In a couple of days, one of these men will be suspended above the ring in a cage due to a stipulation on a WWE show in 2016.
#AllHail #KingofKings #BigDog #RomanEmpire #RealDraws#ShaneOMac
Jesus CHRIST at that Manny v Floyd gate
#AllHail #KingofKings #BigDog #RomanEmpire #RealDraws#ShaneOMac
may vs pac was years too late.
What a match it would have been with pac in his prime. Ended up a lame money match like tyson/lewis.
Speaking of Floyd, it still absolutely astounds me that not only did he do stuff at Mania, he had a full match where:
Show stomped on his hand
chopped the shit out of him
HE TOOK BUMPS (?!!??!?!!)
Speaking of Floyd, it still absolutely astounds me that not only did he do stuff at Mania, he had a full match where:
Show stomped on his hand
chopped the shit out of him
HE TOOK BUMPS (?!!??!?!!)
Floyd would have made a great wrestling personality. He gets the larger than life aspect of the business.
Speaking of Floyd, it still absolutely astounds me that not only did he do stuff at Mania, he had a full match where:
Show stomped on his hand
chopped the shit out of him
HE TOOK BUMPS (?!!??!?!!)
WrestleMania is the draw, brother #B+Player![]()
#AllHail #KingofKings #BigDog #RomanEmpire #RealDraws#ShaneOMac
Between both that match and the Stephen Amell match, I was surprised how many bumps both of them took.
Floyd would have made a great wrestling personality. He gets the larger than life aspect of the business.
He's a shooter and worker
Mayweather was never going to fight Pac while Pac was in his prime. Mayweather's most expert dodging happened outside the ring.
Both Floyd and Conor McGregor would be amazing wrestling personalities. But why bother doing that when you can do the same thing in boxing or UFC and make way more bank.
While true, I feel like wrestling as a whole is looked at more favorably than boxing and UFC. Boxing isn't what it used to be at all despite the huge #s for Floyd vs Manny, and the UFC is big but at the same time they're not that big outside of the MMA bubble.
Yeah, there's no denying Floyd's draw. Which is probably why Rhonda tried to strike up a feud with him.
yeah, and that's why the irish prick is trying the same thing
Both Floyd and Conor McGregor would be amazing wrestling personalities. But why bother doing that when you can do the same thing in boxing or UFC and make way more bank.
Speaking of Floyd, it still absolutely astounds me that not only did he do stuff at Mania, he had a full match where:
Show stomped on his hand
chopped the shit out of him
HE TOOK BUMPS (?!!??!?!!)
Another crazy thing: Big Show let Mayweather take a shoot punch at him to get him fired up during one of the angles.
A shoot punch!!!!
#AllHail #KingofKings #BigDog #RomanEmpire #RealDraws#ShaneOMac
I gotta give Show credit for that. Taking a totally unguarded shoot punch from a boxing champion is legitimately fucking dangerous
floyd and connor are better workers than real workers
and that's a shoot
floyd/connor is going to be fucking massive when it happens
Next one will be doubled..Jesus CHRIST at that Manny v Floyd gate
Between both that match and the Stephen Amell match, I was surprised how many bumps both of them took.
Only if it's 24/7 style. I'm downIt's moments like this that the Hardcore title should come back. I would accept putting the US or IC titles in a no holds bared match.
Only if it's 24/7 style. I'm down
The one disappointment I have from losing Stardust is that we didn't get the comic-book rematch between him and Amell. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Amell handled himself in the ring and an extra amount of time training could have resulted in a decent one-on-one.
Feels like they're getting a bit ahead of themselves announcing this already.
#AllHail #KingofKings #BigDog #RomanEmpire #RealDraws#ShaneOMac
I'm surprised WWE hasn't tried to drive this home further to make Roman look important
I wouldn't be surprised if Roode beats Tye and it's used to push him to a feud with Nakamura.Been catching up on this month's NXT episodes and I gotta say, I'm really liking Almas as a heel. Very Eddie Guerrero-esque, which I'm sure is what he's going for. Seems a lot more comfortable in that role. Needs a new theme, though.
Also, they better not put Roode over Dillenger. No reason for that to happen.
Aztec Warfare was...kind of boring this year.
So when do Jericho and KO fallout and give us a killer ladder match for the universal title?
Don't know what was worse scripted, that or WWE version. But the Rican dude from Roll Bounce/Coach Carter looks bulk now. Good for him.
There's a very slim chance Owens is champ by 'Mania, and an even slimmer chance that he fights Jericho for the belt at 'Mania. Odds are their match is a non-title one that happens as a result of Jericho somehow costing Owens the belt.So when do Jericho and KO fallout and give us a killer ladder match for the universal title?
There's a very slim chance Owens is champ by 'Mania, and an even slimmer chance that he fights Jericho for the belt at 'Mania. Odds are their match is a non-title one that happens as a result of Jericho somehow costing Owens the belt.