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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins

NXT's pretty good tonight, friends. Horrid opening segment aside, holy shit that was bad. There's the full Kevin Owens vignette and a good match between Tyson & Finn.

Typical power move for insecure people.

I read everything you post in Alan Partridge's voice. It's awesome.


Key details and things I took away from the Punk interview on AOW:

-They fired him on his wedding day...WTF
-They didn't have any plan for how wrestlers would be compensated for PPVs when the Network launched
-The WWE's doctors are dismissive, and they just care about getting to the next show
-Punk has a Staph infection and they didn't treat it for 3 months...getting it cut out was the most painful experience of his life
-They kept him on anti-biotics for 3 months and didn't treat him properly, which is why he looked green on TV and shat himself on a Smackdown
-They have no long term plans for anybody and book week to week, month to month
-Ryback hurts people in matches, whether by accident or on purpose (Big Guy :()
-Vince is totally out of touch and thought it was a good idea to bring back Batista as a face
-Punk wanted to walk down to the ring with an MMA fighter after walking away with the WWE title, but Vince thought it was a bad idea even though it would have given more mainstream exposure
-Punk had sponsorship deals in place that would have had him promote companies on his shorts and make some extra money for himself...and potentially "the boys"...but Vince was against it
-They actually thought Batista vs. Orton would sell Mania XXX, and Daniel Bryan was not part of it
-They book him three times with guys who left after...Rock, Taker, Brock
-They wanted Punk and Show to be part of the Shield, or some form of it. What
-They only care about what Cena's doing
-Everyone does Make-a-Wish, but Cena's the only guy who gets the coverage
-Punk thinks highly of himself, but it's what made him so successful
-Punk thinks Jericho was trying to get him on his show just to generate hits and for a personal agenda...not because he was concerned for him
-Punk took pics with 4 other people at that Hawks game where that one fan contacted dirt sheets that Punk was an ass for not taking a picture with him

Fuck. The E is crrrrrrazy and Vince is totally out of touch.

Jet from Gladiators to host millennium barn dance at Yeovil aerodrome. Properly policed. It must not, repeat not, turn into an all-night rave.

So Punk pretty much confirms everything that's been reported so far, Meltzer redeemed.

For the amount of shit people give Meltzer for the stuff he gets wrong, a lot of the time he's proved right in the end. He seems to get blamed for the random shit two-bit newz sites make up as well, which I've always found bizarre. People don't seem to make a distinction between what he does and what some glorified blogger does.


Listening to Punk made me wonder if WWE as a workplace going to change even after Vince expires. HHH doesn't seem that far removed from Vince in terms of backstage drama. Stephanie definitely isn't.

Ti's a shame.


Jet from Gladiators to host millennium barn dance at Yeovil aerodrome. Properly policed. It must not, repeat not, turn into an all-night rave.

Oh god, I'm going to properly die of laughter here. xD

This chemical toilet is a Saniflow 33, now this little babe can cope with anything, and I mean anything. Earlier on I put in a pound of mashed up Dundee cake, let's take a look...not a trace! Peace of mind I'm sure, especially if you have elderly relatives on board.


Listening to Punk made me wonder if WWE as a workplace going to change even after Vince expires. HHH doesn't seem that far removed from Vince in terms of backstage drama. Stephanie definitely isn't.

Ti's a shame.
Vince may be insane and a detriment to his company but at the very least he liked CM Punk a hell of a lot more than Triple H did.

To Triple H's credit, though... to thrive in that environment you HAVE to placate Vince, think like Vince, be like Vince and do business like Vince.
Because it's Vince's show.
It's the reason Shane said fuck this and left.

The only perspective we have on Triple H semi-removed from Vince is NXT and that product's pretty damned good.
Hunter no doubt has character flaws and an ego. He's human and certainly not perfect. But we can't say we've seen what a HHH without Vince's influence would be like because that doesn't exist yet.
Same thing for Stephanie. And anything would be an improvement over what we have now.


Nice to see everyone back on the Punk bandwagon...

Wrestling fans are tri-polar, man. We've been trained to forget things that happened last week and how we felt about someone last week because that's the only way to deal with the WWE's random booking.

