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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


more money than God
All this talk of Kane fanarts...

I have the sudden desire to fill this thread with Kane fanarts and leave a nice surprise for the people that read this thread in the morning.

All to spite Professor Beef and his WCW hating ways.

Two things Beef doesn't like: Kane fanarts and WCW.
This man's got the right idea!

No one likes Beef because he calls out Soulplaya in the thread. He should just snitch on him in secret and play along when we all get pissed.

Then people won't hate Beef.
Yeah! Wait, what?


WCW Thunder 1/12/2000


Show starts with a recap of The Old Age Outlaws running Nitro.

EARLIER TODAY. The nWo, minus Bret Hart, arrive. Bret arrives solo, LIVE. One of the corner sparklers didn't work. lol.

Vampiro comes out and hides behind the stage. This is so he can jump David Flair and Crowbar. It is supposed to be Vamp vs Crowbar. Vamp is scheduled for a match with David at Souled Out. Ends with a superbomb to Crowbar. Daffney destroyed Vamp with a pipe. Arn Anderson comes out to stop a beat down to Vampiro, I guess. Crowbar tries to attack Arn, David walks off. Arn stands with a "who booked this shit" look on his face.

Time for the run down of the show. Is the nWo over? All Outdoor Hardcore Match Norman Smiley vs Brian Knobs. Evening Gown Match Madusa vs Oklahoma. 3 Way Dance Booker T vs Midnight vs Stevie Ray. Sid and Benoit vs Jeff Jarrett and Kevin Nash.

Bret Hart comes out for a promo. He's wearing a Calgary Hitmen shirt, not an nWo shirt. He doesn't know what the hell is going on. He's let everybody down. He deserves the fans' disgust. Terry Funk is starting to make a lot of sense. He's sorey. The nWo are just a bunch of thugs. I'm pretty sure Bret is wearing a Wu Tang hat, which is hilarious. The rest of the group comes out. But Wu Tang ain't nothing to fuck with. Nash talks about New York. The fans might want heroes, but Bret has a chance to be a god with the nWo. Bret offers to take on all 3 men. Nash offers him a chance to leave. Tonight, Bret's career will be finished. Which was actually accurate.

TO THE BACK. Bret sitting in wait with a bat. The Old Age Outlaws are watching Bret sitting in wait. Finlay and Knobs got into a brawl that was too intense to show on Nitro, so they'll show us highlights now. It ended with Meng offering his hand to Norman Smiley.

TO THE OUTSIDE. Norman Smiley vs Brian Knobs All Outside Hardcore Match. Norman actually fought because he was cold and wanted inside. A car barely runs into Norman and Knobs breaks a shovel over Norman's head to win the Hardcore Belt. BUT WHO WAS DRIVING THE CAR?!?

TO THE BACK. The nWo is looking for Bret. Recap of the Filthy Animals/Revolution feud.

Now the Revolution are out in the ring. Who will be the 3rd man? The internets and hotlines say Shane himself will be returning to the ring? BUT WHOS SIDE IS HE ON?! Saturn and Dean Douglas are giving Asya a lot of shit. Malenko is just kind of there.

TO THE BACK. The Old Age Outlaws are watching porn, I think. Mene Gene interviews Tank. Huckleberry Flynn attacks and they are fighting in a giant pile of dirt that is in the back of the area for some reason. Maybe they were doing some construction?

Madusa vs Oklahoma in an Evening Gown Match. Oklahoma looks splendid in his gown. Ms. Hancock is out to watch the match. They go through a list of fines and suspensions that she has leveled towards multiple people, which hadn't been mentioned on TV at all, so I don't know how anyone was supposed to know. Oklahoma had a bottle of BBQ strapped to his inner thigh. He can't get the tape off his legs. Apparently Tony has been hit in the balls many times. Oklahoma is stripped to his satin boxers. BBQ bottle to the head anyway. And then he pours it all over Madusa's tits. Hmm.

TO THE BACK. The nWo have found Bret. They set his tights on fire in a trash can. Gene tries to make Madusa more comfortable by offering to take his clothes off. She's going to kick Oklahoma's ass. She says he can have a shot at the title at Souled Out. Which was already announced 2 weeks ago.

Stevie Ray attacks Booker while heading to the ring. Stevie is now going to fight that yak Midnight. As awesome of a match as you'd imagine. Booker makes his way out and goes to town on his fruit booty brother. Stevie Ray gets a count out, so now Booker must have a match with Midnight. They have a straight match. Book is a bit uncomfortable with it. Stevie low bridges Book and then hits him with the slapjack. Midnight instead pulls Booker over her, to give the knocked out Booker a win. "It's a double swerve!" Stevie Ray slapjacks that damn yak anyway.

