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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins

@ryback22 3h3 hours ago
last message on this. I will tell the truth about @cmpunk comments in due time. Not once did he ever confront me. Let's all move on. Thank u


man the rock/punk fued had some good packages



Fuck man, this was such a better feud than Cena Rock. They should have at the very least had Rock win at RR, Punk regain the title via shenanigans at EC, and then do a triple threat match at WM29 with Cena. They could have Cena pin Rock when Punk was knocked out after some big spot and they'd have a built-in Cena/Punk feud to carry them through the summer doldrums.



I would actually imagine the crowd is 100% dead here, yes?

I don't know if it's just been that long since I watched Smackdown or if it's just the feed, but it seemed like they didn't even attempt to make the crowd noises sound realistic in that video. It was almost TNA level fake crowd noise.


I would actually imagine the crowd is 100% dead here, yes?



man the rock/punk fued had some good packages



Those promos are great and part of the reason it's hard to watch other promotions. The WWE just does video packages so fucking well.

Also, Punk was right. He should've main-evented Mania. He should've beaten The Rock and then they could've done a triple-threat elimination with Cena as the main-event.
As reported by Figure Four Daily today, the most pissed off person in WWE about the Punk interview is Triple H. Quote: "Triple H is out for Punk's head."

Vince is unhappy about it, but not steaming like you might expect.


You know, I was planning on doing some research on the roster and posting it here, like a digital trading card/flash card to make it easier to learn about ROH. It'd have the wrestler's name, pic, finishing move, and entrance music. But then I realized everyone here except for me probably knows all of these guys already so it'd just be spam.

I would support this initiative.


As reported by Figure Four Daily today, the most pissed off person in WWE about the Punk interview is Triple H. Quote: "Triple H is out for Punk's head."

Vince is unhappy about it, but not steaming like you might expect.

Looking forward to the HHH shoot interview. On Raw. In Chicago.
As reported by Figure Four Daily today, the most pissed off person in WWE about the Punk interview is Triple H. Quote: "Triple H is out for Punk's head."

Vince is unhappy about it, but not steaming like you might expect.
I like to think Trips was pulling this expression when hearing this info come to light.
As reported by Figure Four Daily today, the most pissed off person in WWE about the Punk interview is Triple H. Quote: "Triple H is out for Punk's head."

Vince is unhappy about it, but not steaming like you might expect.

What is Hunter going to do? I mean really? Go to his house and actually bury him?

You can't bury him anymore Hunter he's no longer an employee of your company. Oh you are going to cut a promo on RAW about him again? Yeah I bet Punk could really give a shit about that. About the only thing he could do is make AJ's life shitty bet then you pushed her out the door too. He made you look like an asshole, but everyone already knew that. What's best for business is to get over it, move on and try to fix the product. Maybe take some of his words to heart and change some of the other things wrong with the company.


What is Hunter going to do? I mean really? Go to his house and actually bury him?

You can't actually bury him anymore Hunter he's no longer an employee of your company. He made you look like an asshole, but everyone already knew that.

I did get a kick out of Punk's Triple H impersonation on the interview. "Well uhhh..." *slightly nasally*


What type of people should fans be, then? Dude is just saying we should be cool to each other and realize we all enjoy the same hobby.

The way he presents it like it's such a big deal and it's an important discussion to have and all of that. That tone just doesn't sit well with me.

We are just normal people that talk about a TV show that we enjoy. There's no need to think about it any more than that.

Maybe he comes from a good place but I just didn't like the way he approached it.
Punk has gotten them more mainstream attention the last 2 days than they have had in months. They shouldn't be angry at him they should be thanking him.

Even bad press is good press. Well unless it's murder-suicide.


Why is Woods dressed in AJ Styles cosplay?
Why weren't we swerved with a serious stable of serious men?
Why is Big E wearing that awful jacket?
Why are their outfits based on Wild Berry Pop-Tarts?


The way he presents it like it's such a big deal and it's an important discussion to have and all of that. That tone just doesn't sit well with me.

