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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


So they had JoJo wrestle last night at a NXT live event, and she's actually not that bad, esp. compared to Eva Marie:


I read that as "JoMo" and I got really excited...


...maybe not.


I would go as far to say that it was the best TV match from any company in the Attitude Era.

I'm totally in this boat. I remember watching this when it aired and being blown away.

Also re: Target shirts - I would *totally* wear that Rick Rude shirt, but why did they fuck it up with "SWAG"...no sale.



WCW Thunder 10/7/99

The US, TV, and Cruiserweight championships will be defended tonight.

Dean Malenko vs Blitzkrieg

Blitz has a new outfit and mask that looks like Amazing Red's gear with a Power Ranger chest plate. Dean was pretty mean in this. Blitz got to do a sweet twisting Asai moonsault, but Dean mostly beat the shit out of him the whole match and won with the Cloverleaf.


Recap of Disco winning the Cruiserweight Championship.

Evan Karagias vs Disco Inferno WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Disco got a jobber entrance, which leads me to believe the title change on Nitro was another last minute thing like the Rednecks/Harlem Heat change a few weeks ago. Evan is about to get an actual push, which is terrible. Disco won with the Last Dance. "Title" retained. Even though he didn't have the title at the time the match was recorded and they actually did show a clip of Disco's entrance, which had him not having the title with him. Kind of defeats the point of doing the jobber entrance to hide that fact.

Bret Hart talks about his match with Benoit.

Reairing of the Berlyn/Brad Armstrong back stage interaction from Nitro.

Brad Armstrong vs Chris Adams

Adams is out of the NuBlue Bloods. Not surprising since he and Regal had real heat that prevented Adams from being in the Blue Bloods when WCW first hired him. Skinny Tommy Dreamer wins with a Russian leg sweep.

Brian Knobs vs Chris Benoit WCW TV Championship

Knobs doesn't deserve a title shot. At any title. They only thing Knobs deserves is to get kicked in the balls really, really hard. I hate Knobs. I don't know why he had a job in the WWF and WCW for so long. He sucked, he never helped sell a ticket, and most of all he was dangerous and reckless. They fought into the the crowd and stayed out there for a whole commercial break. I don't know how that wasn't a count out. Obviously a Brian Knobs match needed a ref bump. Benoit won with the diving headbutt.

Lash LeRoux vs Silver King

Lash is about to get a real push soon, just like Evan, and it also makes me sad. Lash is better than Evan, but the Cruiserweight division is about to go to shit and really not ever recover. Lash wins.

We get to see Lex Luger's funeral again.

Dale Torgborg vs The Maestro (OOH LA LA)

The last time we saw Dale, it was near the end of 1998 when he blew his knee out doing a pump kick. He was also a race car driver. And now he's a baseball player, with red and black face paint. I thought it was pretty weird they had Stro do his piano playing thing and not mention it again. Dale won with a Rock Bottom.

Rey Mysterio Jr./Kidman vs Disorderly Conduct

So many jobbers tonight. Animals easily won.

Bret talked about his match with Benoit right after it happened on Nitro.

Sid vs Stevie Ray WCW US Championship

Rick Steiner came out and was again allowed to interfere. Charles Robinson went from Ric Flair's stooge to Sid's stooge. Double team powerbomb for the win. Sid is 128-0. He gains about 8 wins per show.

DQ Count: 0 out of 8 matches.
WWE, I think, is literally the ONLY sphere where it would be acceptable to, basically, laugh at an Indian man for being unable to speak clear English while playing generic "Indian-sounding" music over him.

