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November Wrasslin' |OT| flipvember qdl flipvember


I'm trying so hard to avoid dishing hot takes right now, but I'm more legitimately terrified today than I was on 9/11. Mostly because the next four years are going to affect America and the world as a whole for decades.


WWE programming has, to their credit, has been pretty bipartisan.

Then again, having a wwe hall of famer in the white house is probably too tempting to resist.
Vince is a die hard Republican and now his buddy and WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump is president elect. There's absolutely no way Vince doesn't ride this as hard as he can.


yeah there's no way they don't acknowledge the fact that the new president of the united states has been all over wwe programming in the past


yeah there's no way they don't acknowledge the fact that the new president of the united states has been all over wwe programming in the past

That is something they have to be proud of. A WWE Hall of Famer and someone who took Stone Cold stunners is president of the United States.

Jamie OD

I can now say I was there when the future US president elect was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Life is weird. Really, really weird.

Vince is definitely sending him a replica championship.
After World War 2 people kind of went "lets not do that again" and everyone cleaned themselves up. We made stuff like NATO and the EU and the international space station and in general while we had a few small fights we tried out best to work together and not to get into another big world war because people remembered how bad the last one was.

2016 feels like the year people finally forgot those lessons we learned after WW2.

Shit is scary.

I dont want to die in a nuclear wasteland.

I dont think Trump will be THAT bad. He is scum but I think a lot of his talk was pandering to the base but in general you will have a normal republican government with all the bullshit that comes with it. Its the fact people voted for him is the worrying thing.

Jamie OD

Given how much money Vince pumped into Trumps campaign I wonder if Linda might get a cushy job in his cabinet.

A McMahon with actual power. Fuck.

Saw someone on Twitter mention a role like US ambassador for Ireland could be in Linda's future. That actually sounds realistic to me.


Gonna be weird watching WWE brag about a Hall of Famer being President knowing that a lot of their minority and LGBT performers and staff are gonna be scared shitless over this.
Trump Vs Undertaker at WM33 confirmed in a Presidency vs Retirement match

If Trump can win the presidency of the most powerful country on the planet - he should be able to retire 'Taker no worries
I have legitimately never been more terrified for my life and safety.

Even if he doesn't do 90% of the stuff he said, his VP is Mr. "Electrocute the gay out of children and call it therapy". LGBT+ rights for at least the next decade (because this is a president, VP, Congress, and Supreme Court now locked up for at least two years) are officially Fucked.

So consider this my part timer announcement. I gotta figure shit out. I'm scared, but I'm motivated. I gotta focus on keeping me safe, on making sure friends, family, and my brothers and sisters in all minority groups but especially in the LGBT+ community feel and are kept safe, and on making sure the future for all of us and any/every family we may start is a safe one. Posting a lot obviously takes, and should take, a back seat to that.

WrassleGAF I love you and will come back to you at least from time to time, but until I and those around me feel and are better, it can't be full time status. To everyone here: no matter what else has been said, I always loved you, and I always will love you. Whether it's in a few days, weeks, months, or years, in thread or PM I'll see yall again and keep in touch. Love you all lots <3

And to the McMahon family I end with this: fuck all yall miserable bastards, Ted Turner should have won
this is at least making me slightly smug, but it's the least rewarding smugness

It's worth noting the amount of talk about "Shy Tories" and the pre Brexit polls over here.

Polls aren't infallible. If you're worried about Trump getting in, don't get complacent cause the polls say you're fine. Especially when we're dealing with things like this where people feel like they can't spout their bullshit out loud.
it's worth noting that our minority population is currently larger than (or at least on par with) your actual population
It's also worth noting that Brexit doesn't have any real direct comparison to what's happening with Trump, never has, and has become a de facto comparison to those who really only have a gleaming idea of what's happening, and has become a pseudo-fear mongering tactic in these threads despite having almost nothing in common outside a very broad connection through xenophobia
Brexit polls didn't show that the leave votes were losing overwhelmingly. The polls showed a toss-up but people just assumed it would never happen, just like how the polls showed Trump winning but people assumed it wouldn't happen, then acted surprised when he ended up winning.
I do not understand why anyone would compare Brexit to the United States presidential election. They're not remotely similar for so many reasons beyond the fact that they're both about politics. Heck, the polls for Brexit were actually correct because they all suggested that a Remain or Leave victory would be slight at best. Which was a completely correct prediction.

The Leave victory did not occur because of complacency. People want to blame the younger generation for the result but a few statistics suggest that they did actually go out to vote. But they weren't a strong enough demographic to offset the older white British voter or the disenfranchised working class that have nothing but contempt for the political classes.

Even if we ignore these facts, the United States presidential election is not a direct democracy popularity contest.

tell me a considerable amount more about how much i'm overreacting


I guess SZ thinks Vince doesn't read twitter.

Thing is, Brexit referendum was a once in a lifetime deal that we screwed up.

Millions of Americans vote for one party every four years and don't change. Trump winning wasn't unprecedented because people will vote R no matter who the candidate is. America can undo this in 4 years... Hopefully. Brexit will stain us for generations.
I guess SZ thinks Vince doesn't read twitter.

Thing is, Brexit referendum was a once in a lifetime deal that we screwed up.

Millions of Americans vote for one party every four years and don't change. Trump winning wasn't unprecedented because people will vote R no matter who the candidate is. America can undo this in 4 years... Hopefully. Brexit will stain us for generations.

Part of me thinks it wont.

It'll take months, potentially years, for MP's to agree the terms of our exit
They then have to agree those terms with the Scottish Parliament (if they stay with us), potentially opening the door for Welsh/Northern Irish terms too. The scots were predominantly on the remain side so that won't be an easy agreement.

Then once that is all done we go to the EU and invoke article 50 by which case we have 2 years to agree the terms of our exit according to the plan set out by parliament with every other EU state. If an agreement isn't made within 2 years - we cannot leave or we leave and basically receive a trade embargo.

Plus you have the general election thrown in aswell.

Part of me thinks if this takes years as I suspect it to, once they've all agreed terms, before we invoke article 50. They might put forward ANOTHER referendum to see if we actually invoke article 50.

You gotta think if enough time passes.. those teenagers who couldn't vote might now be eligible and a sizeable chunk of the elderly who voted might well have died.

Either way - if it happens still, which I think is probably still the odds on thing to happen - It'll be years!
Is brock lesnar the smartest guy in the company in decades? left the usa to canada, negotiated probably the best contract a wrestler ever has.
it's all fucking shit. this last year has just made me feel more hopeless at every turn.

tory majority
trump takes america

we've ceded everything to dickheads
and it increasingly feels like there's nothing to be done about it

make no mistake m9, i'm not happy


it's all fucking shit. this last year has just made me feel more hopeless at every turn.

tory majority
trump takes america

we've ceded everything to dickheads
and it increasingly feels like there's nothing to be done about it

make no mistake m9, i'm not happy

Yup, and that's without mentioning Roman Reigns even!

Kidding aside, although my move to Iceland was delayed by Brexit, I am even happier to be moving there in a couple of years, my girlfriends performance in university willing.

struggling to do any work here

Same, on top of everything I woke up with conjunctivitis. This truely is the darkest timeline.


Same, on top of everything I woke up with conjunctivitis. This truely is the darkest timeline.

I had some very upsetting dreams last night for the first time in maybe 5 or so years. And my stomach is rebelling against the concept of food.

It's all connected somehow.
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