Absolutely need to find some time for ATTACK, this Halloween show might be a good start.
Main Event of Kirby and El Ligero as KO and Generico vs Pete Dunne and Nixon Newell as Joker and Harley
I follow Gonzalo Dan on twitter and he's always going about them and Fight Club Pro. Gotta check them out.
I watched Speedball Mike Bailey vs Kazusada Higuchi in the DNAGP finals. DNA is another DDT offshoot and sort of a developmental organization. It gets a lot of praise from puro nerds. It's a Hakata Star Lanes show, which made me realize that the Tivoli here in Dublin is setup nearly exactly the same way. Anyway match is shot on what could be described as an official fancam, with some brief cutaways to take in dives and on the floor action. Match itself is solid and getting to see Bailey's strikes up so close makes you realize he really lays them in and makes them look good. Recommended watch!
The other thing I watched was a classic 1993 AJPW 6 man (Jun Akiyama/Kenta Kobashi/Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Akira Taue/Toshiaki Kawada/Yoshinari Ogawa) because my Kobashi shirt arrived in the mail today. It's a really cool fucking shirt. Anyway the match is predictably amazing, a breezy 25+ minutes that feels like it could go on forever and still be watchable. Highly recommended watch!