Is there anybody that speaks the language being sung in that song here? Can you tell us if the song actually has anything to do with The Great Khali, or is it about something completely unrelated?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Is there anybody that speaks the language being sung in that song here? Can you tell us if the song actually has anything to do with The Great Khali, or is it about something completely unrelated?
Door wasda hai ik mera Desh Mittro, Jihda Virsa bara hi haiga dedh Mittro
(A country is far away My Friend's, whose culuture is very higy above)
Door wasda hai ik mera Desh Mittro, Jihda Virsa bara hi haiga dedh Mittro
(A country is far away My Friend's, whose culuture is very higy above)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow, He is came to drown The world)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow, He is came to drown The world)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow,He is came to drown The world)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow,He is came to drown The world)

Badi dukhan to hai tahan mere bapu da gran
(My father's house is too much away from pain's)
Badi dukhan to hai tahan mere bapu da gran
(My father's house is too much away from pain's)
Saari dunia ch jisne kamaal karti, Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
(In the all World it did a shoucked work, It is The Great Land Of Five River's)
Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
(It is The Great Land Of Five River's)

Ous Mitti aawe hawa, Saddian ton jehri meri Purkhan di than
(Air is coming from that soil,Which is my land from my Old's)
Ohnu devo ji dua
Ohna bacchean de na
Jihnu kahinde ne Punjab-Jihnu kahinde ne Punjab
(Bless to that on the name of those childre whom we called Punjab-whom we called Punjab)


Main naddian wahah dun gaa, Main naddian wahah dun gaa, Sagaran wich pa dun ga
(I will flow the river's,I will flow the river's,Mix them into Sea's)
Naam Jag te lia dun gaa,hou Naam Jag te lia dun gaa
(I will bring it's name to the World, I will bring it's name to the World)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow, He is came to drown The world)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow, He is came to drown The world)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow, He is came to drown The world)
Ajj Naddian wahin gia oh douban aaya Jahaan
(Today river's will folow, He is came to drown The world)


Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
Panja Dariawan Di Hai uh dharti
(It is The Great Land Of Five River's)
Oh dekhan ge, oh Vekhan ge
(They will see, they will look)
Mitti Punjab di to Maan uthia,
(From the land of Punjab a gret is grown)
Panja Dariaawan ne hai aan suttia,
(Brought up by five river's)
Main Parbat haan,main baddlan to uchi Imarat haan,
(I am a rock,i am a buiding highier then cloud's)
Is Dharti de ute mera raaj chalda.
(In this entire world my name is known.)


Door wasda hai ik mera Desh Mittro, Jihda Virsa bara hi haiga dedh Mittro
(A country is far away My Friend's, whose culuture is very higy above)


Door wasda hai ik mera Desh Mittro, Jihda Virsa bara hi haiga dedh Mittro
(A country is far away My Friend's, whose culuture is very higy above)
Ok. I have decided to fill in this gap and try and discover what was up with Norman Smiley and watch some matches.

So far I have learned is that this dude can wrestle. I was expecting him to be more of a comedy guy but nope, dude knows how to grapple.

I still havent a clue what his gimmick is. I need to actually watch some promo's or video packages to get a sense of the actual character. If someone has some suggestions for feuds I can look up feel free.

Also WCW has some of the most generic entrance themes. Its like 90% of the roster just got entrance music from a album of 101 best generic jobber themes. WWE must have found this CD and been using it for Wade Barrett.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ok. I have decided to fill in this gap and try and discover what was up with Norman Smiley and watch some matches.

So far I have learned is that this dude can wrestle. I was expecting him to be more of a comedy guy but nope, dude knows how to grapple.

I still havent a clue what his gimmick is. I need to actually watch some promo's or video packages to get a sense of the actual character. If someone has some suggestions for feuds I can look up feel free.

Also WCW has some of the most generic entrance themes. Its like 90% of the roster just got entrance music from a album of 101 best generic jobber themes. WWE must have found this CD and been using it for Wade Barrett.

He's REALLY great technically. Classic wrestler, real wrestling skill. Black Magic !

I was asking for matches of his pre-WCW and this is what was linked to me, and it was delightful to watch:



He didn't really have a character. He was a legit wrestler before coming to WCW, having wrestled in Europe, Mexican, and did shootstyle stuff in Japan. He could wrestle, but never really got the chance to show it in WCW. He started randomly doing these wacky dances in the ring and they caught on. Then he got shunted into the hardcore division, where he would scream because he was afraid of everything, but somehow would luck out and win most of the time.

He was just a fun midcard guy to watch in WCW. As you can see by my reviews, MOST guys in WCW didn't really have much of a character. He was just fun to watch.