TO THE BACK. The nWo are about to cut Bret's hair before a commercial. Jerry Flynn and Tank are being booked in jail. And of course they are put in the same cage. Naturally, they brawl. Chris Champag ne Kanyon (with a fake, silver WCW Belt) and Clarence Mason have a promo about a champag ne bottle on a pole match. The nWo are throwing hair in the air, yet you never see Bret with the missing hair. The OAO are watching. Funk doesn't want to help Bret, but Larry does. Paul and Larry slowly stroll around to give things a look.

Chris Champag ne Kanyon vs Bam Bam in a champag ne on a pole match. Actually a bottle in a bucket on a pole match. Definitely a Russo booked match. "There was LEGIT HEAT between them". It is a pole match, but there is no requirement to get or use the champag ne bottle. It can also end by pinfall, submission, dq, count out. Some ladies try to distract Bam Bam, but Bammer gets some brown sugar. Then Kanyon hits Bams with the fake belt, but only gets a 2 count. Kanyon gets the bottle, but not the metal bucket it is in. Bam Bam now has the bottle, then he tosses it out and hits a diving headbutt right to the DICK. Greetings from Asbury Park for the win. And the pole nor what it held had any affect on the outcome of the match. Naturally. Fake fake Sting (Lex) comes out to put Bam Bam in the Deathlock. Then Sting's music hits and a spotlight is on Lex. THE BIRD, THE BIRD, THE BIRD! Kanyon ends up breaking the bottle over Bam Bam's face and hit a Flatliner.

TO THE BACK. Larry and Paul find the cut hair.

EARLIER TODAY. Mean Gene interviews Kim somewhere. He makes a comment about the air being on, but it apparently still being warm. I assume because Kim's nipples weren't hard. Gene trying to stir some shit up. He asks her why she's off TV. DDP decided it. Then he asks about Kim and DDP fucking. No problems.

TO THE BACK. Nash's ribs are being taped up while they make fun of Bret's hair cut. Mean Gene interviews Sid and Chris Benoit.

Kevin Nash/Jeff Jarrett vs Sid/Hardcore Holly. We're in slapnut country. Now, two weeks ago, Sid wasn't able to wrestle until the PPV due to a neck injury. But he's wrestled twice since then, once with a neck brace, and now without one, without any issue or even reference to his neck injury. Hardcore and Double J are fighting near the ramp, Sid and Nash are slowly brawling in the ring. Now things have settled down with Holly being the FIP. This was a pretty long match for WCW TV. Decent when Benoit and or Jarrett were in the ring. Benoit went for a diving headbutt, but JJ had the belt up. Then he hit the stroke for the win.

TO THE BACK. Scott Steiner is down and out and Bret Hart is gone. Nash and Jarrett come to check on him. Bret is staggering around the parking lot. "I ain't going out like that!" And he comes back into the building. He finds a pipe in the pile of dirt that Tank and Jerry Flynn fought in earlier. CONTINUITY!

Bret makes his way out to the ring. Nash and Jarrett come in. All 3 have bats. Terry Funk's music hits and he lights his branding iron as he and Arn head to the ring. Arn has a bucket. Nash and Jarrett bail once Funk finally gets to the ring. They tell Bret to leave. Then Arn throws the bucket of water on Bret. It was make up. IT WAS A SWERVE ALL ALONG! I'LL BE A SON OF A BITCH! The nWo then attack Arn and Funk. The other two old dudes come out, Orndorff is taken out, but Larry and Jeff keep fighting. Sid and Benoit come out and are taken out. Funk takes at least 3 bat shots to the head before going down. Nash attempted to use the branding iron on Nash, but Funk hits a low blow. Even though he had just been cracked in the head 3 times by Kevin Nash. Then they fight over the branding iron on the mat to end the show.

Well, it wasn't bad. I don't really get the point of the SWERVE with Bret and the nWo. Especially since Arn and Funk knew it the whole time. Thunder has been better than Nitro both times so far.

