BRAUN has been watching his AJPW gajin tapes look at this shit right here
It was the same finish as the Shield/Wyatt match too. Someone pushes Bray out of spear, sister Abigail, Bray pins Roman.Bray won a Ppv match is more shocking TBH
Bray won a Ppv match is more shocking TBH
It was the same finish as the Shield/Wyatt match too. Someone pushes Bray out of spear, sister Abigail, Bray pins Roman.
I still can't believe Shane was in the match longer than KO and Jericho.
Unlike the other carnies he was actually trying to throw punches. He was potatoing people left and right.I still can't believe Shane was in the match longer than KO and Jericho.
BRAUN has been watching his AJPW gajin tapes look at this shit right here
What if deep down inside the reason Lesnar does not give a fuck is because he is secretly a WCW mark still salty about the buyout
It's almost as if they threw him on screen too early and now he's starting from a credibility hole.
I kinda dig how Survivor Series was an encapsulation of everything wrong with WWE
- In general the Smackdown vs Raw concept is on barely stable ground to begin with seeing the brand split has been going for a mere 3 and a half months or so, no one is actually invested.
- Storylines Smackdown logical booking had been building had to be put on hold due to making time for "we gotta band together to beat Raw because reasons!"
- On both sides of the roster heels and faces align, thus every elimination match has teammates walloping each other from the slightest provocation.
- The women's match not only had issues in skill gaps between participants but in general
had some missed opportunities in its booking. With the finale you could've had a conflicted Bayley not wanting to beat down an outnumbered Becky, heck you could've gone with Becky trying the sole survivor routine against the remaining horsewomen. Nia Jax could've had cool spots if she wasn't still too green to pull it off successfully.
- Those fuckin' brand shirts
- Champs lookin' like chumps, The New Day and Owens were basically booked like lemons. Breezeango jobbin' like fools makes sense, New Day not so much. Owens got blatantly DQ'd with a CLIPBOARD AND PAPERS.
- Shane O Mac's pure striking prowess
- The continued commitment to the Roman Reigns experiment, he actually deserves better than being understandably shat on by the crowd because of stubborn arse booking keeping him stale.
- Unless we're building to a double turn, Ambrose basically had the heel role in the scuffle with AJ Styles.
- lol cruiserweights
- While I had a good chuckle at Bork getting squashed it just goes to show that they completely and utterly fucked up any attempt at someone getting a rub from the Cena squashing, streak ending Beast.
- A ton of buildup and probably truckloads of money spent on a main event squash match
it's all perversely enjoyable in its own stupid way.
Anything from X16 worth watching? I ended up travelling on the weekend and never got around to watching any of it.
I agree with everything except for the main event.I kinda dig how Survivor Series was an encapsulation of everything wrong with WWE
- In general the Smackdown vs Raw concept is on barely stable ground to begin with seeing the brand split has been going for a mere 3 and a half months or so, no one is actually invested.
- Storylines Smackdown logical booking had been building had to be put on hold due to making time for "we gotta band together to beat Raw because reasons!"
- On both sides of the roster heels and faces align, thus every elimination match has teammates walloping each other from the slightest provocation.
- The women's match not only had issues in skill gaps between participants but in general
had some missed opportunities in its booking. With the finale you could've had a conflicted Bayley not wanting to beat down an outnumbered Becky, heck you could've gone with Becky trying the sole survivor routine against the remaining horsewomen. Nia Jax could've had cool spots if she wasn't still too green to pull it off successfully.
- Those fuckin' brand shirts
- Champs lookin' like chumps, The New Day and Owens were basically booked like lemons. Breezeango jobbin' like fools makes sense, New Day not so much. Owens got blatantly DQ'd with a CLIPBOARD AND PAPERS.
- Shane O Mac's pure striking prowess
- The continued commitment to the Roman Reigns experiment, he actually deserves better than being understandably shat on by the crowd because of stubborn arse booking keeping him stale.
- Unless we're building to a double turn, Ambrose basically had the heel role in the scuffle with AJ Styles.
