Don't forget that Samoa Joe isn't on the main roster yet.
Still holding out hope for an AJ Styles - Cm Punk - Samoa Joe triple threat.....

Don't forget that Samoa Joe isn't on the main roster yet.
Still holding out hope for an AJ Styles - Cm Punk - Samoa Joe triple threat.....
The Japanese have the right idea. Stop having kids and just die.
Stone Cold Steve Austin landed his finishing maneuver on the President of the United States at one point in his life.
Does this guarantee Darren Young being great again??? Tell me there's some good here.
I'm just sayingThis crap never happened when WCW was around.
I'm just saying
you don't give Wrestlemania X-Seven an A, and then this happens.
Pretty glad I don't give that sack of shit Vince McMahon a single penny. Fuck you, old man.
Your face all day
Trump is president
Talking Smack for the cruiserweights could be pretty lit. It'd be a true sink or swim for those in the division who have actual potential in the character department.
I saw a lot of this on the subway coming in this morning. I'm in Toronto.
With Rhyno winning his election, how soon will he and Slater be forced to lose the SD Tag Titles?
How come the sign tears into three pieces when there's only force being applied from one direction?
How come the sign tears into three pieces when there's only force being applied from one direction?
Guess I should go to work.
WCW wrestlers hated that Warrior gimmick, people kept getting hurt in the trapdoor he used to appear/disappear.
Could have been money if his promos weren't so rambling though.
I mean, you hire Warrior, you get rambly promos.
Maybe I'll watch Smackdown later this morning to hopefully drown out my thoughts.
He lost though?
oh god now i just chipped a tooth really badly and look like a hockey player before having dental caps was acceptable
fuck fuck fuc
He did? Weird, a lot of places are reporting that he won.