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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT



I bet she became his ringrat :p


I'd put Kane in my HoF you jackonapes, lack of DDP too in the Observer HoF is just blasphemy! He was 1996's most improved wrestler! Not to mention his yoga, which is helping wrestlers and non-wrestlers every single day, hell he should be made a saint.

Just like this guy!



more money than God
I'd put Kane in my HoF you jackonapes, lack of DDP too in the Observer HoF is just blasphemy! He was 1996's most improved wrestler! Not to mention his yoga, which is helping wrestlers and non-wrestlers every single day, hell he should be made a saint.

Just like this guy!
*SoulFrog handshake*

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
DDP has ascended beyond wrestling. He moved on and helped people with their lives outside of wrestling.

He didn't spend 20 years in wrestling limbo with nothing to show for it.

Sunny's so lovely. I don't even blame Dolph. That's a notch on the belt.

Also funny in the Bret/Shawn promo, Bret talking about how they want to see a real man like himself. To quote the GOAT, 'Pink tights? What the hell is that?'

30 dollars for a Stone Cold shirt?! THE FUCK
You know who the first person inducted into the WCW HoF was?

If Lou Thesz is so great, then why is he dead? Meanwhile, John Cena is out there every single night performing for all of us in the WWE Universe™ making sure we're all entertained. And guess what? Cena isn't dead. He's very much alive.

Check, and mate.


If Lou Thesz is so great, then why is he dead? Meanwhile, John Cena is out there every single night performing for all of us in the WWE Universe™ making sure we're all entertained. And guess what? Cena isn't dead. He's very much alive.

Check, and mate.

His heart killed him, it says so in the picture! Does John Cena have heart? Nope! It was replaced with a hamster running in a wheel a long time ago. I sunk your battleship!


His heart killed him, it says so in the picture! Does John Cena have heart? Nope! It was replaced with a hamster running in a wheel a long time ago. I sunk your battleship!

No actually John Cena is programmed by Vince Macmahon, hence his promos.

His heart is a remote module picked up by Vince's RC control panel
His heart killed him, it says so in the picture! Does John Cena have heart? Nope! It was replaced with a hamster running in a wheel a long time ago. I sunk your battleship!

You're questioning Cena's heart? He would rather die in the ring before any single man, woman or child would be bored watching some "catch match" or whatever you wrestling yokels call it nowadays. Hell, the only reason Daniel Bryan is so popular is because he got the Cena Rub. Without Cena, there would be no YES chants. And you can bet your bottom dollar that AJ wouldn't be nearly as popular.

John Cena IS wrestling. Lou Thesz is just a footnote in history.


Wow $95 million down the drain. Think of all the Cena shirts that would have bought.

Also, Linda's campaign ending will not end the PG era. Benoit basically started it, and WWE has found a lot of success appealing to new demographics. I think it's pretty clear that the popularity of the WWE in the Attitude Era will never be reached again by targeting the same audience.


Why is next year's WM in two cities when there's only one stadium?

It's at the MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey.

Wow $95 million down the drain. Think of all the Cena shirts that would have bought.

Also, Linda's campaign ending will not end the PG era. Benoit basically started it, and WWE has found a lot of success appealing to new demographics. I think it's pretty clear that the popularity of the WWE in the Attitude Era will never be reached again by targeting the same audience.

Attitude Era with the current roster wouldn't work. Miz, Kofi etc suck balls.

They'd have to fire and hire a lot of wrestlers to give it a go but I just can't see it happening ever again.
So this observer HoF...
Voting criteria include the length of time spent in wrestling, historical significance, ability to attract viewers, and wrestling ability.
Well I certainly see a few more modern names in that list that are pretty damn suspect, I wont name them because Wrasslegaf will cry.
Actually Benoit does have that historical significance in a way, more like hall of infamy significance but oh well.

I'd put Kane in my HoF you jackonapes, lack of DDP too in the Observer HoF is just blasphemy! He was 1996's most improved wrestler! Not to mention his yoga, which is helping wrestlers and non-wrestlers every single day, hell he should be made a saint.

Just like this guy!

Damn right, hit my music.
I actually enjoy this Big Show/Sheamus feud, mostly because Show spends 95% of his mic time calling Sheamus a goof.

Watching Main Event on the DVR...what in the hell was WWE thinking have Sheamus go over clean? He got booed unmercifully!


So many things to comment on over the past 3 pages:

I Love you, Pop. Holy shit. Vince's crying on stage over all the money he's lost is both hilarious and terribly sad. Such a great gif. I wonder how long it will be until someone gets to make fun of Linda losing (again) on TV. Has to be Punk and Heyman, I'd imagine.

