE possibly ignoring a Staph Infection.
Fucking over wrestlers asking for time off or being injured is nothing new, pretty much.

I know Mark Henry has spoke about working through injuries so much that he doesn't lose his spot. The run he had in 2012, I believe. Top of the show as a major heel, but he (unfortunately for him he's oft-injured) got dinged up and had to take time off. So his run last a very short time. Upon his return... not even in the same realm.

The only guys Vince would've made this exception to is the major stars like Austin and Rock. I'm sure Hogan and Bret wrestled injured often themselves. Shawn had a bad back. Those three wouldn't be questioned to lose anything, though, even Shawn who wasn't as big as those guys but is in Vince's ear, like how Cena is right now.

Like right now, if you're not named Randy Orton, John Cena, or Roman Reigns, you're just another Superstar™.


Yes it has. It's been cleaned up on the front end for the investors but it's clearly the same old shit behind the scenes for the most part.
There's likely less stars on top who refuse to put over people than before, like Shawn, Hogan, and so forth, but right now more than ever the people in charge (not just Vince) run their ego through so many people and disrespect so many people it just gradually burns on them and they'll eventually want out. You'd ask, they're in a profession they love, but they don't to be with the biggest wrestling company for a reason. Del Rio's recent interview also shed big negative light on the company's problems.


Was curious about what the roster looks like minus nxt

Do they even have 30 guys for a rumble on their daily roster?

[*]Adam Rose
[*]Big Show
[*]Bray Wyatt
[*]Curtis Axel
[*]Dean Ambrose
[*]Dolph Ziggler
[*]Erick Rowan
[*]Jack Swagger
[*]John Cena
[*]Justin Gabriel(Bunny)
[*]Luke Harper
[*]Mark Henry
[*]Randy Orton
[*]Seth Rollins
[*]Tyson Kidd

El Torito

Tag Teams/Stable
Gold Dust

Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso

The Miz
Damien Mizdow

Heath Slater
Titus O'Neil


Xavier Woods
Kofi Kingston
Big E

I've removed guys who are injured/part time

Lets explore the single only wrestlers
Heel/Face and ranked on who is pushed or not
[*]John Cena
[*]Dolph Ziggler
[*]Erick Rowan
[*]Jack Swagger??
[*]Justin Gabriel(Bunny)
[*]Tyson Kidd
[*]R-Truth (42 years old and been off TV for a while)

[*]Seth Rollins
[*]Bray Wyatt
[*]Big Show
[*]Luke Harper
[*]Mark Henry
[*]Adam Rose

[*]Dean Ambrose
[*]Ryback (Cesaro match reset push)
[*]Randy Orton (Filming Movie)

[B]Not Clear[/B]
[*]Curtis Axel (Last match won that was on TV was July 21st)

Hell lets eliminate to guys with realistic WWE Heavyweight Title potential based off of booking

[*]John Cena
[*]Seth Rollins
[*]Randy Orton

Not really exciting.

El Hiji del Perfecto is on Superstars this week.

Jesse Ventura tried to get it done, but Hulk snitched on him, and that's why Jesse went to WCW.

Hogan was allegedly responsible for getting Jesse fired from WCW, too.

Reading all this stuff is as depressing as knowing fat Axl is sitting in some of Bucket's best work.

No doubt. Dude can't sing worth a shit live anymore. Quit sitting on all this material and release it instead of endless touring of playing the same 20 songs over and over.


Christ, I thought they had come a long way (concussions, drug use, blood etc.) but it's just as toxic as ever.
I don't doubt a single thing Punk has said is true.
Absolutely disgusting
Yeah that makes sense, I just find it odd the way it was written down. He 'can't talk about the Settlement, but he talked about it by mentioning it' kind of way.
That's pretty standard really, I couldn't count the number of news articles with words to the effect of "I can't discuss the terms of the settlement".
The only bad thing about that podcast was it should have been twice as long.
There's a follow up next week!
That's such a shitty attitude it's not even funny. Punk is in full blown denial.
so as someone who missed the entire run of punk, what are the highlights I should watch on the network before i cancel my sub?

At least watch
Punk/Cena from Money in The Bank
Punk/Taker at Mania 29
Punk/Lesnar at Summerslam '13

Then there's matches with Jericho and Jeff Hardy that are worth branching out into next. His DVD too if it's still up there.
vs Jeff Hardy at Summerslam 2009
vs Cena at Money in the Bank 2011
vs Alberto at TLC 2011
vs Bryan at Over the Limit 2012
vs Bryan at Money in the Bank 2012
vs Cena at Night of Champions 2012
vs The Rock at the 2013 Rumble
vs Undertaker at WrestleMania 29
vs Brock at Summerslam 2013

Probably a few others. The Money in the Bank match at Mania 24, some of the Elimination Chamber matches. I think the Bryan vs Punk vs Kane 3-way match at No Way Out 2012 wasn't too bad either.


So not worth it
So Punk pretty much confirms everything that's been reported so far, Meltzer redeemed.

Who the fuck fires someone
on their wedding day though
, wow. You've waited this long, couldn't have waited one more week?


So Punk pretty much confirms everything that's been reported so far, Meltzer redeemed.

Who the fuck fires someone
on their wedding day though
, wow. You've waited this long, couldn't have waited one more week?

Typical power move for insecure people.
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