Oh man, maybe we'll get WrestleMania Brock Penis Sword next year.Wrestlemania Batista belly button
Oh man, maybe we'll get WrestleMania Brock Penis Sword next year.Wrestlemania Batista belly button
It's #ShootFriday and I don't see shooting
#rollupfriday.It's #ShootFriday and I don't see shooting
*Hold's DM's shorts for the pin!!*
Where's Blue to help me kickout? :'(#shoooooooooooooooot
*smashes sf2frantic with a chair and pins him for the win*
It's #ShootFriday and I don't see shooting
Whenever I see the Last Falconry I generally wonder how Shingo has never killed anyone.
So I decided to give Total Divas a go.
Can the whole show just be about Maryse? With special guest star "Paige's facial expressions in the background?"
Lmao Meltzer got rektflipvember is real yall
also, #ShootFriday
Revival making the #Shoot gods proud.flipvember is real yall
also, #ShootFriday
Bro, this Brie vs Maryse feud totally inspired Miz's Talking Smack shoot on Bryan.So I decided to give Total Divas a go.
Can the whole show just be about Maryse? With special guest star "Paige's facial expressions in the background?"
Six matches is a little thin for a four hour PPV, but if I can get a fifty minute elimination match, then it'll be worth it. I'm hoping there are no disqualifications either. I don't want to see some cheap elimination.Guys, Survivor Series is going to be so bad. Not because of the matches but because of the unnecessarily elongated nature of the 'Big 4' PPVs. They're completely soul-sapping.
Tozawa and Jack Gallagher made their debuts at the NXT live show
Got my ticket for the Mania Sun.
So who else is going, and how many sea breezes are you getting me
Tozawa and Jack Gallagher made their debuts at the NXT live show
Couldn't do Total Bellas aka "The Daniel Bryan Depression Tour featuring John "Patrick Bateman" Cena," but I'll tune in for Maryse stunting on the lessers.Total Divas/Bellas has way better storylines than Raw.
I love Total Divas/Bellas.
Bro, this Brie vs Maryse feud totally inspired Miz's Talking Smack shoot on Bryan.
Shit is gonna get intense when Del Rio comes in and the whole Paige got his stage/middle name tattooed on him thing happens.
Shane is killing me with this jacket/vest/tie top half and jeans/sneakers bottom half.
Lol wwe gave me 3 months free, thinking I'll forget to unsubscribe fucking marks.
What is the con?They're working the long con on you, mark.
Lol wwe gave me 3 months free, thinking I'll forget to unsubscribe fucking marks.
It must be reassuring to the patient when he hears the doctor screaming "WHY ME!!!" outside the room.
I thought that didn't work anymore?why would anyone shoot subscribe when you can work this carny ass company into giving you free months basically forever
I thought that didn't work anymore?
Guys, Survivor Series is going to be so bad. Not because of the matches but because of the unnecessarily elongated nature of the 'Big 4' PPVs. They're completely soul-sapping.
I was legit worked for a moment into thinking their drama was real and who knows, maybe some of it was. But Maryse got that GOAT theme which just beats Brie Mode for me so I gotta side with her. Plus I can't hate Nikki in the 'she's awful but entertainingly awful'. John and Nikki drinking wine while Nikki cries over how he doesn't want to get married is a million times better then Brie and Bryan planting a tree.Maryse is the kind of heel a show like this needs. I mean, look at the other stories they had. "Lana is scared to wrestle." "Naomi jacked up her hair." Who cares? More of Brie looking like she wants to fade Maryse while Rene and Paige look on and Nikki being a right asshole to her sister (when she hit Brie with the "Happy Wrestlemania" >>>>>>), and I'll be there every week.
And yes, the Paige fuckery could be quality trash TV.
Bitch bye. You shot nothing!I shot on blue last page. BPP is ready to shoot on Goldberg.
Sweep the leg!!Bitch bye. You shot nothing!
My sources are saying a LayCool run-in is planned on Mickie James tomorrow and on AJ Styles on Sunday. Michelle gonna take her finisher back!