Also, fuck no Colt isn't better than Norman. Get out of here with that shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Colt Cabana is the white Norman Smiley.

I think that's a fair comparison (though Colt does it better.).

Absolutely not! Colt can wrestle but nothing like Norman. Norman is exponentially better at wrestling itself. Comedy, they may be even-keel but wrasslin? No way!
I forgot to mention this but the other day while having lunch at Taco Bell, I had an epiphany about the term, "Vanilla Midget".

The 'Vanilla' part refers to them being bland and boring, not their skin color.


WCW Monday Nitro 10/11/99

The show starts with a graphic mentioning the passing of Gorilla Monsoon.


TO THE BACK. Bret Hart and Chris Benoit arrive. Lex Luger and Liz shit talk them as security makes sure nothing happens. At the same time in the background, Sid arrived in a taxi.

Recap of last week's show, including the line from Hall about coming back when things get fun again.

Bobby says a few words about Gorilla. The pearly gates in heaven are now known as the Gorilla Position. It bums me out seeing Brain breaking down. It was just as sad when he wished Gorilla had been there for his HOF induction.

TO THE BACK. Dean confronts Saturn. Saturn claims he has a problem with Shane and he was just defending himself when he hit Rey.

Saturn vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Saturn offers a handshake. Rey does an arm drag instead. Saturn came back with a running Ligerbomb. We came back from break to see Saturn still in control. That cross eyed fuck. I think it was a big mistake to let Rey wear over alls. He already looked like a 12 year old; overalls made him look like a toddler. Standing super rana from Rey. Shane runs down. Dean stops him from getting his chain out. Kidman ran in and attacked Saturn, getting Rey disqualified. Kidman then challenged Shane to a tag match.


Meng video.

TO THE BACK. Flair and Arn were watching this video with cans of SURGE everywhere. And Arn was brushing his teeth for some reason.

Kaz Hayashi vs Disco Inferno WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Despite all the luchadors WCW has, a white guy who clearly isn't a cruiserweight is the Cruiserweight champion. I like Disco a lot and all, but this is silly. And it will only get worse in the next few months. Kaz nearly won a few times, but Disco won with the Last Dance. Title retained.

Disco vs Hypno was the Mayhem match of the week. Which is ridiculous considering Bret vs Benoit happened on the same show.

Meng vs Konnan

I hope Meng stiffs the fuck out of Konnan. He didn't, but he did win with the Tongan death grip.

TO THE BACK. Berlyn and The Wall attack Brad Armstrong.

The Outsiders are hanging out in the crowd again. Brain again tries to get some words with them. Nash is still retired and Hall's back hurts from carrying the company on his back. Nash wishes Dusty Rhodes a happy birthday. Nash says they'll be back in July of 2012.

Goldberg vs Horace

Sid stood in Goldberg's way during his full entrance. Goldberg didn't fall for it. Horace now has Vampiro's old music (and music that Kidman used for a few weeks after his face turn). Obviously, Goldberg dominated.


TO THE MEAN BROTHERJACKDUDE. Apparently there has been a lot of talk on the internet about the future of Hulk Hogan, which pisses Hulk off so much that he doesn't even really want to talk any more. But then he talks. He's going to do what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. "Come Halloween Havoc, Hulk Hogan is going to get the last laugh." He was very pissy.

Diva Search bullshit.

. Torrie was wiping lipstick off Kidman's face. David was right there and she didn't give a shit. She told him to go talk to his dad or something.

Brian Knobs vs Stevie Ray Street Fight

Are street fights the same thing as hardcore matches? Because hardcore matches were never unbanned in WCW arenas. I would never agree to a street fight with Brian Knobs. Knobs is dangerous in a straight match. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him being allowed to head hunt with weapons. That fat fuckface. Booker fought Hugh to the back. The finish was Jimmy hitting Stevie with a trash can that barely dented. It knocked Stevie completely out and Knobs pinned him.

Recap of the Shane/Saturn SWERVE last week.