Early days of DX were not awesome. They might have been awesome at the time, but they are unfuckingbearable now, as are the nWo. HBK's 20 minutes of being pilled/coked up and rambling until his voice sounds like he's gargling glass and repeating himself constantly is awesome. Hogan doing the same thing, but until his voice started to give out was just as bad. That stuff is borderline unwatchable now. The best thing OG DX did was the strip poker game with one of the Headbangers getting powerbombed through a card table and Shawn fluffing his junk.

Nash's Arn parody is the best. It still occasional gets referenced within my family "Not a dog spot, not a liver spot, but MY SPOT". Nash's story about it on the nWo Roundtable is great. He says he regrets doing it because it upset a lot of people, but the Horsemen all saw him in the make up chair before going out and didn't say anything and the cooler he used was actually ARN's actual cooler from his car. Then after the segment Arn comes up to him looking like he was going to rip Nash's head off....while holding a beer.

Jerry Flynn was the shit. As was Dean Malenko. And Cyclope. However, Vampiro sucked. He was not a good wrestler. He had a cool look and some cool moves, but he was a terrible talker and a terrible wrestler. He wasn't even a spot monkey. He was a move monkey who could only look good when he had cruisers who he could toss around (not unlike Konnan, who brought all the luchadores with him so they could job to him, because he couldn't take advantage of guys his size or bigger). Disregarding his backstage attitude, he wasn't good in the ring at all. He was the bad kind of stuff who often found a way to not look good even against the best workers he could be in the ring with.

EDIT: Austin's booking after winning the title was kind of strange. Biggest star in the world at that point, keeps the belt for about 6 months (give or take a day or two) and then spends the next 6 months barely involved at all in the title scene. But he was still the most important guy on the show who was clearly more important than the title, so they didn't need it on him. It's basically the Cena booking of today, yet no one seemed to have a problem with Austin being CLEARLY the most important person on the show, even when Rock and Foley were feuding over the belt. But they've been doing the same thing with Cena for the past year and people spaz every week over it.

People don't have a problem with how Austin was booked in 1998, because not only was he the biggest star in the world there, but it was also his first year in the main event. 1999, he shared the spotlight with Undertaker, Rock, Foley, HHH, etc, and 2000 he missed a lot of due to his neck surgery. He was not overexposed during his time at the top. Other people also got a great deal of focus in 1998, the likes of Rock and HHH got lots of time in the mid card, which led them to become main event guys smoothly by 1999.

Cena in 2012 being given ALL the focus at the expense of the rest of the roster, including the WWE champion, and having the company tell you that Cena is better than all of them and the only important person on the show, is like Austin being given all the attention and focus in 2005, had he not retired in 2003. Or Hulk Hogan getting all the attention in 1993 at the expense of younger and more talented people (sorry Bret).

Cena has been on top for 7 years, has been stale for a minimum of 5 of them, and in 2012 there are a huge number of guys who should be getting attention instead of him, in the main event.
A dude made a cool little video from our outdoor wrestling festival last month http://vimeo.com/m/52976296

He goes to the time lapse a little too much and I would have held some other shots longer and let the action ramp up to full speed a few times but it's still cool. Plus you get a nice overhead view during the Hurts Donut.


What is Black Friday???

The one time of year we have insane sales after Thanksgiving. It's the start of the Christmas Shopping season.
They do this in hopes you will buy more shit that just what's heavily discounted. Some people save all year to splurge here.
Luckily you can shop online now and don't have to get trampled to death at stores.
I usually go after the stores have already opened for a few hours, and just see if anything good is left. (plus online shopping)


Make sure you guys buy Forza Horizon for $15 if go to Walmart.

I've never been out on black friday but I imagine it looks like hell. I imagine it looks like this


I went to Black Friday with my mom one year and I watched as a man proceeded to use a RAZOR SCOOTER as a weapon to keep people away from the electronics as his wife and kids (who were wearing pajamas btw) dug through the DVDs and Video Games until they got what they wanted and proceeded to run off to the toys isles. My mom grabbed me by the coat and dragged me out the store, back to the car, and we drove across the road to Toys R Us where everyone was friendly and the store was decent. Too bad they had nothing I wanted in terms of games (that were on sale) and instead of games and an awesome bike my mom tricked me into accepting a Stone Cold Skateboard and a bunch of spy toy bullshit.

That skateboard got run over the day after Christmas as I was again tricked into trying to skate on icy streets as to "not upset mom"for not using the gift she got me. Like whatever, buying a skateboard in winter is so dumb. SHOULDA BOUGHT ME THOSE GAMES AND BIKES but no, I had to look like 00Jackass on with my broken skateboard and spy equipment that largely didn't work.


I lived in an apartment complex that was across as small field from a Target. I had to work on Black Friday, but I walked over there just to people watch. It's so gross.
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