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November Wrasslin' |OT| flipvember qdl flipvember





Yay not only did they have another lame match with Goldberg and Lesnar, but they basically continued to assure us that there is no actual payoff for having Lesnar break the streak.


As I've said before, wrestling SPECIFICALLY WWE, is at its best when its at its dumbest


Wrestling is at its best when it feels like a fucking fight. When there is fucking heat.

Like the heat of a L.A. Park vs La Parka match or the heat from somebody getting a shoot hold on.
Yay not only did they have another lame match with Goldberg and Lesnar, but they basically continued to assure us that there is no actual payoff for having Lesnar break the streak.

The thing with WWE over the last 5 years is eventually you realize they don't have a real plan for basically anything they do

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm just gonna put this out there and part of it is that Orton is established but Randy works better with Luke and Bray than Rowan ever did.
The thing with WWE over the last 5 years is eventually you realize they don't have a real plan for basically anything they do

Shit, just look at Goldberg. It took 13 years for them to realize he should be squashing people, so they bring him back for a day to do it to one of the few guys left they actually protected


Yay not only did they have another lame match with Goldberg and Lesnar, but they basically continued to assure us that there is no actual payoff for having Lesnar break the streak.

What would Lesnar winning have accomplished to that end? He's overconfident because he beat the streak and squashes everybody. He underestimated Goldberg, as did everybody. This was perfectly booked for the cards in their hand.


1 - I didn't like the ending to Sami match, as I'm tired of Maryse winning every match for the Miz... If he was to win, I was hoping for it to be due to him doing the necessary thing like accidentally knocking the referee out and beating Zain with a chair or something. At this point it's just completely stupid to think that Maryse would be allowed anywhere near the ring during a match.

2 - Wasting Brock's monstruous heat like that... That's pretty dumb. I hope Bill stays around to transfer that heat to someone else that is not 50.

3 - Dean's character became even more stupid. I hope this means he won't be DB's and Shane's golden boy anymore and start doing something cool at least.

4 - Bayley is not acting like Bayley and that is hilarious. First she ganged up on Nikki and now she breaks a pin to keep a 2 in 1 advantage haha

It was a fun PPV with bad results and booking. I wish it wasn't cannon.
What would Lesnar winning have accomplished to that end? He's overconfident because he beat the streak and squashes everybody. He underestimated Goldberg, as did everybody. This was perfectly booked for the cards in their hand.

Because it was several weeks of actually good build (for a change) whose payoff could be missed if ya took a pee
That women's match was such a mess. Nia botched pretty much every big move she had to do, Carmella got taken out by Alicia Fox botching her finisher, Becky taps Nia out (something I feel like should be a big deal but will be forgotten immediately I'm sure) yet falls victim to one Bayley to Belly (still the worst finisher in the business, sorry Zach) in a sloppy as fuck finish, Sasha gets rolled up because I guess Vince really is pissed over HIAC and to top it off the whole match was just a plug for Bayley vs Charlotte.


Even though Ambrose doing that was stupid, it makes sense now that I think about it why he did it. Styles was the one who let him get eliminated. Braun was pinning Ambrose and Styles could have stopped it but he kept looking and Ambrose was out. Ambrose coming out, while it did fuck up Styles and the team, he at least had a reason. Thankfully SD won.

Styles and Ambrose were just too focused on their own grudge rather than the team as a whole.


What would Lesnar winning have accomplished to that end? He's overconfident because he beat the streak and squashes everybody. He underestimated Goldberg, as did everybody. This was perfectly booked for the cards in their hand.

Brock would be the most dominant beast of all time and any new talent that was booked correctly to go over him would be wrestling's next big thing.

Now that heat has been transfered to a 50 years old Goldberg.

Hopefully bill will put some full time talent over to make the broken streak and the loss of Brock's aura not be for nothing other than a nostalgia pop with no long term benefit.


Even though Ambrose doing that was stupid, it makes sense now that I think about it why he did it. Styles was the one who let him get eliminated. Braun was pinning Ambrose and Styles could have stopped it but he kept looking and Ambrose was out. Ambrose coming out, while it did fuck up Styles and the team, he at least had a reason. Thankfully SD won.

Styles and Ambrose were just too focused on their own grudge rather than the team as a whole.

Yep, and it's just to continue their feud into TLC...Which is what most of these bookings tend to forget.

Why AA and the Usos didn't brawl is beyond me.
I hate when the rules are all over the place. Owens hits someone with the list and it's a DQ. Dean Ambrose comes out to the point a dozen security men have to hold him out and the ref just shrugs it off. Strowman gets counted out, the Shield spend like a minute or two outside during that whole powerbomb sequence and the ref doesn't bother once.


I hate when the rules are all over the place. Owens hits someone with the list and it's a DQ. Dean Ambrose comes out to the point a dozen security men have to hold him out and the ref just shrugs it off. Strowman gets counted out, the Shield spend like a minute or two outside during that whole powerbomb sequence and the ref doesn't bother once.
I don't hate it, but it makes it harder to get invested.
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