Tuna Meltz...
is a big...
Tuna Meltz...
is a big...
That's slander... Professor MARK.Tuna Meltz...
is a big...
LANGUAGE!Tuna Meltz...
is a big...
Didn't Trump run in 2012 also and just not get anywhere?
Also friendly reminder if you're willing to pay that much for Mania but won't donate a cent to any of the charities that are going to need a lot of help thanks to President Trump's Reign of Terror, you're part of the problem
Friday night, I panicked on camera during the live broadcast of Evolve 72 on FloSlam when I realized that heel manager, Stokely Hathaway and I would be doing our promo at ringside and not in the ring with ring announcer, Joanna Rose as I had anticipated.
I told Joanna before the show that during my promo with her and Stokely in the ring, I was going to ask her about English tailoring so we could compare my suit with Stokely Hathaway's suit.
I had no idea what to say when Stokely Hathaway and I were at ringside about to trade promos and I didn't have Joanna with us to ask about English tailoring.
I panicked and I did exactly what Gabe Sapolsky told me not to do earlier in the week and made a political joke. The joke included a partial quote from the President-Elect that was meant to mock him and then, in-turn, my scripted nemesis, Stokely Hathaway.
I started the joke and stopped quoting the President-Elect without using the offensive word.
Again, I did not utter the offensive word.
I then turned to Stokely Hathaway and said "the word that I will not use, brings me to you."
As the veteran, I should have walked through the promo segment with Stokely Hathaway and Joanna Rose before the event so that there was no possibility of me putting myself in that position.
Gabe was justifiably furious at me and thought that I had endangered his relationship with FloSports.
After the event, I looked Gabe in the eye, apologized to him, and as not as to put him in the awkward position of having to fire someone he has known for 20 years, told him to fire me publicly and then shook his hand.
I apologized to Joanna who said she said she wasn't upset because she knew it was a joke about the President-Elect. It didn't matter if she was upset or not, therefore I apologized to her again, repeatedly.
I apologized to Jeremy Botter, the representative from FloSlam who was at the event, and he wasn't upset. It didn't matter if he was upset or not, therefore I apologized to him again, repeatedly. I also told him that Gabe and EVOLVE had no knowledge of what I was going to say and my actions should not be held against EVOLVE.
I apologized to the locker room and the wrestlers weren't upset. It didn't matter if they were upset, therefore I apologized to the wrestlers again, repeatedly.
While apologizing to the wrestlers, I saw that Timothy Thatcher obviously had a very serious concussion.
Timothy Thatcher's main event opponent, Drew Gulak also recognized that it was a very serious concussion and said that Timothy needed to go to the hospital.
I went to the hospital with Timothy and Larry Dallas. Gabe arrived at the hospital shorty after we did. We were cordial to each other, because I had already apologized to him and he had already fired me publicly. All that we were rightly concerned about by that point was Timothy Thatcher's condition.
Larry and I stayed at the hospital with Timothy until he was released at 1:30 AM into Larry's care to recover at Larry's home in NY until he is well enough to fly home to California.
While at the hospital watching Timothy struggle to regain his memory of what happened and even remember my name, I made the decision to stay quiet about EVOLVE 72 until today so as not to take attention away from EVOLVE on FloSlam on Sunday night.
In summary, I panicked on a live broadcast, ad-libbed by telling bad joke, apologized to Gabe, told him to publicly fire me to protect himself and then apologized sincerely and repeatedly to everybody involved including Joanna Rose, Jeremy Botter from FloSlam and the wrestlers in the EVOLVE locker room.
In conclusion, I'd like to thank FloSlam for editing out the segment from the EVOLVE 72 replay on FloSlam so fans can enjoy the historic event forever without it being marred.
Joey Styles
:'(rusev will be away for a while lana posted grandma rusev passed away.
This is one of the most carny things I've ever read
Gabe is shooting on errybody.
God bless.
#SHOOTAlso friendly reminder if you're willing to pay that much for Mania but won't donate a cent to any of the charities that are going to need a lot of help thanks to President Trump's Reign of Terror, you're part of the problem
https://twitter.com/vicecanada/status/798571296715993089 Vice's CZW documentary
Ellsworth getting murdered is part of the gimmick. Braun will probably annihilate him, then Ellsworth will a score an elimination when Dean throws his limp corpse on top of someone for a pin.
I honestly cannot fathom a differing viewpoint than 'I told him not to do it, he did it, he's gone'
To his credit, I respect him saying this:
It's important for more people to understand this very basic concept.
Maybe you are right about this whole wrestling thing
No Zandig promo in OP.
Nocturnal owl art is great
Let's talk about how horrible Stephanie McMahon is now. The bland as fuck babyface who starts New Day chants and cheers her brand is somehow making me long for The Authority and the Stephanie who would slap the taste out of Big Show and never get anything in return.
Now? She been terrible since forever.Let's talk about how horrible Stephanie McMahon is now. The bland as fuck babyface who starts New Day chants and cheers her brand is somehow making me long for The Authority and the Stephanie who would slap the taste out of Big Show and never get anything in return.
Let's talk about how horrible Stephanie McMahon is now. The bland as fuck babyface who starts New Day chants and cheers her brand is somehow making me long for The Authority and the Stephanie who would slap the taste out of Big Show and never get anything in return.
But she's not even a babyface...
I don't know what she is.
Now? She been terrible since forever.
she's worse than trump
She might as well have been last night.
I have enjoyed Stephanie in the past, she's just become more and more grating and one sided as a performer in recent years.
Biggest wastes in the past 4 years or so (ie get off my tv)
Keep fighting the good fight TomAlso friendly reminder if you're willing to pay that much for Mania but won't donate a cent to any of the charities that are going to need a lot of help thanks to President Trump's Reign of Terror, you're part of the problem
Kaladin, for some reason I find it kinda funny that you posted an OT thread for the CZW Doc. I'll be keeping an eye out to see if I've normalized the carny lifestyle.
.Mondays WWE RAW from Buffalo, NY drew 2.876 million viewers, up from last weeks taped UK show, which did 2.767 million viewers.
The show featured Brock Lesnar and Goldberg facing off in the same for the first time since WrestleMania XX and more build-up for Sundays Survivor Series PPV. Heres the hourly breakdown:
Hour 1: 2.960 million viewers
Hour 2: 2.930 million viewers
Hour 3: 2.743 million viewers
RAW was #9 on cable in viewership and #4 in the 18-40 demographic. The NFL owned the night with 10.7 million cable viewers.
Something Something ratings don't matter.
Once again, ~200k people tuned out once Goldberg's segment was done.
I see no HHH on this get off my TV list. FAIL!!Biggest wastes in the past 4 years or so (ie get off my tv)
Once again, ~200k people tuned out once Goldberg's segment was done.
It never ceases to amaze me how often they refuse to make the most no-brainer decisions.
Watch HHH use it in tweets.I can't wait for that Shoot emoji in the next iOS update