WCW Uncensored 95
King of the road match omg what the fuck is going on : F
Ming vs HACKsaw (martial art match) : F
Johnny B Badd (now a boxer apparently) vs Arn : F
Macho Man vs Avalanche : D
The Vigilante Sting vs some big guy : D+
Harlem Heat vs Nasty Boyz : F
Hogan vs Vader (leather strap match) : D-
Average : D- but i'll give it an arbitrary F, absolute shit top to bottom
.According to rumors going around backstage imbask is apparently jealous of Zach's popularity and the sole reason of his new grading gimmick is to steal some of Zach's heat. Whether this is seen with good eyes by upper management or not remains to be seen.
Except sting had charisma and could work.do you guys realize that surfer sting was basically Mojo Rawley?
Sasha sure likes tweeting out bible verses.
Sounds like something Eddie would do.
You know, her hero?
She wants to be the female Eddie Guerrero
Her first live show was the RAW after his death.
If Vince had McGregor her have him job to Kane to feed to Roman.
The performance center is a very interesting name considering all that the wwe has been through.When does Miesha Tate appear at the Performance Center?
Boy...that Ashley misarro story is fucked.
WCW Uncensored 95
King of the road match omg what the fuck is going on : F
Ming vs HACKsaw (martial art match) : F
Johnny B Badd (now a boxer apparently) vs Arn : F
Macho Man vs Avalanche : D
The Vigilante Sting vs some big guy : D+
Harlem Heat vs Nasty Boyz : F
Hogan vs Vader (leather strap match) : D-
Average : D- but i'll give it an arbitrary F, absolute shit top to bottom
Time for Menome Reviews imbask's Reviews of Zach's Reviews: A WrassleGAF Original Series.
Joey Styles must be a fucking idiot. Seems like he's just trying to be so edgy all the time. Can't believe there are people normalising what he said elsewhere too.
Sasha sure likes tweeting out bible verses.
I refuse to believe that Arn Anderson was in any match rated lower than a C.
"But he's 5'9, how can he be a star?"'
same argument you can use with a hardcore fans about how a average looking guy with no charisma but is a great worker should be pushed as a star.
Top ten of BOLA 2016 tournament matches:
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Will Ospreay, night 3
Tommy End vs. Zack Sabre Jr., night 1
Will Ospreay vs. Ricochet, night 3
Chris Hero vs. Jushin Liger, night 1
Ricochet vs. Fenix, night 1
Mark Haskins vs. Cedric Alexander, night 2
Jeff Cobb vs. Ricochet, night 1
Matt Riddle vs. Kyle O'Reilly, night 2
Marty Scurll vs. Mark Haskins, night 3
Dalton Castle vs. Tommaso Ciampa, night 2
Mark Andrews did not impress me at all. Cody R was acceptable; when it feels like Sami Callihan carried you to a decent match, there's something missing. Cody R and Marty Scurll was fun, but again, it was mostly due to Scurll's interactions with Brandi.
The tag matches with Pentagon Jr. and Fenix against Heroes Eventually Die and The Young Bucks need to be seen.
Greatest wrestler of our lifetime.![]()
That's no shop, it is legit.did you make that shop?
That's no shop, it is legit.
You probably should specify who you are talking about.
The counters in the highlight teasers make me wanna see this bad.
Check these moments out.
Flippy version of "YOOU!" by Ospreay to counter Fenix's Spanish Fly attempt.
Sweet way to counter The Young Bucks going for "More Bang for your Buck"
So much stuff and an all star lineup. I need to catch this bad. Isn't PWG on Roku now?
hardcore fans they want guys like cesaro, sami etc or the cruiserweights pushed. Connor isn't a big star because of his fighting skills its his mic skills, charisma and how he carries himself. Same can be said about pro wrestling the rock etc were really pretty much average in ring workers, nobody cares if you are good worker than only appeals tot he hardcore. And they keep hiring these guys out of japan / indys like as if they are a big deal.