Fave Five Comedy Wrestlers:
- Santino Marella
- La Parka
- Disco Inferno
- Norman Smiley
- Eric Young
1. Daniel Bryan
2. CM Punk
3. Edge & Christian
4. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
5. Kurt Angle
Fave Five Comedy Wrestlers:
- Santino Marella
- La Parka
- Disco Inferno
- Norman Smiley
- Eric Young
Anyone remember when Dusty Rhodes came in dancing to the UK Wheel of Fortune theme in WrestleMania XI while Howard Finkel phoned in his call?
I'm quite familiar with the practice. I just wanted to show people it and how hilarious it is if you've ever watched Wheel of Fortune UK.They dub over some themes for the DVD release because they don't want to pay licensing fees. This one just happens to be the UK Wheel Of Fortune song, which I guess is just a generic unlicensed theme to Americans. Or maybe the person who chose it is British and put it in for a laugh.
Doesn't really help though that they also switched wrestlers once the character turned face.face doink the clown was hardly a comedy wrestler. heel doink the clown was an AWESOME wrestler.
No love for comedy Kurt Angle? Tiny hat? Sheriff badge? Terrified of Taz? "those people"? Offensive homophobia with HHH match? Milk truck? He had plenty of moments that made me laugh.
Can anybody find the full segment in good quality somewhere? The other video on Youtube is shit.
I might have it on my desktop at home.
This is just depressing.
Looks like the main event for Grandmasters of Wrestling Volume 3.
Looks like the main event for Grandmasters of Wrestling Volume 3.
Nothing is as bad as Spring Stampede 2000 or GAB/BATB/Road Wild 99.
Pretty sure the video for that is on Youtube too..
Grandfathers ;(
Indie wrasslin is for LOSERS and NERDS.
Anyone else ordering the Dragon Gate IPPV?
The event starts in 1:30.
The main event is:
Open The Freedom Gate Title Match
Open The Freedom Gate Champion Johnny Gargano vs. Chris Hero
Should be pretty good.
And WCW is for drunks and unemployed
Oh wait...
Any PEE PEE VEEs tonight?
Any PEE PEE VEEs tonight?
So they had JoJo wrestle last night at a NXT live event, and she's actually not that bad, esp. compared to Eva Marie:
I was going to drink and watch Thunder, but because SOMEONE hurt my feelings, I'm going to get drunk and watch Games of Thorns.
Yeah? Well you hurt indie wrestling's feelings, damnit! Now apologise and buy tickets for an IWA-MS show as an act of repentance.
I was going to drink and watch Thunder, but because SOMEONE hurt my feelings, I'm going to get drunk and watch Games of Thorns. I'm on the second season and still not even sure if I like it or not.
Indie wrestling would also accept recompense in the form of a CZW iPPV or whatever shoot interview with a drug addicted conman RF Video are hawking this month.
Who here has experience selling used games? Is Amazon trade-in the best deal?
I have a GBA SP, PSP, and some games that I don't use. I just saw that Amazon will give me an $18 credit for Zelda Minish Cap, which sounds good to me.
Depending on what you want to sell and how far you live from a post office, the best deal may be to create a seller account and sell them on Amazon. I've sold a bunch of old out of print DS games on there and gotten a lot more than I would have if I gave them to Amazon.Who here has experience selling used games? Is Amazon trade-in the best deal?
You know, shoot interviews should be a gold mine for reaction gifs.
With older hardware, you're probably better off with trying Gamestop. Amazon might be better for the game though.
This fucking Joffrey cunt is the worst character in anything I've ever seen. He's like prime HHH, Konnan, and Knobs mixed together.