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November Wrasslin |OT| Ask Not The Jobber How John Cena Wins


Watching the MNW doc about Jercho and holy crap was that ever a frank statement by Goldberg: "My problem with Jericho is that I think people wanted head to head matches, no interference, no screwed finishes, and then have someone like that come out on top... with someone that weighed three hundred pounds who could pick them up and throw them to the 10th row anytime they wanted to... just did not think there was much sense in that." (paraphrasing)

That's messed up, man. =/


I seriously think if WCW gave Jericho the belt it would have been the final nail in MNW coffin.

Imagine the pop he would have received if he would have won it at starrcade 98 instead of Nash. I'm talking a legit match, no interference and bullshit.
... Why is it that there are no genuinely good commentators any more in WWE? I mean, JBL is half-decent (IMO), but when he (the colour commentator) is better at it than the commentators whose dedicated jobs are to commentate interestingly on events, something's wrong. And worst of all, JBL isn't even good, just half-decent.


... Why is it that there are no genuinely good commentators any more in WWE? I mean, JBL is half-decent (IMO), but when he (the colour commentator) is better at it than the commentators whose dedicated jobs are to commentate interestingly on events, something's wrong. And worst of all, JBL isn't even good, just half-decent.

Watch NXT.


I seriously think if WCW gave Jericho the belt it would have been the final nail in MNW coffin.

Imagine the pop he would have received if he would have won it at starrcade 98 instead of Nash. I'm talking a legit match, no interference and bullshit.

Jericho was no where near ready for a title win beating Goldberg at Starrcade. Wtf. It'd be about like Bo Dallas beating Brock at Wrestlemania.

Watch NXT.

NXT's commentary is shitty.


jericho consistently had the most entertaining segments of nitro.

actually i take that back

ralphus did, jericho just rode the wave


Tom Phillips has a good voice I think. It doesn't grate on me as much as Cole does. Though I'm sure that is because Vince is probably screaming at Cole's ear. It looks like he's lost that fire to commentate. Goes through the motions and etc. Same with Lawler and JBL...


NXT's commentary doesn't insult my intelligence with 5th grade insults, constant in fighting and banter that makes my head hurt.

I must be watching the wrong show because it sure feels like every weeks is full of Albert/Riley arguing, or Byron arguing with whoever depending on if he's heel or face that week. Along with bad jokes and shilling. And a whole lot of "Oooooooooohhhhh!" and "We've seen this before!"


I'm really liking Albert as color. He sounds like he's channeling Jesse Ventura sometimes. He's not Regal, who was awesome as color, but he's still good. Renee adds a bit to the team as well because she brings a different perspective to the color.


So not worth it
NXT commentary used to be good, especially when Regal was still around, Albert, Renee and Riley are just not very good. Which is okay they're still learning and all, but Riley had gotten worse, he's playing the heel, but he arms to lack the abilities to make it a compelling one, instead he's just a cocky guy pretending to be a grizzled veteran, it's just a bit offputting in that sense.

Right now the commentary is one of the only things I actively dislike about NXT. Albert is the only one that is okayish, but green.


Matt striker is a prerty good commentator. Vampiro is really bad

He's such a bro.

Also, Sandman is forgiving as fuck. A better man than I. I think all of the commentary on NXT is hot garbage right now, just barely better than the bullshit on Raw. Being an hour instead of three probably is the reason why it isn't quite as bad.


I just wish NXT would decide what team they want as commentary and stick with it. Albert is always there, but the people around him rotate week to week it seems and that brings it down a lot. Riley and Saxton are the worst of the team, but when they're not on there it's good.

I like it because it's typically more of a focus on calling the match and commentating on the story in the match at hand. NXT commentary really puts over the stronger characters in the series and touches on the high points of the story to make sure you know what is going on.

