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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


I wonder, what's Punk's title run days at now? And how many would he have if he holds on till The Royal Rumble?

He is currently at 349 days. It really doesn't matter after he passes Cena's reign at 381 days.

Edit: If my count is right, it should be around 434 days at the Royal Rumble.


CIMA vs Sami Callihan was a great match, expected Sami to get the win, but CIMA goes over.....woulg have been a huge nod to Sami though.
CIMA had to go over because he's a singles champ in dragon gate Japan, but I wish he hadn't just totally disregarded all the work Sami did on his knee for the finish. Kinda soured what was definitely a real good match.

Samuray del Sol & El Generico vs Genki Horiguchi & Ryo Saito up now! Really hope this one delivers.

bart jr

Neo Member
Thanks for the DGUSA updates Sandman and Bootaaay. I had/have birthday festivities going on this weekend so I couldn't get any of the shows.
That match was awesome! Best of the night so far.

Samuray Del Sol & Generico score the pin after Del Sol hits the Rising Sun (springboard reverse poisoned frankensteiner!!!) on Genki.

Main event time!


I missed Saturday but I watched Friday's. Both shows where really great but this match's booking (at the start) was lol worthy. It is getting better.
Holy shit - AR Fox goes for the oldschool on a guardrail, but SSP's off the nearby pillar and lands chest first on the guardrail. Seems to be fine, but that was a spot that probably looked better on paper than in real life, lol.


I hope it goes this way:

Gargano eliminates Tozawa after Tozawa and Ricochet fuck up double teaming him

Ricochet defeats Gargano for the title.


That was like Cena's Superman bs and Jeff Hardy's no-selling an injury wrapped into one. Gargano should have lost that match. Ricochet and Tozawa are both champion material for DGUSA.

They also really hurt Davis's push by booking Gargano that way tonight.
Was looking forward to that show. Kinda disappointed.

I'm still waiting for ACH to be able to show the rest of the world what we see on a monthly basis down here in Texas.

The main event left a sour taste in my mouth. Glad to see I'm not the only one who apparently wants Gargano to drop the belt to Tozawa.


more money than God
I got a chance to play WWE 13 today. Firstly, attitude era mode is awesome, and the gameplay seems better this year than last year's inconsequential effort. However, the character models are just terrible (HBK looks like a badly made Skyrim character). I don't really get where they're going with the character models. Do they want realistic? Cartoonish? It's amazing that years later, the Impact video game is still so much better in this department, and the WWE games have regressed in this area (DOR2 was their peak). The entrances are also really bad. Few of them are all that accurate, and they miss the few subtle touches that would have made them really great (this is also an area where DOR2 excels).

Overall, I feel that it's better than last year's, and AE mode is enjoyable, but not much after that.


Pwtorch.com's review of the main event and show overall tonight. Sounds like a really fun time and like the main event delivered even if some people weren't pleased with the result:

Winner: Johnny Gargano to retain the Open the Freedom Gate Championship

Star rating: (****3/4) – This was just a ridiculously awesome match. The crowd went mental several times during the match as all four men went all-out here. There were some amazing exchanges during the first half of the match when nobody had been eliminated. The best part of the story was the jeopardy they put Gargano in throughout the weekend only for him to somehow retain his title. This is a must-see match.

Big Gargano chants after the match. Gargano tried to shake Tozawa’s hand, but he blew him off. Gargano got on the mic and the fans chanted his name. Gargano said he wasn’t sure if his back would hold up, but he knew that the people would give just as much effort as he did. Gargano said no matter how much damage the storm caused, they came out and gave it their old. Gargano said Long Island just doesn’t quit. The fans applauded. Gargano said everyone in DGUSA was so grateful to entertain the best fans in the world. Gargano said they look forward to giving the fans their all every DGUSA weekend. Gargano said this was the last DGUSA weekend of the year. The fans booed and Gargano got them to start a Dragon Gate chant. Gargano said DGUSA would be back in January running more shows after EVOLVE in December. Gargano said this weekend was special because he won the title at Freedom Fight 2011 one year ago. Gargano said he’s not only the first ever American to be the Open the Freedom Gate Champion, but he has now also lasted a year as champion. Gargano said he had defended the title everywhere including Long Island. Gargano said he will give the fans his all no matter how he’s feeling. Gargano said he’s all heart and as long as his heart is beating the title is going nowhere. The fans started another Gargano chant.

Ocal signed off and said you have to wonder where Jon Davis looms after this weekend.

Overall thoughts: (8.5) – I’ll have more thoughts later on. The first half of the card was slow, but the second half of the card blew the doors open. CIMA-Callihan and Del Sol & Generico vs. Horiguchi & Saito were close to reaching the four star level.

This show is all about the amazing main event and how Ricochet, A.R. Fox, Akira Tozawa, and Johnny Gargano lit the crowd on fire with an amazing match built around whether or not Gargano could beat the odds given Davis’s attacks on him all weekend. The match started with a Davis attack on Gargano and played out nearly perfectly. The eliminations in the match never felt cheap either and all four men were in the ring for a long period of time, which led to some of the crazier exchanges I’ve seen in DGUSA in quite some time.

The crowd really got behind Gargano down the stretch, but they were also into Tozawa. Both men went to a series of really good exchanges and also some fighting spirit spots that set the small crowd on fire. The crowd may have been tepid most of the night, but they came alive for the main event. It’s a shame they didn’t give the same amount of heat to some of the other matches on the card because they were deserving of their attention. Order this show now if only to see the amazing main event.
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