We are just normal people that talk about a TV show that we enjoy. There's no need to think about it any more than that.

Maybe he comes from a good place but I just didn't like the way he approached it.

Fair enough. Truth is, some people consider themselves part of "the IWC," be it an annoying tag or not. As long as we have the term, there still needs to be mutual respect between marks and smarks, whether you like those labels or not.

The writer of the article mentions he actually doesn't like the term IWC either:

"As cheesy as it sounds, I would actually like to see the term “IWC” abolished, and for us all to just be recognized as fans…because that’s what we were when we started watching pro wrestling, and that’s what we should still be today."
How does amateur pro wrestling critic, theologian, and a**hole, Strobogo, stack up against the self proclaimed Representative of the IWC and face of online wrestling reviews, Brandon Stroud?

WCW Monday Nitro 11/27/95


http://legitshook.squarespace.com/w...cw-monday-nitro-112795?rq=wcw monday nitro 95

Fun Facts:
Comments - Stroud 33 | 0 Strobogo
Facebook Likes - Stroud 46 | 0 Strobogo
Google search results position when searching for this episode of Nitro - Stroud 5th, 6th, 9th | 10th Strobogo
Date published - Stroud 11/19/14 | 9/7/14 Strobogo
Word count - Stroud 2722 | 1447 Strobogo
Animated GIFS - Stroud 0 | 8 Strobogo

Strictly adhering to the first word in John Cena's famous credo, Stroud has his review broken up into 4 pages to maximize the number of page clicks. Strobogo has everything laid out on one page, either because he dislikes money or lacks the technical wizadry and forethought of Stroud; I'll let you be the judge.

It appears that Stroud lazily only included screencaps from a WWE Network stream and one YouTube link, an off-screen capture of a laptop display recorded via smartphone. However, Stroud includes a credit underneath each pic, the word "WWE" in faint gray text, in some cases "Via WWE" with the text being a link to the Network stream where he captured the screen shot. So everything appears to be on the up and up and Stroud can watch his fat stacks pile up worry-free. Unfortunately the same can't be said for Strobogo. While he did go to the effort of including crisp, high quality animated gifs, there appears to be no credit, so he stole them and claimed them as his own. The good news is Strobogo ain't seeing a dime from these reviews so no harm no foul.

Stroud has clickbaity links at the bottom of his page of pretty girls and intriguing titles that I couldn't help but click on, no doubt making him even more money. Strobogo has text links to the latest Legit Shook content uploaded to the site and you'd have to pay me to click on those.

Stroud has a lengthy preamble summarizing World War 3 at the beginning of his review. His Nitro review doesn't even start until half way through page 3. Strobogo briefly touches on WWIII but for the most part it's all Nitro.

The Reviews

Johnny B. Badd vs DDP

Where they agree:
Johnny B. Badd has a lot of gimmick props.

Where they disagree:
Stroud believes that Badd's excessive gimmick props and valet are meant to "butch" up his character from his previous Little Richard gimmick. Implying heels can be flamboyant but faces have to be tough manly dudes. He does not seem to appreciate this. Strobogo just thinks it's too many props and doesn't mention any gay subtext, leading me to believe he's a homophobe.
Stroud also dislikes Kimberly's insertion into this angle because she's presented as a prize to be claimed by a man. Once again, Strobogo did not pick up on this which clearly indicates that he's a misogynist.
The finish of the match involves Kimberly throwing a chain into the ring that was hidden in a bouquet of flowers that DDP gave her. Stroud believes adamantly that Kimberly threw the chain to DDP saying,
Stroud said:
The finish is Kim totally selling Johnny out, tossing a chain into the ring for Dallas to use. It goes through his legs, though, and into the waiting hands of Johnny. Johnny knocks Page out with it, slips it into his trunks and wins the match. After the match he’s rightfully like, “hey, was that for me or for him?” Kimberly responds with YOU WON THE MATCH, THAT’S WHAT MATTERS! Badd seems fine with it, even though he

1. just cheated to win a match, and
2. very obviously saw his valet try to cheat AGAINST him, and
3. she’s being super shifty about it.

