To be fair, Ulcerate is overhyped trashi get it she did the devil horns once and probably hasn't listened to the new Ulcerate
or maybe she isn't a real steampunk that doesn't own an airship
Just like Sasha Banks
To be fair, Ulcerate is overhyped trashi get it she did the devil horns once and probably hasn't listened to the new Ulcerate
or maybe she isn't a real steampunk that doesn't own an airship
To be fair, Ulcerate is overhyped trash
Just like Sasha Banks
Haha, kidding of courseUp until a few days ago I would have agreed with you on Ulcerate but I kinda dig the new album. First time I've ever really liked anything by them.
Not gonna touch the Sasha comment
im getting baited here but is there a single shred of evidence that Becky is in fact a poser
Becky is a poser.
Becky is shit.
Nobody likes Becky except for some smark ass basement dwellers. It is nigh time you all accept the reality. Nikki is a better draw than Becky Fookin' Lynch.
Also who are the biggest Joshi names from the 90s? I've heard of Bull Nakano, Aja Kong and Manami Toyota.
Also who are the biggest Joshi names from the 90s? I've heard of Bull Nakano, Aja Kong and Manami Toyota.
Dynamite Kansai, that name sounds familiar for some reason.One nobody talks about: Debbie Malenko, unrelated to but trained by the Malenkos.
From the 90s, you can also look out for Akira Hokuto, Kyoko Inoue, Takako Inoue, Shinobu Kandori, Yumiko Hotta, Cuty Sazuki, Kaoru Ito and Dynamite Kansai.
Akira Hokuto for sure, some others; Kyoko Inoue, Chigusa Nagayo, Lioness Asuka, Dynamite Kansai, Shinbo Kandori, Mariko Yoshida, Toshiyo Yamada, Devil Masami.
Dynamite Kansai, that name sounds familiar for some reason.
Haha, kidding of course
I'll have to check it out. I always heard "they're the new Gorguts!!" and never saw it
She, like Timothy Thatcher, is work British, not shoot British.
Like I say, I know very little about Joshi, but I am trying to remedy that!Maybe from the amazing Manami Toyota and Toshiyo Yamada vs Mayumi Ozaki and Dynamite Kanzai tag match?
I always think of Devil Masami and Lioness Asuka as part of the 80s joshi group.
It crazy how popular joshi wrestling was and a certain point still is.
Oh fuck no they are not.
They've an interesting little style alright but not anywhere near as great and unique as Gorguts.
My world is shattering into a million pieces.
What did you think of Thatcher/Gulak No Ring Exploding Stokely Hathaway Wrestlers Are The Ring Crew match?
I thought it Thatcher/Gulak was better than the shitshow from Brooklyn, but it didn't do much for me. The finish seemed really flat.
Thatcher/Gulak took a while to get going but ended up pretty good, however their street fight from EVOLVE 71 in Florida was seriously AWESOME. Best Thatcher match I've seen this year, personally.
Becky actually speaks with a thick Texas accent. You'd never know though.
I thought it Thatcher/Gulak was better than the shitshow from Brooklyn, but it didn't do much for me. The finish seemed really flat.
Thatcher/Gulak took a while to get going but ended up pretty good, however their street fight from EVOLVE 71 in Florida was seriously AWESOME. Best Thatcher match I've seen this year, personally.
Thatcher is coming around with his heel turn, but he's not quite there. He hasn't lost that "go away" heat, and I'm not sure if people are looking forward to his matches.
I couldn't help but feel sorry for his wife, she looked so damn terrified during and after his match and he was bleeding such a ridiculous amount.
That Vice CZW doc is quite possibly the best way to introduce someone not familiar with death match wrestling to the world of death match wrestling. Great host, and they featured a good mix of talents. I have more respect for DJ Hyde after watching this. That guy puts in work. They also got perspectives from wrestlers at different levels from Masada who is a legend at this point to Tim Donst who is a traditional wrestler doing death match for the first time. I also love the behind the scenes look because it's not something you see often at that level in the death match stuff.
Also : "What's the craziest weapon a fan has ever brought?" and the answer with no hesitation : "A gun."
Who brings a gun for these guys to use in a wrestling match? Come on people.
we pg friendDamn it, I can't find the gif of the guy in DDT who would pull a gun on other wrestlers during a match.
They are trying to tell you something.The Wrestlemania pre-sale is kinda shit even for shit tickets.
Damn it, I can't find the gif of the guy in DDT who would pull a gun on other wrestlers during a match.
That's not how you shoot a singlewe pg friend
WrestleMania 25 was so weird
Love the meltz interviews from the maina journey
Rourke thinking Jericho was going to shoot on him is amazing
This should be funThis week's TLF is summa slam 2000
The Threat of Shoot brings out the best in everyone
Also Vince coming up with a rule that Jericho can only wrestle people that were on the first mania