Shane Douglas comes out and demands the rest of the Revolution come out. He's clearing the air right now. He wants to know why Saturn had to get a DQ victory of Rey. And why Benoit was riding with Bret. Without the Harts, there would be no Chris Benoit, and without the Crippler, there would be no Revolution. Benoit then takes his shirt off and walks out on the group. Dean agrees to be Saturn's partner tonight because he is a man of his word.

La Parka vs Brad Armstrong

It makes me sad that La Parka is going to be jobbing in this match to a career jobber. Berlyn came out. There was a ref bump. Wall hit La Parka with a chair while Berlyn gave Brad a neckbreaker. Brad rolled over and pinned La Parka on accident.

TO THE BACK. Curt Hennig hits on Torrie. David Flair comes by trying to talk to Torrie. Perfect attacks him. I guess they broke up off screen sometime in the last few months.

Norman Smiley vs Berlyn

I'm even more sad that Norman is going to be jobbing in this match. Berlyn/Armstrong will have a match at Havoc. Lol. Brad Armstrong getting a PPV match? USA chants. Norman is from England. We almost get a Wiggle, but it wasn't time yet. "Tenay's worse than you." "At what?" "Everything." Lol. I approve of Mike Tenay burials. TWO Smiley slams! Big Wiggle that was back to being censored for some reason. Neckbreakfer gets Berlyn the win. His neckbreaker is fucking terrible. It looks like something out of a Smackdown game.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Ric Flair wants to know why people just won't leave him and Lil Naitch alone. Ric calls Hennig, "Mr. Perfect" and challenges him to a match. He then implies he's going to try to fuck Kim tonight.

Saturn/Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr./Kidman

Dean and Kidman start out. Kidman is totally the kind of punk that Suburban Commando Dean would be keeping out of his neighborhood. He prevents Shane from going near Kidman. Saturn and Kidman do the belly to belly over the top spot. I swear they will do that spot even if they only have a 2 minute match. Rey gets a hot tag only to roll up Dean and get hit with a powerbomb/crossbody combo. Dean broke the pin, I guess because Saturn tagged himself in. Bronco buster is blocked with a boot to the yam bag. Dean and Saturn continue to have issues during the match. Tagging each other in and out, really passive aggressive bullshit. The Animals nearly won with the pop up rana. Kidman went for the SSP. Shane tripped him up and threw the chain to Saturn. Saturn used it and made the cover. It kind of pisses me off that Shane still calls himself the Franchise. It made sense in ECW. It makes no sense in WCW, especially since they refer to Sting as the franchise on a regular basis. Dean got to see the replay and tore up the Revolution shirt and spat in Shane's face.


Van Hammer vs Sid WCW US Championship

There was no reason why this couldn't have happened 2 weeks ago when it was supposed to. Sid dominates. He can't stop chewing gum. Rick Steiner came out. The ref (Slick Johnson, who Tony called Mark Young), randomly went down. They did the double powerbomb with Rick actually counting the pine while the ref was, then remembering that looks ridiculous, so he slid out of the ring. But the ref clearly saw him. There was never even an explanation as to why Rick and Sid are aligned.

Tenay comes to the table to talk about the Bret/Benoit match. Brain is silent for the whole segment, only saying he couldn't hear from down here and then making faces as Tony talked. The reason behind this was that Tony insisted on having his chair higher than anyone else's and didn't want any acknowledgement of Gorilla's passing since Gorilla never worked for WCW. It was one of the biggest dick head moves he ever did and Brain wasn't having it tonight.

Highlights of the Bret/Benoit match.

Another weird ass Seven promo, this time featuring him outside of a kid's bedroom window, imploring the kid to join him. Then the kid's eyes turned black. Nothing weird about a dude dressed all in black with white face paint putting his hand up to the window of a kid.



Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig

They have the same match they normally have, with a bit more brawling on the floor than normal. You know exactly what to expect from these two. David stopped Virgil from cheating and ran away. Ric then won with a roll up with his feet on the ropes.

