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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


they're bullshit though, since at max levels they do more damage per hit than a human player can, fucking carnies

I'm still buying them but still
What?! Fuck that then, I mean, I'll have the ones I pre-ordered, but no more than that... And maybe Little Mac.


ballet mark.


It's real...
They learn and level up and can become your tag-team partner.

Unless this GC adaptor actually shows up, it'll be the only way I get 8 player Smash.

they're bullshit though, since at max levels they do more damage per hit than a human player can, fucking carnies

I'm still buying them but still

Wow....they sound incredibly fucking pointless.

But I must have one....or two........probably 3..........maybe 4

......eventually all
Even though La Sombra wears a mask, you can still pick up on his "who the fuck is this chump?" demeanour when trying to wrestle Bennett. Also, New Japan cameramen have no qualms about following Maria's ass around ringside, lol.

*edit, Taven's doing a lot better with Naito. I've actually been impressed with Taven, he's doing well in Japan.


I still like The Big Guy. If he's still hurting people then he needs to stop wrestling, but if he's improved, I think he's just fine in his role.


Who wants to bet a Ryback/AJ romance storyline starts on Monday?

With a doctor story on the side.

"Ryback, you should really get that checked out."

"The doc said I'm fine. It's time to fight, AJ. For our love. Feed me."

*AJ sensually stuffs a Z-Pak into Ryback's mouth*

Cue commercial.


Btw, I've watched and quickly reviewed this week's Lucha Underground. Check it out.

Lucha Underground Lowdown S01 Ep05: Johnny Mundo is Spider-Man, and Prince Puma Wants Payback:

Conclusion: This was a story-heavy episode without a lot of memorable ring work, but with the promise of new factions and alliances forming. Mundo was a huge star, but he also looked slightly foolish by whiffing the chair shot on Big Ryck and drilling Puma instead. Once again, I’m really enjoying how they’re keeping these two guys connected. However, I hope we get to see some more character from Prince Puma at some point. Right now, I know very little about him outside of the fact that he’s a talented fighter who seems to be slightly impressionable.

What’s the end game for Sexy Star and Chavo? I really feel they deserve a proper one-on-one match, but it seems like we’re going to get a tag match in the near future with Pentagon and Fenix in the mix. Once again, we better get an explanation for Pentagon’s run-in in the near future. Why would he protect Chavo?

Drago and Cuerno have a little feud going, and I’m intrigued. Same with the Muertes, Catrina, and Cueto story that took place here.

The coolest parts of this episode featured other characters either watching the matches from afar, or outright jumping into the action. I’m totally down for more of this in the future, as it makes The Temple feel like a character in the show. Mundo’s jump was incredible.

Overall, this was a good episode of Lucha Underground, though I’d consider it weaker than the past couple of weeks. Here’s hoping we get a memorable match next week.

Wesker, any chance of getting some gifs made? That Mundo parkour jump into the ring was spectacular.
Btw, I've watched and quickly reviewed this week's Lucha Underground. Check it out.

Lucha Underground Lowdown S01 Ep05: Johnny Mundo is Spider-Man, and Prince Puma Wants Payback:

Wesker, any chance of getting some gifs made? That Mundo parkour jump into the ring was spectacular.

Was that really
Pentagon? He didn't have the facepaint on and I wondered if it was one of Big Ryck's boys in his costume. I planned to check the tattoos but haven't had time yet


I am just curious to see how daniel bryan plays the whole political game. was he just so over that they gave him his push at WM? I mean yeah I know he was given it because they needed to fill HHH's story line, probably some spitefulness choices on wwe/cmpunk, crowd anger on social media etc. Like do you guys think bryan is getting all pissed backstage and trying to get himself over with management backstage? he seems really chill so I think he probably avoids that whole game and just does his work and due partially to circumstance he got that huge push at WM30. Because one thing is for damn sure and it's that bryan going over or even competing in the main event was a last minute decision.

By basically all accounts, Bryan has absolutely nothing to do with any backstage politics and is just happy to wrestle.

Probably only a small handful of trusted guys working on that show instead of the two-dozen soap opera writers who work the main brand. Their ideas don't get sabotaged by Vince, either.

If I wrote for RAW, my dream job would be to write for NXT and get the hell away from Vince McMahon.

As far as I know, most of NXT is written by one writer. Dusty Rhodes does the booking under HHH's direction, and the writer writes the TV. Dusty also works with everyone on their characters so he knows what they should be doing.
PCW v ROH tomorrow for me

Looking forward to the after party as most of the talent usually stay behind and get pissed, staying in the hotel they all stay in as well which is always fun in the bar
Btw, I've watched and quickly reviewed this week's Lucha Underground. Check it out.

Lucha Underground Lowdown S01 Ep05: Johnny Mundo is Spider-Man, and Prince Puma Wants Payback:

Wesker, any chance of getting some gifs made? That Mundo parkour jump into the ring was spectacular.

Its good to know that in these dark, dark times that the prince is working in secret to bring back sweet kong vaults to us all. Let us all hail the renaissance of JoMo


Black Friday was dull, fellas. Hit a TRU and a Target expecting to see spinebusters and lariats over $9 VCRs and shit, but the stores were basically empty. Totally expecting "retailers report shitty sales" headlines.

Oh and regarding the December OT, I'm doing something very few people have ever done

Actually using a submitted title

"I thought I was doing it," he says again.

Everyone has seen the In Your House: Canadian Stampede show, right? Right?

