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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT

There are a lot of British in this thread and I don't yet know how I feel about it. Might have to start instituting quotas before they take over the joint, what with their double-decker buses, black taxis, and phone booths.

This is unprecedented and I'm scratching my head trying to come up with answers. They never talk about Wade Barrett and are ashamed to be associated with Drew McIntyre, so what's the draw?

The British are able to separate ourselves from patriotism. Each part of the UK actually detests the other parts. We hate each other.

For example, I am from Essex. Essex hates everywhere else. Everywhere else hates Essex. Anyone not from around here is a twat. Etc.

The English don't even like Andy Murray and he's the British number one tennis player. In turn, he doesn't like England, despite representing us.

We are awesome.

Also, fuck Drew McIntyre.



So not worth it
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:

Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns: “Show closing segment…. @HeymanHustle promo/intro for @CMPunk was stellar. @Ryback22 interrupt shut Punk’s promo down but the actions of the ‘NXT in Black Boys’ stood out. I embrace their aggression and physicality directed at Ryback who took a helluva beating. Watch again in slo-mo if you think I’m embellishing. The three men comprised of @TheDeanAmbrose @RomanReigns and @WWWERollins did not become cannon fodder for the leviathan Ryback plus they kept a discernable level of mystique as their motives weren’t revealed nor did we hear them speak as of yet. All good in carving out an episodic TV storyline. ”

Paul Heyman Referencing Bruno Sammartino On RAW: “Heyman mentioning Bruno Sammartino was cool. Any discussion about the WWE Title can’t realistically take place without mentioning Bruno. I’d love to see Bruno inducted in the WWE HOF in 2013 in his house, Madison Square Garden, along with Bob Backlund, Mick Foley, among others that are very deserving. ”

Changes Taking Place In WWE: “It feels like positive changes are in play in WWE in what feels to be a definite, transitional period. There’s nothing wrong with being in a transitional period by the way. Lots of talent who have been groomed for main event opportunities are now being placed in the ‘on deck circle’ or so it seems. Their own, personal desire to take the next step isn’t all about WWE but, more often than not, the people that these individuals see in the mirror. By refusing to accept mediocrity and pushing, pulling, scratching and clawing through the clutter one increases their odds of making it. Granted the odds of becoming a bona fide main event performer in WWE are long to begin with but diligence and working through adversity (I know of what I speak on this one) greatly increases one’s chances for success. I’d almost compare today’s WWE to a major college athletic team or a pro franchise who is rebuilding around young, talented athletes, plus a few incumbents, who need to continue to push themselves in all phases of their game and not settle. Athletes who reside in their insulated ‘nests’ IE their comfort zones are problems that must be either solved or eliminated.”

“This transition is a long term fix but if the course is steered week in and week out the results will be the development of several talents who can add ‘new’ to broadcast and live event presentations.”
like all brits, they avoid confrontations at all costs so don't expect an answer.
They're making a poor effort to assimilate into our trashy American wrestling fan lifestyle. I shouldn't be able to pick them out by screen name, avatar, and wrestling merch purchases and yet, here we are. It's like they don't even care.
We have the capacity to like wrestlers who aren't British. Shocking, I know.

That's not how This Business® works, mate. Are you going to sit hear and tell me that all the Wrasslegaf intelligentsia were wrong when they told me Alberto Del Rio's push was simply a means to appeal to the Latino demographic and increase ticket sales for their Mexico tour? It's your word against theirs and your kind wear wrestling t-shirts in public so you can see why I'm having a difficult time accepting your rationale.


Sigh. Still annoyed by Raw and actually watching a whole hour of it. This company has little strands that keep me coming back for some reason. Ugh.
Pastamania is running wild, brother!



Crossbones. The other one is probably Hydra, I know he used to partner UMB (as did Mr. Zero), although was he ever aligned with the Envoy in the past?

He hung with them as the Order of the Neo Solar Temple, which had Crossbones in it too back in the day.
RAW ratings notes

Even though it came the day after Survivor Series, Raw numbers are likely to be in the bottom three or four of the past 15 years.

The show did 3.84 million viewers, with hours of 3,873,000; 3,923,000 and 3,710,00 respectively.

The rating will probably be a 2.6 or a 2.7.
There are a lot of British in this thread and I don't yet know how I feel about it. Might have to start instituting quotas before they take over the joint, what with their double-decker buses, black taxis, and phone booths.

This is unprecedented and I'm scratching my head trying to come up with answers. They never talk about Wade Barrett and are ashamed to be associated with Drew McIntyre, so what's the draw?