To follow the WWE is to be a citizen in the world of 1984.
NXT's pretty good tonight, friends. Horrid opening segment aside, holy shit that was bad. There's the full Kevin Owens vignette and a good match between Tyson & Finn.

I read everything you post in Alan Partridge's voice. It's awesome.
What was the opening segment? Carmella? Hate her....

And where's this PWG sale brahs?


So not worth it
For the amount of shit people give Meltzer for the stuff he gets wrong, a lot of the time he's proved right in the end. He seems to get blamed for the random shit two-bit newz sites make up as well, which I've always found bizarre. People don't seem to make a distinction between what he does and what some glorified blogger does.

Yeah, even when they source Meltzer, often when he states something is a rumor it gets re-reported as fact and what not, too. He's not 100% right, but you won't find anyone that gets it right even remotely as much as he does.

I never left!

Not many did, I doubt anyone who's ever seen anyone burn-out didn't understand where Punk was coming from. That shit takes a huge toll.

Besides, with how WWE has treated its employees for years nothing Punk said was really "out there" it's pretty much what you'd expect.


Listening to Punk's podcast, much of what he says echos what Meltzer has said about how WWE operates over the years. The way they never bother planning anything, the way they skew medical records to suit themselves, the way they hate taking anything if it's not their idea, and worse how they will take someone's idea and pretend it was their's, etc.
It's got institutionalized problems.


I have a split take on this punk interview. Part of me wants to stop supporting this bullshit the wwe does to their talent, but on the other hand I feel like if I don't watch the new talent will lose their jobs and not be able to realize their dream of maybe making it big. Hopefully this interview will light a fire up wwe's ass and force them to change but I doubt it.


Listening to Punk's podcast, much of what he says echos what Meltzer has said about how WWE operates over the years. The way they never bother planning anything, the way they skew medical records to suit themselves, the way they hate taking anything if it's not their idea, and worse how they will take someone's idea and pretend it was their's, etc.
It's got institutionalized problems.

Yeah, the medical stuff is particularly scary, and the idea that creative doesn't plan more than a show, week, or PPV in advance, is just frustrating and disappointing to hear as a fan. And the fact that they're totally out of touch with what fans, casual or otherwise, actually want to see.


Listening to Punk's podcast, much of what he says echos what Meltzer has said about how WWE operates over the years. The way they never bother planning anything, the way they skew medical records to suit themselves, the way they hate taking anything if it's not their idea, and worse how they will take someone's idea and pretend it was their's, etc.
It's got institutionalized problems.

Its got ego problems because it is run by a family and the head of it hates the face its wrestling. Vince wants to be the president of Viacom but he doesn't have half the business intellect to do it.

I have a split take on this punk interview. Part of me wants to stop supporting this bullshit the wwe does to their talent, but on the other hand I feel like if I don't watch the new talent will lose their jobs and not be able to realize their dream of maybe making it big. Hopefully this interview will light a fire up wwe's ass and force them to change but I doubt it.

Dudes are getting underpaid on that roster and they have made so many roster cuts dudes are going to get hurt.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So Punk pretty much confirms everything that's been reported so far, Meltzer redeemed.

Who the fuck fires someone
on their wedding day though
, wow. You've waited this long, couldn't have waited one more week?

The people who fire a pregnant woman after telling her they wouldn't.
Interview def makes me less interested in WWE.

Though if there's one thing I disagree on Punk with it's that chael sonnen would've been this huge deal that drawed a lot. Brock, who was UFC champ with an illustrious career, can barely draw. Sonnen would've have done dick.


Vince is legit insane, in case you didn't notice. He treats Punk terribly, then cries and hugs him when Punk has enough and quits.
Brock said something like that as well, when he told Vince he couldn't take the grind of the road any more and was quitting, that Vince said "You can't do this to me" and Brock was just baffled, how Vince turned it around to be about Vince.


WWE sounds like every publicly traded/huge company. I worked for Sallie Mae for a year and a half and Punk's description of WWE isn't much different, despite wildly different jobs.

