Probably. I'm sure it was just a weird star or something that happened to catch my attention. That other people in the state and Illinois saw similar things to me tripped me out, though. I've seen something similar to this many times and figured it was just a star, but WHAT IF it was something else? I'm open to the idea. I've seen a lot of weird shit. Having sat through all this WCW shit, seeing ball lightning, hearing lockers slam shut while being next to them and knowing they weren't opened or shut, being in creepy ass 70 year old chapels...I'm open to the idea that I could see some weird shit from my house.
I've been to Above Top Secret, I've listened to Alex Jones, I've listened to Coast to Coast AM. Who am I to say ghosts, aliens, or Big Foot doesn't exist? I'm just a caveman. I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me!
I went through a big conspiracy phase. I got over it. But I still listen to Alex Jones whenever some big event happens (like the Boston Marathon bombings) and check every few months just for lolz. I don't know if anyone remembers or is aware, but last year there was a huge explosion in an Indy neighborhood that basically erased a few houses. ATS was CONVINCED it was a government plot and/or drone attack/accident. It was like a 400 page thread there. They had wrong suspects and details on EVERYTHING. I read the whole thing. The actual result was the home owners intentionally blowing up their house for insurance. I lol'd through the whole thread.
Unrelated to aliens, but KISS on Nitro reminded me that I was a huge KISS mark growing up. Destroyer is a killer album. Damn. So many good tracks on that album. Makes me feel like Tony Schiavone.