I like that, and I don't see that as much on Raw. I also don't feel insulted when watching it.
The RKO advertisement works better for me if you imagine the 9.99 are like super balloons carrying Orton off into the atmosphere, hence his pants shitting expression.


I like Tom Phillips.

Him, Saxton and Regal are the best WWE announce team they have. Plus here is the Survivor Series Card so far:

Team Cena vs Team Authority
Bray vs Ambrose
Nikki vs AJ
Multiple Tag Team title match

edit: Maybe they add a NXT survivor Series match


The Powerbombcast Episode 13 - The Roman Empire Invades

Late in this week's episode, we're joined by WWE Superstar Roman Reigns to talk about his recovery, his career, and his future prospects in Undertaking. But before all that, Alex, Jeff, Dan, and Jared talk about Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series, Lucha Underground, and the myriad ways in which wrestling is currently bumming us out.
I don't understand why Jeff likes wrestling. I feel like he enjoyed it when he was younger and just watches because he feels an obligation now because of the site. He really just seems to like the royal rumble and that's it.

He basically wants to watch the shitty WWE films every week. If you want to watch shitty b movies watch shitty b movies. Why would you choose to go to WWE for shitty writing when it isn't entertaining bad I don't know.

Dan is kinda weird too. I feel like he is making excuses for why wrestling is good even though for the most part they all seemed down on the WWE product. A

It was awesome when the podcast first started because you could see that for the most part everyone really enjoyed and had a passion for wrestling. However the main WWE product is so shitty that none of them seem really care.

I think they are right on one thing.
The pieces are fine, the people putting them together are idiots.

I'm not finished with the show yet so maybe it will end differently.

I remember hearing something that the WWE will always have a monopoly on wrestling today not because of their company size and money but rather because they flood the marketplace with content. For customers not wanting to spend a dime they get over 5 hours a week of content and if they spend enough to get the network they get a 3-4 hour PPV a month and 1-2 extra hours of wrestling shows. Who is going to want to watch that much stuff especially when the product isn't good.
I think WWE will always have a monopoly on wrestling because they one of two companies to really make it a mainstream thing and the other company to do that doesn't exist anymore. It's the same with the UFC and MMA. I know so many people who use "UFC" as a catch-all term to talk about any MMA event. Sure, there are other MMA promotions in business, and there were even some before UFC, but in mainstream consciousness the first thing people think of when they see two guys fighting in a cage is UFC. Same with wrestling and WWE. It has been the big thing for so long that when people see a wrestling match, they think WWE. And that'll probably never change.


"WWE is launching a streaming service? Aww shit that could be cool I'd like to watch some of the Flair and Sting, ECW craziness, and Steve Austin kicking ass and all of the blood and sex.

It comes with PPV and stuff from today. I wonder what crazy shit they are doing today..."

"I'll pass. I wonder what UFC fight is coming up next"
"WWE is launching a streaming service? Aww shit that could be cool I'd like to watch some of the Flair and Sting, ECW craziness, and Steve Austin kicking ass and all of the blood and sex.

It comes with PPV and stuff from today. I wonder what crazy shit they are doing today..."

"I'll pass. I wonder what UFC fight is coming up next"

Attitude era had just as much, if not more, stupidity as anything done today.


... Why is it that there are no genuinely good commentators any more in WWE? I mean, JBL is half-decent (IMO), but when he (the colour commentator) is better at it than the commentators whose dedicated jobs are to commentate interestingly on events, something's wrong. And worst of all, JBL isn't even good, just half-decent.


There is a lot to be ho-hum about in pro wrestling right now. The excitement I once felt for it just isn't there anymore because of how milketoast the WWE has become. Yeah, there are some great indy promotions and other things to watch, but the WWE is like the NHL, MLB, NBA etc. It should have the cream of the crop in regards to entertainment, but they can barely muster a storyline that grabs my attention.

It speaks volumes when their best moments, such as Bryan winning the title or Orton getting cut open during his face turn, are the results of total flukes.
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