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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G

Broadway Brawl with Damien Sandow? I'm down with that. Also Ziggler seems waaay disinterested and I don't think he was acting that way.


The needle jumped back and forth from utter shit to surprisingly entertaining a few times throughout that...thing. Can't really call it a match, or a skit. Would have been immensely better if Vicki had just continued to sell the move at the end and get carted out on a stretcher like Maddox.

Is HHH making a BS match type up around two wrestlers' supposed inability to draw? What new meta-levels of burying madness have we entered?



WCW Monday Nitro 10/18/99

A limo arrives. It is Sid (in a suit!) with lawyers. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!


Juventud Guerrera vs Evan Karagias

Fans here really hate Juvi. After just a few minutes, Bret Hart comes to the ring. He was told he couldn't have time for an interview, so he's going to make time for himself right now. And his first sentence had him name dropping the WWF. He refers to Ed and Vince and politics over how he's never going to get his match with Hogan. Sting comes out to the ramp. Juvi and Evan are still in the ring. Sting says that promises don't come true in wrasslin. Sting's got Bret's legacy RIGHT HERE (referring to his dick). Sting then says he will give Bret a title shot tonight. The match is over with no decision given. The very FIRST Russo segment ever in WCW had the WWF name dropped, Russo alluded to, a guy having to SHOOT to get some TV time, and Sting doing a suck it gesture.



And right after this, Tony let us know that Russo and Ferrara jumped from the WWF and this is their first night, so expect something wacky. Tony throws it to Mike, which actually goes to an ad instead.


TO THE BACK. Tenay talks with Sid. Sid's legal team has advised him not to speak. Elsewhere, a white limo arrives. It's Goldberg! BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?

Vampiro vs Disco Inferno

Lash was out for color. Vamp still has ICP music and them in his video, but ICP no longer works for the company. I can't stand Lash's voice. Disco wins with the Last Dance in like a minute. Vamp sat up and looked pissed. Lash then jumped Disco for no reason like all good faces.

Larry catches up with Goldberg. Bill don't like or trust Sid. He doesn't sweat lawyers. He's going to beat Sid at Havoc no matter what.

Another weird ass Seven


TO THE BACK. Tenay asks Madusa how she feels about being in the first ever WCW New York Evening Gown match. That's right, Russo's first night has an evening gown match! She's not happy about it because she's a real wrestler. She may have quit instead of doing the match.

Diva Search stuff which is only notable because Stacy Kiebler was one of the contestants this week. During the segment, Buff came out. This wasn't on the format! His promo is about how the two new sheriffs in town love him. "Haven't you read the internet? I'm the chosen one!" He's going to take WCW back to the promise land, which makes it clear that WCW is in the shitter right now, which is something they did when Bischoff was doing his face run and mentioning every week that they weren't the top promotion anymore. This whole thing was based on Russo and Ferrara mentioning that they really liked Buff on a WCW.com chat the week before.


Larry talks with Mona about the evening gown match. She doesn't mind it since she wrestles in an evening gown anyway. Elsewhere, Kim is walking around the back looking for David Flair.

TO THE BACK. Sid talks with his lawyers. He isn't too pleased with the fees being charged. Goldberg tapes up and is talking to himself.

Rey Mysterio Jr./Konnan vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championships

Booker is debuting his trunks gear. Stevie and Rey start out. Shortly after the match starts, Eddie, Kidman, and Torrie come to the ring. They join the announce team. Book End to Konnan.

TO THE BACK. The First Family are watching the match and seem agitated.

Back in the ring, Konnan is being held in the worst bear hug of all time. Eddie buries Harlem Heat as bad wrestlers and out of shape. Kidman then says that Booker is one of his favorite workers. A fight breaks out at the announce table, which we don't see most of. Rey and Konnan double pin Stevie. New champions!

TO THE BACK. Kim finds David. David keeps looking at her tits. She gives David her hotel key. Mike Tenay catches up with the Filthy Animals. Eddie dumps a cooler on them (and Tenay). I swear Stacy was standing next to Torrie for some reason. The First Family interrupted the promo and still expect to get their tag title shot at Havoc.

Meng vs Hugh Morrus

Brain hopes he is next door to David/Kim so he can jerk off while he listens to them fuck. As Meng mauls Hugh, The Outsiders walk down to ringside in the crowd. Meng crushed Hugh, who has a tag title match at the PPV. Meng has no match for the PPV.

TO THE BACK. Sid and his lawyers appear to head to the ring. Goldberg is as well.

Sid and his lawyers come out. Sid is a man of his word and a man of integrity. He rips up the contract for the Goldberg match. We will never know what "might....OF....happened". Goldberg comes out and spears one of the lawyers. Sid then boots Goldberg in the face and powerbombs him. The lawyer has no sold the spear, gives Sid a mic, and casually walks off. Sid stuffs the contract in Goldberg's mouth and says the match is still on. The match that Sid has a stipulation that Goldberg couldn't touch him or the match would be called off. So Goldberg touches Sid, and Sid is still going to have the match. Hall and Nash were laughing at Goldberg, so they got into a brawl at ringside, with The Outsiders being ejected from the building. Goldberg was injured on the powerbomb, because he isn't that good at selling.