Let this be a cautionary tale, gentlemen: be careful who you let fire off your Badd Blaster.

Strobogo seems less sure and says
Strobogo said:
Inside the bouquet is a chain. Kim doesn't know what to do with it. Brain asks if anyone ever slapped Mongo during a game and how he reacted. “....I wore a helmet.” Kim throws the chain between DDP's legs. Badd gets it and decks DDP. Title retained. Johnny wants to know who she actually threw it to.
This tells me that Strobogo is a knuckledragging, mark-a**-mark, simpleton that can't follow basic wrestling storytelling and is easily distracted when commentary does slightly off-topic.

And holy sh*t, this is taking too long, so just like Kevin Nash knowing not to exert himself too much and doing just enough to slip by, I'm going to prematurely end it here since no one is going to read this. I will say that both Stroud and Strobogo do not appreciate racist remarks towards female Japanese wrestlers and they both really don't like Hulk Hogan.

The end.


I don't really hate any wrestlers at all. As a character, the only one who approaches "hate" status is John Cena due to his inconsistency and staleness.
I've been back in the States for Thanksgiving, so when I go back home to Canada the WWE Netwrok will be a TV station? How does this work? I refuse to google this.
I've been back in the States for Thanksgiving, so when I go back home to Canada the WWE Netwrok will be a TV station? How does this work? I refuse to google this.

Do you have Rogers?

If no then don't worry because you cannot get the Network by legal means in Canada you'll have to go the carny route and use nefarious means to get the 'Merica version.

If you have Rogers it's a Channel that you sub to that shows the live feed and has a small amount of On Demand content. I hear it's shit and is more expensive because Canadians use monopoly money with old women and beavers on it, rather than "Merican money with slave owners and Illuminati messages.


Under what circumstances would glitter guns and fancy sequined robes, also with glitter, "butch up" a male character? Especially one that showed no attraction or even hints of attraction towards his female valet? I thought it was taken for granted that Johnny B. Badd was a gay character and no one seemed to care about it, especially by that point since he was a pretty over face.

Stroud is an idiot. That makes no sense.


I've been back in the States for Thanksgiving, so when I go back home to Canada the WWE Netwrok will be a TV station? How does this work? I refuse to google this.

Some good news on that:

The CRTC has approved a license to Rogers for the WWE Network and has been added to their list of non-Canadian programming services. This means that the network will not be subject to any specific regulations such as a certain amount of Canadian content being broadcast (there are many examples of the CRTC allowing U.S. programming into the country without the same restrictions). After launching in Canada this past August, only those with Rogers have had the ability to buy the network as other carriers have been unable to work out deals to distribute the network. Rogers has also noted to the CRTC that they intend to offer the same programming as the U.S. version (presumably meaning that the online library will be elevated from its current status, where it is presented as a “Best of the WWE Network” with a fraction of the library available to U.S. and worldwide subscribers).

So basically Canadian version is going to be updated to how it is in American soon.
Under what circumstances would glitter guns and fancy sequined robes, also with glitter, "butch up" a male character? Especially one that showed no attraction or even hints of attraction towards his female valet? I thought it was taken for granted that Johnny B. Badd was a gay character and no one seemed to care about it, especially by that point since he was a pretty over face.

Stroud is an idiot. That makes no sense.

It was moreso the frisbees, which he equates to liking sports, and Kimberly. Also that he dropped the eyeshadow, lipstick, and calling himself pretty.


It was moreso the frisbees, which he equates to liking sports, and Kimberly. Also that he dropped the eyeshadow, lipstick, and calling himself pretty.

His signature moves were still called The Kiss That Don't Miss, Tutu Fruiti, and Badd Mood. He still wore glitter and used his glitter gun positioned as a penis to explode on the mostly male audience.
His signature moves were still called The Kiss That Don't Miss, Tutu Fruiti, and Badd Mood. He still wore glitter and used his glitter gun positioned as a penis to explode on the mostly male audience.

The frisbee negates all that as a historically well established symbol of heterosexuality.
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