LOL on Total Divas they are trying their hardest to not show or mention the Orton cash in. On Total Divas Bryan is still WWE champion
Total Divas is best WWE Universe!
And... also.. Eva Marie is the worst at everything!
LOL on Total Divas they are trying their hardest to not show or mention the Orton cash in. On Total Divas Bryan is still WWE champion
Cena almost died from elbow surgery HOLD ME GUYZ
Oh shit!
Gargano: I am going to bury you like my name is HHH.
Did somebody have a gun stuck to their head when they thought Eva Marie announcing was a good idea?
They did it because of Total Divas. She plays the idiot on the show people watch to get enjoyment from her embarrassing herself all the time. Ginger Mahal. lol
Target has wrasslin' shirts without the WWE tag on the bottom?
And they're on clearance?
KISS is awesome. I don't care what anyone says. They aren't the best band in the world and Gene is a cunt and a half, but the first 6 albums (all with in 2 years!) are pretty boss. It was an era where it was cool to have filler on every album, but they had enough kick ass songs on all of those records to be awesome to me. And even after Peter and Ace left/were kicked out, every album had one or two bad ass songs on it.
There are enough all time classics that if someone doesn't like at least a few KISS songs, I think they are probably assholes.
KISS up until Dynasty were amazing. Paul Stanley was an underatted vocalist too.
Revenge ranks up there with the best 70s stuff.
So, KISS debuts the Demon with Crush in the makeup. He comes out during a Vampiro match the following week... and then we don't hear or see him until a Brian Knobbs hardcore match months later when The Demon is reintroduced with Torborg behind the makeup, right??
There aren't any more appearances with Brian Adams as the Demon -- is my memory correct?
Also, bonus photo of Torborg, Asya (Torborg's wife), and Edge from a KISS Kruise in 2011:
*click to enlarge*][/QUOTE]
Abeyance had a weird gimmick.
@Brees' pic: Busted him open the hard way.
None. All Kurt/Bork matches are super, super disappointing. They should have been amazing shoot style matches, but instead were just standard Angle formula matches.
That's not Pepsi!AJ....Get mah bags
Oh shit, Cena just turned heel on Total Divas!
Did he shit in the Bellas' bags?
Oh shit, Cena just turned heel on Total Divas!
I have to agree that while I think the Angle/Brock matches were good matches, given those involved, they weren't as memorable as, say, the various Benoit vs. Kurt matches, perhaps because Brock was relatively green compared to the mastery he displays at all times today. I'd rather watch Eddie vs. Brock.
Though had Brock landed that SSP, it would have been a CLASSIC Wrestlemania moment, as it was truly beautiful until he landed on his fucking neck.
Oh WrestleGAF. I spent all weekend watching Nitro from when Russo took over onwards (Got up to Starrcade) while I setup and played on my new laptop and now it's clearly affected my braincells as I've just bought a Vita.
I blame stro.
How soon until they bring it to TV commentary? Maybe not since he's supposedly a face, unless a heel says it (Laycool/Mickie James).Half of Total Divas is calling Cena's Bella twin FAT
Christ, WCW has fucked with my rational purchasing mind. Just impulse bought Wrestlemania 25, Best of Raw 2010 and Survivor Series 2010 (Woo Nexus) all for £10.
Wow, Oprah completely buries TNA by featuring Hulk Hogan on a Where are they now? show:
Poor TNA.
Can't watch right now, but did she bury them, or simply tell the truth?
Refresh my memory about the critical reception of Panzer Dragoon and Orta - did reviewers kinda feel 6ish out of 10 about them too, or were they hailed as masterpieces right out of the gate?
EDIT: Or I could do the legwork. Looks a little worse than the original reviews, but the landscape sure has changed. Oddly, I don't remember Orta being reviewed BETTER than the original.