I still have the VHS and I'm basing who's opinion on wrestling is valid based on wether or not you watched a wrestling show from 1997 because ya'll are crazy and I need some form of "test" to find the cool people.

Saw it when it originally aired, but I don't know that I've ever rewatched.

I hadn't seen anything of Lucha other than the teaser trailer thing before the first episode, until now. This is what you guys are raving about?

Also, Star Wars is poop from a butt.


Hit the right notes on the nostalgia front, but it's Abrams, so I won't expect anything better than his Star Trek re-boot. Which was...eh.
Yeah, but unlike Trek, Double J doesn't have to struggle with the science aspects of the Star Wars universe. Instead he can just focus his attention on action, and fantasy elements that made up the original trilogy.


So anyone have any thoughts on this persons theory with Punk and his whole treatment? This guy thinks there's holes in Punks story.


The Big Hole in the CM Punk Podcast

Like every wrestling fan in the world, we franticly hunted for the download button on the latest episode of “The Art of Wrestling” with Colt Cabana in which his guest, CM Punk, was to “tell all” in this exclusive interview about him leaving the WWE, his treatment there and how he came to be so pissed off with wrestling.

We listened intently for 2 hours about his arguments with Triple H, his conversations with Vince McMahon, his absolute burial of The Ryback and somewhat The Undertaker too. However for your writer of this article, by FAR the most telling and most important part of this interview was the talk of CM Punk’s life threatening Staph virus and his claims that WWE doctors were simply incompetent. And here, is where your writer found the big hole in the CM Punk podcast.
Let’s assume for one second that everything CM Punk said was 100% the truth. Fine, I can live with that. However what I simply cannot accept is CM Punk’s claim that he had a giant lump on his back which WWE doctors diagnosed as a fatty deposit and as Punk says “They just gave me a ZPak and sent me out there”. He claims that it took until after he left WWE for another doctor to diagnose Punk with a massive Staph virus (Staphylococcus aureus) for which he had to have IV medication because WWE doctors misdiagnosed him, and that ZPaks were completely useless against Staph.So here’s the problem.

Your writer of this piece suffers from a life-threatening illness called Cystic Fibrosis. I very rarely bring it up, unless it’s because we’re doing charity work for it. However I feel I must because it’s completely relevant. One of the most popular treatments for Cystic Fibrosis is a drug called Azithromycin. Also known in the US as a ZPak. A common side effect for suffers of CF is Staphylococcus Aureus (or Staph for short), primarily in the lungs or sputum (spit). Azithromycin is used to treat this and is highly effective and IN FACT a quick Google search or a simple link to a wikipedia article will tell you that.
Punk’s claim that WWE had no clue how to treat him is complete nonsense. They gave him a ZPak for Staph because that’s exactly what it’s for. If WWE doctors thought it was just a “fatty deposit” they would not have given it to him. What I’m saying is WWE doctors knew he had Staph AND were treating him accordingly. Exactly as they should.

Alright, I’m not a doctor but I have been taking Azithromycin all of my life (27 years) and I know exactly what it is and isn’t treated for. In fact it’s also used to treat Pneumonia, HIV in some cases and chlamydia. And no, I do not have chlamydia. The point I’m making is that this medication is used for a wide range of applications and WWE doctors were not “useless” at all.
However I’m not saying WWE doctors are completely innocent. If Punk had to go to a different doctor and have the Staph drained and be put on an IV drip, that means the Staph became resistant at some point to the medication. Azithromycin has an ingredient in it called Methicillin and Staph can develop to the point where it becomes Methicillin-resistant. Or to coin it it’s proper term Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. People in the UK might more commonly know this as the hospital superbug MRSA. I’ve had it, it’s not nice.
And it’s just as simple as that. WWE doctors treated him absolutely as they should. He had Staph, they knew it and they gave him the appropriate treatment which is in fact, Zpaks.

But the infection further developed into MRSA and they missed it. That can happen sometimes and even the very best doctors in the world miss stuff. Not to mention the treatment in the US for both MRSA and my illness, Cystic Fibrosis is absolutely awful. The fact that WWE doctors missed it being MRSA is obviously a massive MASSIVE issue here, but the point of this article is to state that initially, the WWE doctors were in fact giving him the right treatment. It’s not to defend WWE or Punk.
CM Punk isn’t a liar, he just doesn’t have all the facts. And if he’s bending the truth about that, then you have to ask yourself what other parts of that story aren’t entirely true. What are your thoughts on the CM Punk interview? Have you heard it? Has it changed your opinion of WWE and/or CM Punk? Let me know in the comments section. I’d love to know your thoughts.


I thought they gave him ZPaks while he was nauseous before the lump happened? My timeline may be off though, was listening while working.


So not worth it
So anyone have any thoughts on this persons theory with Punk and his whole treatment? This guy thinks there's holes in Punks story.


The Big Hole in the CM Punk Podcast

Yeah. except that they treated him for three months with no improvement. He then went to another doctor who immediately cut the infection out.

They didn't miss anything, they "treated" him so he wouldn't miss any time, and his infection got to a level where it was life threatening because of it.

There's no hole, there's a doctor not giving the proper treatment to protect the company he's working for and that's all there's to it.


This guy thinks there's holes in Punks story.

Well, yeah. It's pretty clear that Phil and creative should've given this story line another pass or two. Still waiting on evidence of a court case that should be a part of the public record and the hideous MRSA on the back of a man who is half naked every week.
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