The card on the go home show before Souled Out:

Bret Hart vs Sid for the WCW World Heavyweight Belt
Chris Benoit vs Jeff Jarrett for the US Championship
Kevin Nash vs Terry Funk for the Commissionership
Vampiro vs David Flair
DDP vs Buff
Oklahoma vs Madusa for the Cruiserweight Championship
Booker T vs Stevie Ray
The Revolution vs The Filthy Animals
Meng vs Norman Smiley vs Finlay vs Knobs for the Hardcore Championship
Tank Abbott vs Jerry Flynn in THE BLOCK

The actual card for Souled Out:
Sid vs Benoit for the WCW Championship
Kevin Nash vs Funk
Buff vs DDP
Kidman vs Dean Malenko
Kidman vs Saturn
Kidman vs The Wall
Vampiro vs David Flair vs Crowbar
Madusa vs Oklahoma
Meng vs Norman Smiley vs Finlay vs Knobs
Booker T vs Stevie Ray
Tank vs Jerry Flynn
Mamalukes vs Harris Boys

So 4 of the scheduled matches were changed the night of the PPV. It was like a UFC card.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Big ups to Strobogo for his recaps. GOOD SHIT MAN. I love reading about those. Sometimes I'll remember a bit of it - then I'll have a flashback and choke the hell out of whoever is near.

The rest of you with your snitch-talk and fanart-words, I'm coming to clean up on Monday so get it out of your system! I won't have any name-calling and hatemongering here in this thread I do not own!

GWF comin'
GWF comin'
It's comin' for you
GWF comin'

That's the theme song. Now if you'll pardon me I'm going to make a backup "Wrestling Connoisseurs OT" just in case it descends into madness again.

My contribution to get it out of my system:




Any other GAFers looking to actually becoming pro wrestlers. Ever since Aries got the title I decided to get more serious about my dream. Going to take MMA classes until the summer and then make my attempt to get into an east coast pro wrestling school. I'm in excellent shape and I should be since I have been bodybuilding for 9 years. Just wondering...
My contribution to get it out of my system:


I don't see what the big deal is. Why do fanarts offend people so much?

I can't wait until the Brits have a super majority in this thread and take it over. At least they don't stab each other in the back.


Junior Member
Lets break this down.

Over the last year, I have grown to really hate three chants: "This is awesome," "This is wrestling" and chanting the name of the promotion. I also find the "Wrrrrrrresling! Yay!" chants to be annoying too. I hate them because of how overused they are, how it reminds me that I'm just watching a performance instead of a competition and how they make everyone inside the ring at the time interchangeable.
I agree with this but the "This is awesome chant has become more associated with big dangerous spots so to pop for that is perfectly fine.
Don't get me wrong. I don't have trouble with fans chanting or being vocal in general. It's just those three chants that get on my nerves everytime I hear them. I can't really blame people who just want to have a good time at wrestling shows and chant whatever.
The about TNA is that because they have most of their show in one place and that the tickets as far I know are free.... they are going to get a lot of marks and core fans who evangelize the product so much that they think it is a good thin. It also doesn't help that TNA acknowledge these chants and probably get plants to start them up.

I've seen so many matches get the "This is awesome" chant no matter what the quality is actually like. It's come to the point where it can ruin a match for me. I'm usually invested enough to care who wins and loses when I watch wrestling. Then this chant comes along and tells me it doesn't matter who wins because everyone did something "awesome" and that's all they care about.
It also says something about TNA, that the management pushes the notion there aren't any stars that are bigger than the product. TNA hides behind the idea that "this is wrestling" but outside of the X division the offering is relativity similar as WWE. There are differences but some of the things that TNA has done in the past few years Russo, Hogan is to make them like wwe.

"This is wrestling" just comes off as dumb but maybe that's just me. I see wrestling as a multitude of styles and ideas. It's a bizarre monster that can be adapted to be a straight sport, a dramatic soap opera or a wacky comedy and I don't find one style to be more defined than another. So it annoys me when I hear "This Is Wrestling" during a 30 minute ROH main event or an indie-riffic PWG tag team spotfest. To me, Chikara and DDT are just as much pro wrestling as WWE and New Japan are. This chant also feels like a cry for acceptance that falls on deaf ears. What, you think this sort of recognition is going to make more people take pro wrestling seriously?

Chanting the promotion's name non-stop bothers me because it gets no one over at the end. I'll choose TNA and the X Division as an example. During its prime the fans would chant "TNA! TNA! TNA!" during exciting moments like Chris Sabin diving out of the ring or Chris Daniels doing cool spots with AJ Styles. Problem is everyone always chanted TNA instead of the wrestlers. So it didn't matter if it was AJ or Daniels or Petey Williams or Alex Shelley in the ring. They were all interchangeable. At least chant the guy's name or something.

