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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


No, I expect Ziggles to win but Miz destroyed him on the mic.

Miz did. Ziggles jobbed to everyone leading to what he is today. Now is his stardom and shine unlike in the past. So what Miz said honestly didn't mean anything.

Jesus no. His bleached hair a great part of his look, makes him stand out.
At the PPV this past Sunday the back his hair pretty much dried out. It was pretty hilarious seeing his hair almost turn into a puffy afro.


Would think someone in the WWE would have taken care of this



Miz did. Ziggles jobbed to everyone leading to what he is today. Now is his stardom and shine unlike in the past. So what Miz said honestly didn't mean anything.

At the PPV this past Sunday the back his hair pretty much dried out. It was pretty hilarious seeing his hair almost turn into a puffy afro.

It's not a Ziggler match if his hair hasn't expanded from slicked and neat to a bird's nest by the end.
I mean, sure, if you're into belts that look like they were made by 14 year old Japanese boys who watched the Attitude Era on 3rd gen tapes in 2007. Then they'd probably seem pretty cool.

That's cute trolling. Except for the fact that the design isn't inspired by Japanese wrestling at all. Those are clearly a take on the "Sugar Skull" design popular in tattooing (which is entirely appropriate and regional considering ACW's roots in downtown Austin and punk rock mentality) reflecting the Mexican Calavera tradition.

I like those belts - the Stone Cold one was goofy as hell, but those tag titles have a cool design for the centre plate. Also, anyone notice that the new ROH world title looks like Jar Jar Binks?


Is this it? I think I see it now. And now I won't be able to unsee it.


How did that ROH title get made with not a single person seeing the animal face and rejecting the design? It's RIGHT THERE.
Why is there a space between the words heavy and weight.
Nobody says heavy weight any more.
It's always heavyweight.

And the way they've compressed 'World's' and 'Wrestling' on either side is tacky as hell.

I think I like the Jeff Hardy title belt better. It at least has the decency to resemble a Star Fox villain.

INCOMING DIRT SHEEEETS, was this posted:

F4WOnline is reporting that current creative plans could see WWE Champion CM Punk defeating the Rock at the upcoming Royal Rumble in their highly anticipated match, and going on to face the Undertaker at WrestleMania 29 with the championship on the line.

One major reason WWE is hesitant to put the belt on the Rock going into WrestleMania, is the lack of title matches at house shows between January and April, as well as the company's Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.

According to the report, the WWE's concern for house shows is also a big reason they have not unified the two major World titles, as they feel a championship match should ideally close out each local event.


more money than God
We can informally consider the Bellas part of Team Hell No, can we not?
(I suppose Good Guy Glenn's fam can be considered on board as well.)
GGG actually talked about Daniel's dog, Josie, in that radio interview a while back, and Daniel has christened her the Hell No mascot.

Shoot, hell yeah the Bellas are part of the team.


Not wrong at all.

I bet I know who took this picture!

I wish I was one of those dogs....

Either one really :/

Also, as far as house shows go. Is it really necessary that the main champion is at every one? I mean these shows generally are nowhere near the ticket price of Raw/Smackdown/PPV would it be so bad that house shows could be used as a way for greener wrestlers to work on things and have some IC/US title action along with strong mid-card and tag team matches? I mean Cena/Punk/Bryan shirts will sell even if they aren't there I'm sure


That would be the assumption. But it wouldn't be clear cut.

Giving Punk the streak would cement him forever though, and could possibly at least for that feud make him the heel they are so desperate for him to be.

Taker this year, Austin next year.

The Best Legend Killer in the WORLD!!!!!!


It's nice that they realize they have something special but you just know they're going to fuck this up.

I guess, but I'm riding the train as far as it goes, even if it only lasts I while I'm gonna enjoy it and not be looking for the "jump the shark" moment.


I like those belts - the Stone Cold one was goofy as hell, but those tag titles have a cool design for the centre plate. Also, anyone notice that the new ROH world title looks like Jar Jar Binks?

