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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


more money than God
For 24 hours.
Also, I just meant that both are good at working matches. Even Nash and Michaels have said, if you can't work with X-Pac, you can't work like you said people said about Kane.
Well, it was Jericho, in his book, who said that Vince once remarked that, "If you can't work with Kane, then you can't work with anybody."

BTW, I also wan't the one who originally pointed out that Jericho said that in this thread, lol. And if you read the very next sentence, you'll see that I acknowledged that it was just one day. However, Kane ended SCSA's ffirst reign as WWE champ, just a few months after it started, in an era where only a select few group of guys only became WWE Champion. It was also wrestling's popularity peak. It may have been just one day, but I'd argue that it was more important and memorable than six of Randy's 10 world title reigns, and both of Del Rio's WWE title reigns.

EDIT: What? Kane was NEVER co-champion with Taker. What are you talking about?


So many things to comment on over the past 3 pages:

I Love you, Pop. Holy shit. Vince's crying on stage over all the money he's lost is both hilarious and terribly sad. Such a great gif. I wonder how long it will be until someone gets to make fun of Linda losing (again) on TV. Has to be Punk and Heyman, I'd imagine.

Early days of DX were not awesome. They might have been awesome at the time, but they are unfuckingbearable now, as are the nWo. HBK's 20 minutes of being pilled/coked up and rambling until his voice sounds like he's gargling glass and repeating himself constantly is awesome. Hogan doing the same thing, but until his voice started to give out was just as bad. That stuff is borderline unwatchable now. The best thing OG DX did was the strip poker game with one of the Headbangers getting powerbombed through a card table and Shawn fluffing his junk.

Nash's Arn parody is the best. It still occasional gets referenced within my family "Not a dog spot, not a liver spot, but MY SPOT". Nash's story about it on the nWo Roundtable is great. He says he regrets doing it because it upset a lot of people, but the Horsemen all saw him in the make up chair before going out and didn't say anything and the cooler he used was actually ARN's actual cooler from his car. Then after the segment Arn comes up to him looking like he was going to rip Nash's head off....while holding a beer.

Jerry Flynn was the shit. As was Dean Malenko. And Cyclope. However, Vampiro sucked. He was not a good wrestler. He had a cool look and some cool moves, but he was a terrible talker and a terrible wrestler. He wasn't even a spot monkey. He was a move monkey who could only look good when he had cruisers who he could toss around (not unlike Konnan, who brought all the luchadores with him so they could job to him, because he couldn't take advantage of guys his size or bigger). Disregarding his backstage attitude, he wasn't good in the ring at all. He was the bad kind of stuff who often found a way to not look good even against the best workers he could be in the ring with.

EDIT: Austin's booking after winning the title was kind of strange. Biggest star in the world at that point, keeps the belt for about 6 months (give or take a day or two) and then spends the next 6 months barely involved at all in the title scene. But he was still the most important guy on the show who was clearly more important than the title, so they didn't need it on him. It's basically the Cena booking of today, yet no one seemed to have a problem with Austin being CLEARLY the most important person on the show, even when Rock and Foley were feuding over the belt. But they've been doing the same thing with Cena for the past year and people spaz every week over it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This gimmick's so funny because the girls seem so much more into it than Rick. Rick was a married man and apparently never took the ring off.

Apparently the guys in the back tried to rib Rude by telling one of the girls he picked to really go at him and slip in the tongue, so he couldn't explain that to his wife. Also, according to a 'he said she said' from a guy on a forum who knew a guy who worked with the Von Erichs, Rick used to work as a gigolo to older married and divorced ladies.
DragonZord, watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7w2cGKNR80

You need a history lesson, before you start talking about GGG.

EDIT: And here's the damn good match where Kane won the WWE title. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2493z_austin-vs-kane-first-blood-wwf-titl_news?search_algo=2

Whatever, I'm thinking of the triple threat. Either way, I've barely even talked about that. I was comparing him to X-Pac, and you said he was on a different level. I disagree, they're both guys Vince liked to use to make others look good.

I never said that all the guys in the list DO deserve it, but Kane definitely doesn't. I can't do anything about people who are already in, but I can say it about people who are not. And maybe Kane meant more with his title reign than Orton's, but Orton's reigns will be remembered for far longer than Kane's.


more money than God
Well, his original rise would be from 90 when he got his big push til he won the title from Perro Aguayo in 91. Then he would jump to AAA in 92, spent 8 months in the states and then from 93-96 was the biggest thing in Mexico.

Also, random trivia. Konnan, Psicosis, Rey, Halloween and Damian 666 all trained together.

Other random trivia: Konnan is Cuban!
I know his history. I just feel that his jumps to the US hampered him. It's what ended his Mexican career.


more money than God
Whatever, I'm thinking of the triple threat. Either way, I've barely even talked about that. I was comparing him to X-Pac, and you said he was on a different level. I disagree, they're both guys Vince liked to use to make others look good.