We have our own little smokey social club where we talk about Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy. Sometimes when we're feeling rather excitable we talk about the greatest backstage interviewer of all times - the man that was always outside Macho Man Randy Savage's locker room... Lord Alfred Hayes!


So not worth it
Aiii doesn't like Cena because he kissed AJ.

Yes, though not as you imply. AJ being booked as a slut for no reason doesn't exactly do her any favors. She should not be playing damsel in distress for him, it'll not make her more liked, and it will not earn Cena more cheers. Plus, the whole angle is ridiculous, it's not 1950, two single adults hooking up is not an affair nor a scandal, the angle insults everyone's intelligence. Ugh.

I enjoyed her confronting and beating on Ziggler. But then Cena had to come and rescue her again. What a nice fucking guy helping the professional female fighter out like that.


you non merch buying 10%ers dont matter

vince never cared for you cause you dont know what you want

-feuds that feature real desire, passion, and heat
-follow-up on storylines and pushes
-a woman's division that isn't a sideshow and joke (give us women who can work and who don't all fit into one type)
-listening to crowd reactions from fans and pushing guys from there
-good in-ring work
-no racism, homophobia, or misogyny

There are likely more things, but I think this would be a good start.


This thread is racialist. Lou Thesz didn't care about boarders, about what country was what and who lived where, he was in black and white.


LOL@JR thinking last night was good episodic television. Maybe if Raw exists in a vaccuum that doesn't include PPVs.

Not everyone thought last nights Raw was bad you know. John Pollock and Wait Ting liked the show and so did there listeners and they are as 10% as we are. The show drags at points but thats because it was 3 hours. I liked Raw yesterday.

no racism, homophobia, or misogyny.

this is funny because wrestling has had this since the attitude era. The attitude era was based off this. They chanted an anti gay word in the crowd in 97 and most of the attitude era had tons of misogyny. WWE is alot better off now then in the past in this.
We have our own little smokey social club where we talk about Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy. Sometimes when we're feeling rather excitable we talk about the greatest backstage interviewer of all times - the man that was always outside Macho Man Randy Savage's locker room... Lord Alfred Hayes!

I can't make heads or tails out of this gibberish. You need to dumb down your Queen's English and obscure references to our American sensibilities, not the other way around.

Jeez, these guys are taking over. I bet there's more Brits here than there are Americans in the Feetball thread. This is nuts.


more money than God
We have our own little smokey social club where we talk about Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy. Sometimes when we're feeling rather excitable we talk about the greatest backstage interviewer of all times - the man that was always outside Macho Man Randy Savage's locker room... Lord Alfred Hayes!
Alred Hayes wasn't all that good. The man seemed to be lost on commentary 90% of the time.


So not worth it
How does AJ put on a shirt like that anyways without getting caught? Or is it open and maybe Kaitlyn knots it up? Hmmm.
There are a lot of British in this thread and I don't yet know how I feel about it. Might have to start instituting quotas before they take over the joint, what with their double-decker buses, black taxis, and phone booths.

This is unprecedented and I'm scratching my head trying to come up with answers. They never talk about Wade Barrett and are ashamed to be associated with Drew McIntyre, so what's the draw?
I always talk about Wade Barrett, don't ignore me Heinz Bean Breath.
This thread is racialist. Lou Thesz didn't care about boarders, about what country was what and who lived where, he was in black and white.

There's plenty of British talent for you to cheer for without having to brush up on our American wrestlers. I say Brits, stick with your Brits and we'll keep to our own kind. WWE employs a wide variety of athletes, there's no need for all this unnecessary mixing.


Thats kind of dumb. Normally WWE promote the heck out of that stuff.

Remember when WWE gave Mick Foley a bunch of promotion for his book even though he was signed with TNA and TNA wasnt doing shit to promote it? That was pretty funny.

WWE didn't even want Punk on the WWE13 cover.
No Dutch Wrestlers, now there's discrimination for you.

Rob Van Dam.

Antonio Cesaro is geographically closest to you and probably speaks Dutch. Justin Gabriel is from South Africa, that's close enough.

Those are the only two talents you would be allowed to post about under my ideal vision of Wrasslegaf.

If you as the wrestler can't make the offense look good, why should I as the opponent sell it?

Shane trying to perform a TJ Combo Ultra!!!! lol

i initially thought it was legit, and they decided to roll with it later when they showed the replay and backstage scene. i just dont think the writers could come up with "and then he chases Ziggler but sprains his ankle!"


Totally agree on this gif as last great heel. If Show wasn't so damn big he'll be an awesome heel
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