It only looks like Jar Jar if you look at it too long. Outside of those lines, I think the belt is pretty beautiful.


more money than God
I can't believe you guys are taking this rumor seriously. I literally just posted that possibility a few pages ago, and now we get this "scoop"? I still think it will happen, but these people don't know what they're talking about.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Giving Punk the streak would cement him forever though, and could possibly at least for that feud make him the heel they are so desperate for him to be.

Yeah and if you're going to have some big way to end the title reign that'd be a good way to do it. Otherwise it's probably just Cena winning it at some random ppv after WM.

On the other hand it'd be a weird decision to give it to Taker considering he wrestles exactly once a year and his health isn't all too great. And if he wins the title only to give it back to Punk at the next PPV or even the next night, that'd be lame too

I still like this more than him losing it to Rock at RR then Cena/Rock 2 at WM.

I can't believe you guys are taking this rumor seriously. I literally just posted that possibility a few pages ago, and now we get this "scoop"? I still think it will happen, but these people don't know what they're talking about.

I had you on my ignore list.


I'd be okay with that rumour coming true. However, like any dirt sheet rumour, you never know how credible it is. If anything, it's probably one of numerous possibilities they're kicking around.


On the other hand it'd be a weird decision to give it to Taker considering he wrestles exactly once a year and his health isn't all too great. And if he wins the title only to give it back to Punk at the next PPV or even the next night, that'd be lame too
Taker could always retire with the streak intact as WWE Champion and we could get ourselves a good 'ole fashioned MULTI-SHOW (none of this single night crap) tourney with the finals at Extreme Rules in St. Louis.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Taker could always retire with the streak intact as WWE Champion and we could get ourselves a good 'ole fashioned MULTI-SHOW (none of this single night crap) tourney with the finals at Backlash.

And THAT'S when they debut the new belt

Hire me WWE.

Taker has to leave with the ugly Cener belt though. Hmmm


INCOMING DIRT SHEEEETS, was this posted:

if this was real

they better stop making punk look like a bitch RIGHT NOW

or him winning that match won't be believable at all. it's hard to believe even if he was dominating his opponents for these last few months. it would be awful if they have ANOTHER shit finish for the championship at a ppv.


if this was real

they better stop making punk look like a bitch RIGHT NOW

or him winning that match won't be believable at all. it's hard to believe even if he was dominating his opponents for these last few months. it would be awful if they have ANOTHER shit finish for the championship at a ppv.
What? Having your top champion retain for months on end against all competition with crooked officials and by having random guys run-in doesn't get them over as a threat?
Really? I'm shocked!

CM Punk is just another in a long line of heel champs booked to be complete undeserving garbage because... <gasp> ... if the WWE didn't do that, the fans would CHEER for them over the infallible Cena. And we certainly can't have that.


Imagine if all this time the main goal is for the Rock to make Punk look like the biggest superstar ever? Have a classic match with no stupid interference, lots of back and forth action with near falls and in the end Punk reversing a Rock Bottom into the GTS for a clean ending to RR, oh yeah and Jim Ross calling it. Then bring on Taker at WM


Imagine if all this time the main goal is for the Rock to make Punk look like the biggest superstar ever? Have a classic match with no stupid interference, lots of back and forth action with near falls and in the end Punk reversing a Rock Bottom into the GTS for a clean ending to RR, oh yeah and Jim Ross calling it. Then bring on Taker at WM

Rock wont have a classic match. he will have a super-safe match.


Rock wont have a classic match. he will have a super-safe match.

With these two however I think he could still put on a classic without wrecking himself. It's hard to say what he's willing and capable of doing at this point. When you wrestle Cena you have to be able to work a match without your opponent being able to take a single bump in worry he'll get hurt and it isn't like Cenas offense is something that you can sell great without looking like HBK during his Hogan match.
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