Wendel Clark
Cool for Goldberg and his kid that they allowed this to happen. Know damn well big nose wouldn't have jobbed like that.
Goldberg's an mma mark like mark calloway. He would definitely job to Brock.
Cool for Goldberg and his kid that they allowed this to happen. Know damn well big nose wouldn't have jobbed like that.
Goldberg's an mma mark like mark calloway. He would definitely job to Brock.
Why is Dean having a THIRD shot at AJ's title btw?
How come Cole didn't scream out that wcw won the war like he did for wwf at mania. A true mystery
he's talking about hhh, who booked himself to go over lesnar a few years ago.
*reads results*
What are the chances that Triple Haitch will go over Goldberg at Wrasslemania?
The King of Kings.
The Cerebral Assasin.
dude, you have to see the match
I felt like I was teleported into the nineties. In the last month wwf has booked goldberg better then they have any of their own guys for the past twelve years.
Undertaker beat Lesnar and he was older then that, and Hogan beat HHH for the title when he was older then that
This is not a good thing right? It can't be.
Good short term but terrible long term. They've been booking guest talent over their main roster for years though so in that sense it's predictable they spent Brocks build on Berg. I'm just surprised it went to him rather than someone like The Rock.
What was worth watching from last night? Also how the fuck didn't they move the Cruiserweights
Imagine staying up to 4am to see a squash match LOL
Props to ICW, all the footage I've seen from F&L has been top notch and super professional. Reminds me of a Dragon Gate PPV.
On SS:
Imagine staying up to 4am to see a squash match LOL
I just love how casual that is. "Yeah, just SSP'ing off the ringpost, no biggie".
kinda regretting not going to the show, especially after it moved to York Hall
Is there a more generic, nebulous 'guy on the internet with no experience in writing' hallmark than the word 'uninspiring'?
Was a real fun show, one of the most irritating crowds I've seen yet though, lol. This is now how a count goes in York Hall;
Ref: ONE!
Crowd: TWO!
Crowd: MOOSE!
Ref: TWO!
All night, ffs. I've got to stop mentioning it on twitter though, some fuckers kept tagging Moose and I had to explain to him why it's become so annoying lol.
The york hall crowd fucked me right off at Global Wars, that may just have been me being behind the fuck moose section bantering all night tho
Is this the first WWE PPV you'd grade higher than an F?The greatest night in the history of our sport.
I swear the crowd didn't used to be as packed with nobheads, seems to have started at the Angle show.
Also, I don't fucking get the reactions to Will, Sabre and Marty. It's bizarre - they've turned on Will for little to no reason, they turned on Zack, again, for little to no reason, yet they love Marty no matter what he does. Last night he was a cheating bastard and got cheered for it, while at Global Wars he was hugely popular and Sabre was booed, but then when Marty turned on Sabre they booed Marty and gave Zack a "thank you Zack" chant?!
Only Nashcember can stop Goldberg.
Matt. @Matt_MYano
Strowman beats Goldberg for the title, eventually, and holds it for two years till finally beaten by Gargano
Zack wasn't too bad as they were teasing a heel turn all year
Anyway praise the hero lesnar sacrificing himself for the crimes committed by HHH against wcw and the debut of STANG.
Because Orton is a heel for reasons.
*reads results*
Bill! You wanna do this againuh?Goldberg went over cause Triple H wants to beat him at Mania.
I guess a lot of fans nowadays just don't like long term babyface main eventers. Growing up with a decade plus of Super Cena and hindsight opinions of Hulkamania has distorted everyone's view of what a top babyface should be. Seriously, I love OSW and all those other review shows but they all look at 80s Hogan and go "this dickhead was the good guy?" Even among the puro fans Tanahashi and Okada get flack for being on top.
Watch the match, the crowd reactions make everything even better and more pure