Bunch of bullshit "for the workers" that is actually done just to make the company look better. People are pushed to work even when sick and punished for taking any time off. Ridiculous management structure where no one knows what is going on. People getting fucked out of money. People encouraged to break the law if it makes money, but the company will 100% throw you under the bus if you get caught. Politics everywhere (in a fucking CALL CENTER). They will absolutely run you into the ground and shit on you for being burned out and tired and then get rid of you.

That's how all big companies work.

Jamie OD

-Punk wanted to walk down to the ring with an MMA fighter after walking away with the WWE title, but Vince thought it was a bad idea even though it would have given more mainstream exposure

Best bit of that was Vince's reason for being against the idea. He's convinced someone could die during the fight (and Punk calls him out by bringing up Owen Hart)! Vince also thinks it's barbaric that the UFC has female fighters too!

For the amount of shit people give Meltzer for the stuff he gets wrong, a lot of the time he's proved right in the end. He seems to get blamed for the random shit two-bit newz sites make up as well, which I've always found bizarre. People don't seem to make a distinction between what he does and what some glorified blogger does.

The most shit I see Meltzer get nowadays is from delusional TNA fans so it doesn't bother me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thank god someone made a OT about that damn Punk interview, the stinkiest parts of wrestling fandom will be cultivated there.


Vince is legit insane, in case you didn't notice. He treats Punk terribly, then cries and hugs him when Punk has enough and quits.
Brock said something like that as well, when he told Vince he couldn't take the grind of the road any more and was quitting, that Vince said "You can't do this to me" and Brock was just baffled, how Vince turned it around to be about Vince.
This doesn't surprise me at all.


WWE sounds like every publicly traded/huge company. I worked for Sallie Mae for a year and a half and Punk's description of WWE isn't much different, despite wildly different jobs.

Bunch of bullshit "for the workers" that is actually done just to make the company look better. People are pushed to work even when sick and punished for taking any time off. Ridiculous management structure where no one knows what is going on. People getting fucked out of money. People encouraged to break the law if it makes money, but the company will 100% throw you under the bus if you get caught. Politics everywhere (in a fucking CALL CENTER). They will absolutely run you into the ground and shit on you for being burned out and tired and then get rid of you.

That's how all big companies work.
<has worked for a call center for close to 10 years>

Yep, that sounds about right.
Middle management is a cesspool.
Of course, that doesn't justify what the WWE does.

And there's a big difference between a joe schmo assembly line worker peon and ignoring the staph infection of one of your top revenue generators and firing him on his wedding day, forcing him to take you to court only for you to have to pay him more money than you would have had you just been professional.


WWE sounds like every publicly traded/huge company. I worked for Sallie Mae for a year and a half and Punk's description of WWE isn't much different, despite wildly different jobs.

Bunch of bullshit "for the workers" that is actually done just to make the company look better. People are pushed to work even when sick and punished for taking any time off. Ridiculous management structure where no one knows what is going on. People getting fucked out of money. People encouraged to break the law if it makes money, but the company will 100% throw you under the bus if you get caught. Politics everywhere (in a fucking CALL CENTER). They will absolutely run you into the ground and shit on you for being burned out and tired and then get rid of you.

That's how all big companies work.
It's how the 1% works. Murdering people, slaves, etc. when it was legal. Doing whatever they can to opress people legally. Suicidal asians making $300 a month putting together our ps4's. People on gaf saying they'd take 40 million over peace in the middle east. No one gives a fuck about anyone. No one can share the pie.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Why are you people so wrapped up in this "how could they fire him on his wedding day?!" it's just a day. Who gives a shit about the date? If it's time to go, it's time to go.


<has worked for a call center for close to 10 years>

Yep, that sounds about right.
Middle management is a cesspool.
Of course, that doesn't justify what the WWE does.

And there's a big difference between a joe schmo assembly line worker and ignoring the staph infection of one of your top revenue generators and firing him on his wedding day, forcing him to take you to court only for you to have to pay him more money than you would have had you just been professional.

Vince and HHH wanted to get personal with Punk and hope that he shares that part to other employees so they are intimidated.
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