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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


because John always has something lined up for him? He has the backing of the company and gets anything and everything he wants.

Like Punk said, Vince doesn't plan anything, all he ever says is "What's next for John Cena?". Even Triple H himself has made comments like that, that Vince is focused on the the top singles star at all times and doesn't think of the rest of the show.

Vince doesn't like tag teams, for instance, because he thinks it's a waste of two possible singles stars. That's what HHH said to Chris Hero and Cesaro when he was hiring them and telling them that's why they weren't going to be brought in as a tag team. Same reason Vince doesn't like managers, it's a waste of a roster spot to him.

HHH, to his credit, is much more focused on having a varied show with different focuses and diverse talents.
Vince also,doesn't understand women fighting as well. Whtch h explains the 2 minute bathroom breaks on raw

No one knowing who,Rhonda Rosuey is makes,total,sense
The people who fire a pregnant woman after telling her they wouldn't.

Jesus, who was that?!?

WWE sounds like every publicly traded/huge company. I worked for Sallie Mae for a year and a half and Punk's description of WWE isn't much different, despite wildly different jobs.

Bunch of bullshit "for the workers" that is actually done just to make the company look better. People are pushed to work even when sick and punished for taking any time off. Ridiculous management structure where no one knows what is going on. People getting fucked out of money. People encouraged to break the law if it makes money, but the company will 100% throw you under the bus if you get caught. Politics everywhere (in a fucking CALL CENTER). They will absolutely run you into the ground and shit on you for being burned out and tired and then get rid of you.

That's how all big companies work.
Truth. Well, not all big companies but most I expect. All the ones I've come across are like that sadly (as an employee you can learn to twist it to your advantage sometimes). Would be heartwarming to hear things change.

At the end of the day what matters is the bottom line, and that's the bottom line.

Why are you people so wrapped up in this "how could they fire him on his wedding day?!" it's just a day. Who gives a shit about the date? If it's time to go, it's time to go.
Getting married is one of those days you'll remember for the rest of your life, a happy moment. Like the birth of your child.
To have a constant reminder that your employer waited months and months to fire you, after being suspended and then left in limbo, then established that you would both discuss your future together once this once in a lifetime event was finished, only to have a document express shipped to your door on your wedding day would leave an incredibly sour taste in your mouth.

Fuck, my sister gave me attitude on my wedding day and I still remember how fucking selfish it was for her to try and make that day all about her rather than us.

If he happened to walk out the day before his wedding and they fired him the next day that would be understandable. For them to pick that day months later after leaving is petty as fuck.

The whole independant contractor thing is super interesting. Must be a 'you get the oppourtunity to work for x dollars at events you get called up to on a casual basis' for the most part.

EDIT: Fuck this was all a work by you wasn't it Vince? >_<

I do think it's funny Vince "suspended" him and it lasted until the day after WM. You could tell Vince wanted him to be the big night after WM surprise.
I thought that was more of a "Fuck you, the only thing you want from me is WM main event, once you get that you'll quit so if you want it, wait till next year arsehole!".

Vince is an arsehole but he's a crafty, manipulative arsehole. Dude is at the top for a reason.

The real reason why he just now bothered to do this podcast. Carny motherfucker.

That'll put guts in shirts!

Plus he has a potential mega book deal if he wants to write about everything.
Even with last nights podcast he could probably still get a good deal with one of the shoot interview places.

No idea why they don't allow sponsorships on the aprons, really.
Too worried about getting blood on it probably.

By the way, December thread is complete and will be posted up Sunday night.
Awesome work! Any chance of a tease?

hope the cm punk chants get louder after all this now

Would prefer them to chant 'union'. It would get muted but at least it would piss WWE off.
All I hear is "Boo hoo". I knew he couldn't keep quiet. Just fade the fuck away into obscurity already - you weren't that good or interesting to begin with,
Vince doesn't like tag teams, for instance, because he thinks it's a waste of two possible singles stars. That's what HHH said to Chris Hero and Cesaro when he was hiring them and telling them that's why they weren't going to be brought in as a tag team. Same reason Vince doesn't like managers, it's a waste of a roster spot to him.

The tag team part is maybe what annoys me the most. HBK and Bret Hart started in tag teams in the WWE. Booker T, Jeff Hardy, Scott Steiner, hell even now with Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns, they caught on because they were brought up in teams, got to get experience, got a connection with the crowd, then when it was time to fly solo, it was an easy transition.

Put some of the young guys in tag teams and you might be able to find a future main eventer(s)and get their feet wet.

Instead, Vince wants to throw them to the wolves, watch them flop, panic, then bury them. Repeat cycle with the next flavor of the month.


See Vince would look at your examples of HBK and Bret and say "Well they found success as singles stars, not tag team wrestlers, singles are what matters". He'd ignore the importance their tag team runs had.