I never said that all the guys in the list DO deserve it, but Kane definitely doesn't. I can't do anything about people who are already in, but I can say it about people who are not. And maybe Kane meant more with his title reign than Orton's, but Orton's reigns will be remembered for far longer than Kane's.
What you're saying about Kane being "enhancement" talent, you could say the same thing about Jericho and Eddie. I think my problem here is that me and you are discussing two different things. You're talking about GREATEST wrestlers of all time, and I'm talking about the Observer HoF. It's not your (or mine) opinion that matters here. The discussion is whether he deserve to be in the Observer HoF, and going by the guys already in, he does. If they went by your criteria, then the damn thing would only have like 5-10 guys in it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
What you're saying about Kane being "enhancement" talent, you could say the same thing about Jericho and Eddie. I think my problem here is that me and you are discussing two different things. You're talking about GREATEST wrestlers of all time, and I'm talking about the Observer HoF. It's not your (or mine) opinion that matters here. The discussion is whether he deserve to be in the Observer HoF, and going by the guys already in, he does. If they went by your criteria, then the damn thing would only have like 5-10 guys on it.

If it was the greatest of all time, it wouldn't have Vader in it or Konnan. It is about people who had a significant effect on the history and future of wrestling. Whether they intended to or not.


If it was the greatest of all time, it wouldn't have Vader in it or Konnan. It is about people who had a significant effect on the history and future of wrestling. Whether they intended to or not.

Dragonzord, i have managed to hodgepodge the Lizmark vs La Parka match for you, and holy shit this match is awesome. If you guys thought Damien Sandow's ref stop was amazing, he ripped it off from the Chairman!


more money than God
If it was the greatest of all time, it wouldn't have Vader in it or Konnan. It is about people who had a significant effect on the history and future of wrestling. Whether they intended to or not.
I would disagree. Kane was a major part of the Attitude Era, and main evented often in practically all of 98, a small bit of 99, a majority of 2000, and multiple months in 2001. He's currently very well known (for a wrestler), and had his own major theatrical release film (only a select VERY few wrestlers have ever done that).

And why wouldn't Vader be included? He's arguably the best big man wrestler ever.

BTW, I think you missed my point. My point was that the Observer HoF is NOT intended to be a collection of the greatest wrestlers of all time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Dragonzord, i have managed to hodgepodge the Lizmark vs La Parka match for you, and holy shit this match is awesome. If you guys thought Damien Sandow's ref stop was amazing, he ripped it off from the Chairman!
Yeah, it's awesome. The ending is great too, but I don't want to spoil it.


If it was the greatest of all time, it wouldn't have Vader in it or Konnan. It is about people who had a significant effect on the history and future of wrestling. Whether they intended to or not.

Nonsense. It would most definitely have Vader on it. He was a top 5 dude in the world from 1991-1996ish. And then after leaving WWF, still in the top 10. During a time period where Bret, HBK, Sting, Misawa, Kawada, Kobashi, Jumbo (for a while, at least), Dean, Benoit, Eddie, Jericho, Liger, Muta, Hashimoto, and a ton of Lucha dudes and Joshi girls were at their peaks.

There are only a handful of guys who have any kind of significant effect on the history and future of pro wrestling. Buddy Rogers, Gorgeous George, Superstar Billy Graham set the stage for pretty much all American pro wrestling after them. Hogan and Flair were direct knock offs. Flair stole the name, style, look, and moves of GG and Buddy Rogers, and Hogan blatantly stole everything from Superstar, especially in his early days and later post-nWo days.


Yeah, it's awesome. The ending is great too, but I don't want to spoil it.

Yeah, the whole simultaneous kickout/3 count is a great way to keep lizmark strong and punish Parka's rudo tactics. Though it absolutely kills the crowd for the 4th fall
EITA is an absolute star in the making. His match with ACH was so good. I hate that it wasn't on the ippv but it will of course be on the DVD.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Every time Rude referred to fat, out of shape, meatheads, he was pointing to a young man named Glenn in the crowd.

To this day, Glenn was too dumb to get the message.


more money than God
Rick Rude was a steroid user, and a pill addict, which is what ultimately killed him. I think GGG was smart not to listen to him.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
"Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning:

Although this is not a direct quote, I included this little insert because I thought it was a classy way to honor Rude; In a recent WCW house show in Minneapolis, Curt stood over his fallen opponent, put his hands on the back of his head, then swayed his hips in the patented Ravishing fashion. After this impersonation, he pointed at the sky, a subtle tribute to his longtime friend.

I wish there was video of that.


WTF is up with Kane's right knee in that picture? What kind of weird lighting and poor posture makes it look like you have labia majora for a knee cap?
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