- lol cruiserweights
- While I had a good chuckle at Bork getting squashed it just goes to show that they completely and utterly fucked up any attempt at someone getting a rub from the Cena squashing, streak ending Beast.
- A ton of buildup and probably truckloads of money spent on a main event squash match
it's all perversely enjoyable in its own stupid way.
I kinda dig how Survivor Series was an encapsulation of everything wrong with WWE
- In general the Smackdown vs Raw concept is on barely stable ground to begin with seeing the brand split has been going for a mere 3 and a half months or so, no one is actually invested.
- Storylines Smackdown logical booking had been building had to be put on hold due to making time for "we gotta band together to beat Raw because reasons!"
- On both sides of the roster heels and faces align, thus every elimination match has teammates walloping each other from the slightest provocation.
- The women's match not only had issues in skill gaps between participants but in general
had some missed opportunities in its booking. With the finale you could've had a conflicted Bayley not wanting to beat down an outnumbered Becky, heck you could've gone with Becky trying the sole survivor routine against the remaining horsewomen. Nia Jax could've had cool spots if she wasn't still too green to pull it off successfully.
- Those fuckin' brand shirts
- Champs lookin' like chumps, The New Day and Owens were basically booked like lemons. Breezeango jobbin' like fools makes sense, New Day not so much. Owens got blatantly DQ'd with a CLIPBOARD AND PAPERS.
- Shane O Mac's pure striking prowess
- The continued commitment to the Roman Reigns experiment, he actually deserves better than being understandably shat on by the crowd because of stubborn arse booking keeping him stale.
- Unless we're building to a double turn, Ambrose basically had the heel role in the scuffle with AJ Styles.
- lol cruiserweights
- While I had a good chuckle at Bork getting squashed it just goes to show that they completely and utterly fucked up any attempt at someone getting a rub from the Cena squashing, streak ending Beast.
- A ton of buildup and probably truckloads of money spent on a main event squash match
it's all perversely enjoyable in its own stupid way.
Haven't watched Night 2 yet, but Night 1 was pretty good all-round (except the tag that went on about 15 minutes longer than it needed to).
Trevor Lee vs Chip Day was real good, Ethan Case vs Fred Yehi as well - Tracer X vs Colby Corino was a lot of fun and I enjoyed Davey vs ZSJ (although it was only Davey's second match back from injury, so he wasn't quite up to speed tbh). Riddle vs Hollis was really good, as was their match from the SCI, well worth checking out.
Gotta help that newcomer Goldberg.Kalisto and Kendrick did a Spanish fly from the apron to floor?
This is a good post, very good post and I agree with it all. Thank you Nocturnowl and may Kane win on preshows forever more into the future.
i will add on the list of people sacrificed to the altar of Bork.
CM Punk
Streak went.
Strowman got destroyed in the Rumble
Squashed by Goldberg
Kane won???
IN 2016!?!?!?
Elgin is trying to get the Big Boys over Stateside, godspeed.
What if deep down inside the reason Lesnar does not give a fuck is because he is secretly a WCW mark still salty about the buyout
Oh fuck me, on a Monday!In other news TLF SUMMA SLAM 2000 IS UP for that ass
Kane won???
IN 2016!?!?!?
20 years of destruction!To make him look strong heading into
Elgin is trying to get the Big Boys over Stateside, godspeed.
20 years of destruction!
Good lord, again all of the stuff used to build up Brock was wasted and irrelevant well before he stepped into the ring with Goldberg. Most of that stuff was already wasted when Brock didn't drop the WWE Title to a red hot underdog face character.
I would take back every joke I ever made about his mullet or his pig nose if he can pull this off.
Glory Pro @glorypro2017
I'm now thinking myself/strong Bj vs @MrAthleticJCobb and War Machine would be a sight to see haha
That said, please respect the dead and get a younger happier moment of Shane's as an av. It's what he'd have wanted
Good lord, again all of the stuff used to build up Brock was wasted and irrelevant well before he stepped into the ring with Goldberg. Most of that stuff was already wasted when Brock didn't drop the WWE Title to a red hot underdog face character.