TNA encourages marks who have an angst against the wwe so the chants are welcome.
The only time a "TNA! TNA!" chant will mean anything will be if it happened on RAW or a WWE ppv.

As for other promotions.... it's that indie mentality that you see in other mediums. People feel the need to put in on a pedestal and marks feel that those chants will do it.


No One Remembers
if I was a live TV event, you bet your ass I'd be yelling "WHAT!"

Also, I would do that "ONE!" or "TWO!" when there's a 1 or 2 count.


Any other GAFers looking to actually becoming pro wrestlers. Ever since Aries got the title I decided to get more serious about my dream. Going to take MMA classes until the summer and then make my attempt to get into an east coast pro wrestling school. I'm in excellent shape and I should be since I have been bodybuilding for 9 years. Just wondering...

as a kid, i thought Raven was so cool. I thought I could become Billy Kidman.


So not worth it
You've probably been to France more than anyone else here.

Actually, I've been to Paris with my high school, for one day only, didn't even spend the night.

I spent more time in the US than in France. Also, I nearly got held back a year, because I was failing my French class.
Actually, I've been to Paris with my high school, for one day only, didn't even spend the night.

I spent more time in the US than in France. Also, I nearly got held back a year, because I was failing my French class.

You took French in high school? When did you have time to learn English?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Any other GAFers looking to actually becoming pro wrestlers. Ever since Aries got the title I decided to get more serious about my dream. Going to take MMA classes until the summer and then make my attempt to get into an east coast pro wrestling school. I'm in excellent shape and I should be since I have been bodybuilding for 9 years. Just wondering...

We have a couple here - I know Mechashiva is a true blue wrassler. He's awesome.


So not worth it
You took French in high school? When did you have time to learn English?

Learned English when I was 7 by getting a TV and a Commodore 64.

English is mandatory for us, as well as two years of German and French. Then for the remaining 3 years you chose one or the other.

I'm pretty much fluent in German and English, but I decided French was just too damn awful (no offense to the French-speaking people) and never bothered with it. Ended both years with a 4/10 in that course, if I hadn't dropped it after the second year I would have failed that year.
Learned English when I was 7 by getting a TV and a Commodore 64.

English is mandatory for us, as well as two years of German and French. Then for the remaining 3 years you chose one or the other.

I'm pretty much fluent in German and English, but I decided French was just too damn awful (no offense to the French-speaking people) and never bothered with it. Ended both years with a 4/10 in that course, if I hadn't dropped it after the second year I would have failed that year.



So not worth it
Actually first class I ever had the French Teacher said that we only needed to learn one sentence: "Je ne parle pas Francais."

He came to regret it for the next two years, as I took that to heart and everytime he asked me anything I'd just reply with that.
Snitching feels fucking awesome, don't hate on it. That being said, I have never snitched on someone in this thread, but I have snitched on a junior to get him banned before.


No One Remembers
Actually first class I ever had the French Teacher said that we only needed to learn one sentence: "Je ne parle pas Francais."

He came to regret it for the next two years, as I took that to heart and everytime he asked me anything I'd just reply with that.

8 years of mandatory French, that too was my takeaway.
Someone explain what happened in this gif?

Remember when Teddy and Aksana had a romance angle (everytime Aksana came on screen they played saxophone music and had mood lighting)? Well she left him for Antonio Cesaro when he debuted and John Laurenaitis rubbed his face in it every chance he got after Team Johnny beat Team Teddy at Wrestlemania and he ousted Long from his GM job.


Remember when Teddy and Aksana had a romance angle (everytime Aksana came on screen they played saxophone music and had mood lighting)? Well she left him for Antonio Cesaro when he debuted and John Laurenaitis rubbed his face in it every chance he got after Team Johnny beat Team Teddy at Wrestlemania and he ousted Long from his GM job.

What?! Teddy lost Aksana to Cesaro? Why not just tag team?
Why did they get rid of the NWA name? Heard something on Colt's podcast about new ownership being douches?

A bunch of promotions just dropped their NWA affiliation, including one I work for. The NWA went up on their annual membership fee and they started restricting promotions from working into other NWA areas. It was completely stupid and the people running it still think the NWA is this precious thing that it was in the 80s. Our NWA affiliation did nothing for us and didn't draw in anymore people than we already had. Although it was cool having Adam Pearce and Colt Cabana come in with the title, I must admit.
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