The Total Package/Rick Steiner vs Bret Hart/Chris Benoit

Remember before Lex came back, the last thing he was seeing doing was fighting of the Steiners with Sting. And now he's teaming with Rick because all heels are bros. Bret wastes no time punching Lex in the mouth. You know what bugs me? Bret came out a few weeks ago and said he couldn't come back full time until he got a match with Hogan. It didn't even have to be for the title. It's the only thing he asked for. He didn't get it, there is no hint of him getting it, yet he's back full time and seems to have forgotten about it. Sid caused a DQ after getting stuck in the ropes. Benoit is powerbombed. Bret is put up in the Torture Rack. Goldberg comes out and spears Rick. After Sid shit talks him, he spears Sid, which should mean he just lost his match at Halloween Havoc.


DQ Count: 2 out of 11 matches.

Big step down from last week. Still, some angles were pushed forward with the Revolution break up (already), the start of David's stalker persona, maybe kind of a main event push for Benoit, and Goldberg attacking Sid even when he knew it meant their match would be called off. There wasn't enough weird and wacky shit to keep it entertaining. Although, the Seven video and Arn randomly brushing his teeth were pretty weird.


Because the first live appearance of the character was the last appearance as Dustin Rhodes SHOOT buried the gimmick as stupid and would just wrestle as himself. You know, the same thing he did with the Goldust character.

Also, Norman is a better comedy wrestler just on the basis that he didn't laugh the whole time while doing the spots like Colt does.
Oh god, Seven. I was never as happy to see a shoot (legit or otherwise) as when Dustin Rhodes trashed the whole gimmick. Those vignettes were just bad, bad, bad.
I forgot to mention this but the other day while having lunch at Taco Bell, I had an epiphany about the term, "Vanilla Midget".

The 'Vanilla' part refers to them being bland and boring, not their skin color.

Well, better late than never. At least you haven't gotten all defensive over it. I don't know who's worse: people who get all pissy over the idea of using a flavor as an adjective, or the people who miss the point by using other flavors as a sort of ranking system.

I've always had respect for someone who can do a decent shimmy, but that Black Magic match that was posted earlier makes me see Smiley in a whole new light. I seriously have to watch some more of his matches.


Because the first live appearance of the character was the last appearance as Dustin Rhodes SHOOT buried the gimmick as stupid and would just wrestle as himself. You know, the same thing he did with the Goldust character.

Ah, that will do it. I didn't even realize it was a Dustin Rhodes character....there are parts of WCW that my mind has blocked out...either that's part of it or I was watching WWE during those segments.

Jamie OD

Probably because
Dustin Rhodes swerves us and "shoots" about how crap the gimmick is right before Seven is supposed to have his first match. Although reading up on it the gimmick was actually scrapped because the legal team were worried that viewers would think Seven abducted children.

Edit: Beaten.


Probably because
Dustin Rhodes swerves us and "shoots" about how crap the gimmick is right before Seven is supposed to have his first match. Although reading up on it the gimmick was actually scrapped because the legal team were worried that viewers would think Seven abducted children.

Edit: Beaten.




How would anyone get the idea that the character was some kind of weirdo child abducting ghost thing?
Probably because
Dustin Rhodes swerves us and "shoots" about how crap the gimmick is right before Seven is supposed to have his first match. Although reading up on it the gimmick was actually scrapped because the legal team were worried that viewers would think Seven abducted children.

Edit: Beaten.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that meeting.
"No no, he's not abducting children. He's just corrupting their souls on sight, twisting their weak minds into his service - like a darker twist on the boogeyman, because he gets them when they're vulnerable and no one else is around...this isn't helping our case, is it?"

I forgot about the part with the horse. Oh wow, that is jarringly silly compared to all the other stuff.
Also, Norman is a better comedy wrestler just on the basis that he didn't laugh the whole time while doing the spots like Colt does.

It's not so much the laughter than annoys me as much as the constant HO, HO, HEY, as he runs through his spots.

Fave Five Comedy Wrestlers:

1. Kikutaro, the original Ebessan
2. Gran Naniwa
3. Kuishinbo Kamen
4. Les Kellet
5. Delirious

Honourable mentions: Stalker Ichikawa, GRADO, The Florida Bros.


There was a time when Colt was one of my favorite guys to watch, but now I can barely stand him. I don't like to watch him wrestle and I don't like to listen to AOW. I think he goes over the top with selling himself that he sucks any real feelings of fun out of whatever he's doing.
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