He also forgets that it's quite ok for a tag team to be a tag team for life. Like the Usos right now, they should never be broken up, they're a tag team. But Vince would be still just looking at a tag team and going "break them up so we can find a singles star in there", even though that usually leads to both members floundering and you're left with no tag team and no singles stars from it, nothing.

So the tag team division never gets real focus or extended build.
The manger thing is mind boggling

Bobby Hennan
Captain Lou

We're all big reason for guys getting over

Hell Lana is mostly the reason RUSEV is over
All I hear is "Boo hoo". I knew he couldn't keep quiet. Just fade the fuck away into obscurity already - you weren't that good or interesting to begin with,

Gimmick posting....so fun.

Fade into obscurity? He gets chants every fucking week on Raw, 99% of the roster cant do that and they are on the damn show


Like Punk said, Vince doesn't plan anything, all he ever says is "What's next for John Cena?". Even Triple H himself has made comments like that, that Vince is focused on the the top singles star at all times and doesn't think of the rest of the show.

Vince doesn't like tag teams, for instance, because he thinks it's a waste of two possible singles stars. That's what HHH said to Chris Hero and Cesaro when he was hiring them and telling them that's why they weren't going to be brought in as a tag team. Same reason Vince doesn't like managers, it's a waste of a roster spot to him.

HHH, to his credit, is much more focused on having a varied show with different focuses and diverse talents.

which I don't get.

I was just a casual fan of wrestling watching Shawn Michaels because everyone else in my family watched wrestling. It wasn't until the cruiserweights in WCW/tag team explosion in WWF that really got me hooked.

Edge and Christian sucked IMO after going their separate ways. Edge was a shitty heel, but that probably has more to do with how they booked him. Christian was Christian. Hardy Boyz were garbage solo, Bradshaw was shit solo, New Age Outlaws weren't good when they broke up.

Tag teams can help make up for other people's shortcomings. Road Dogg's charisma and mic skills made up for Billy Gunn's lack of them. Farooq was a better talker than Bradshaw. Crash Holly made the Holly's work. Then there's the teams where they can play to each others strengths, like E&C, Hardy Boyz, Dudleys.

Also lol @ singles stars. you need to acknowledge you have another 2.5 hours to book outside of Cena before you start thinking about singles stars.
See Vince would look at your examples of HBK and Bret and say "Well they found success as singles stars, not tag team wrestlers, singles are what matters". He'd ignore the importance their tag team runs had.

He also forgets that it's quite ok for a tag team to be a tag team for life. Like the Usos right now, they should never be broken up, they're a tag team. But Vince would be still just looking at a tag team and going "break them up so we can find a singles star in there", even though that usually leads to both members floundering and you're left with no tag team and no singles stars from it, nothing.

So the tag team division never gets real focus or extended build.

Cryme Time is another example. They never should've split, but they were made to and both of them didn't amount to a hill of shit.


The way they handle part timers is just proof of this company can't think long term and it's going to bite them in the ass eventually.

Mania 30 seemed like a shift in this respect but then they shat the bed like they always do.


Don't forget ROH got a toy deal before NJPW.

NJPW has had toys going back to the 70s, brah.

Cesaro retweeted the podcast?

Damn. That poor man gives no fucks.

I dont know why WWE never get behind him for more then a PPV. Dude just looks amazing. Best physique Rick Rude. He does Match of the Show pretty much every show he is on and isnt told just to job in 30 seconds, and he is white so PS Hayes should have a problem. Sure he is European but so is Sheamus and dude gets more shots then he should.

Get fired already and go kick ass in Japan. Be free!

Cesairo is so berried he can't even get on Superstars.

C'mon stro, stop being Eric The Red.


I think Punk and everyone else is missing the symbolism in the firing coming on the day of the wedding. WWE was liberating Punk from one covenant so he would be free to enter into a new one with his bride to be. It was a wonderful thing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also, like many others have said earlier, Tyson Kidd vs Finn Balor is really goddamned good.
Honestly the WWE should only be concerned about their medical issues. That's the only real blowback here.

Yep that was the stuff WWE would be raising an eyebrow about. That could hurt them in the future if someone decides to run with it.

Fired when Pregnant - Kharma/Awesome Kong(?)
Never even had a full match? I wonder how quickly they were demanding her to get in the ring after that traumatic experience of stillbirth. Can't imagine the emotional pain that would have caused :(

Dawn Marie

Whoa, glad to see she sued and got a settlement.

CM Punk Finally Tells All in Massive 2-Hour Interview: Why He Left WWE, Why Vince McMahon is “Out of Touch” You ain't gonna be rehired after this Phil
He doesn't want to be rehired, he quite clearly states as much on the podcast.
If he ever does business with them again it'll be on a part time basis only, go for those cheap pops. I'm sure he would put someone over though, unlike the others.
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