The Outsiders are taken all the way to the back. Nash is complaining that it's too cold and he doesn't have his coat. Nash tries to take a forklift, claiming that was their rental car.

TO THE BACK. Tenay talks with Bret Hart about his upcoming title match. This is what Bret has been waiting for his entire WCW run. If he wins, Hogan will still get a title shot at Havoc. Sting attacked Bret and they were separated by the same security that were outside with The Outsiders.

TO THE BACK. We're still dealing with The Outsiders. Goldberg walks the halls screaming "SIIIIIIIIIIID..........VICIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!".

Berlyn vs Rick Steiner

Rick is 100% face in this match. Brad Armstrong came out. Rick Steiner grabbed him. Wall hit Steiner with a chair maybe on accident, maybe on purpose. Berlyn pinned Rick. Rick then beat the shit out of Brad all the way to the back. Brad Armstrong, who has a PPV match this Sunday and is now getting the ever loving shit kicked out of him by a guy not on the PPV.

. The Outsiders sneak back into the building. Nash rattles around in his pants to pull out a bottle of cherry NyQuil. Because cherry is much better than the regular flavor. They're looking for Goldberg. Hall does the classic Friday the 13th sound effect.


. Kim is heading up to her room. She gets undressed while talking to someone in the shower. Kim gets a bottle of something out of her jacket, which she says will knock him out. The bathroom door opens. It's RIC FLAIR! WHOOO!



TO THE BACK. Goldberg is still looking for Sid when he runs into and beats up ICP. Wait, ICP still works for WCW and are at the show, but didn't come out with Vampiro? Elsewhere, Larry asks Lex Luger about his match with Goldberg tonight. Lex is rattled, but he's trying to play it tough. I guess that's one way to cover for his shitty mic skills.

We see Madusa and Mona on split screen getting ready for their evening gown match.

David Flair vs Kidman

I guess we are just to assume that Torrie and David broke up, otherwise Torrie is a real dick for coming out with Kidman for this match. Kidman completely dominates and wins with the SSP. The rest of the Animals ran out and they beat up David even more. Such great faces.

TO THE BACK. The Outsiders were still stumbling around the back. The run into Gene. Nash offers Gene some NyQuil.

TO THE BACK. Ric is already back to the arena and is now looking for the Animals.

Mona vs Madusa New York Evening Gown Match

Tony says that the new creative team have really put their stamp on the show. Madusa wasn't wearing an evening gown, but more of a cocktail dress. Of course there was a ref bump. Madusa gets a chair and hits Mona in the back with it. She then throws the format sheets around on the announce table. Mona pulls Madusa's dress and storms to the back. Madusa stands on the floor pissed off and grabs a mic, saying she didn't want to do this stupid match and everyone behind it can kiss her ass. IT WAS A SHOOT! No decision was given.

TO THE BACK. Sting heads to the ringside area. Bret Hart makes his way as well.

Bret Hart vs Sting WCW Championship

They head to the floor right away, with Bret clearly in charge. "Anything can happen" has been said about 30 times tonight. They should have just had a sound bite of Vince McMahon saying it. Bret continues to dominate for a few minutes. Sting comes back with a Stinger splash. Bret fights out of a sleeper, but is back in it moments later. Sharpshooter! Sting made it to the ropes. At some point, Liz came down. Shortly after, Lex came in with a bat. Liz was distracting the ref and Lex hit Bret in the shit with a bat. Sting wins with the Scorpion Deathlock.

Ric talks to David and is amazed that KIDMAN beat David up. Ric gets pissed and is after the Animals. The Outsiders are still stumbling around, now wearing Villanos masks and asking for Senor Goldberg.


La Parka vs Buff Bagwell

Buff comes out looking pissed and doesn't do any posing. He does some really unprofessional pissy wrestling. They have a terrible and awkward match where Buff looks ultra disinterested and announcers are confused. He does a mocking version of his pose down and tells La Parka to kick him in the head. La Parka does and wins. Buff immediately gets up and grabs a head set and says, "Hey Russo. Did I do a good JOB for you? You know what, who else can beat me? Why don't you come down and beat me, big man?" Tony and Brain tried to no sell it. There was a shot of mid carders in the back laughing hysterically at Buff having to job to La Parka. Buff lays down again in the ring. JEFF JARRETT arrives and hits Buff with a guitar! He's here to talk about STROKE. How did he make it from a PPV in Cleavland last night, and live on Nitro tonight? Because of STROKE! Was this, in fact, the most Russo segment of all time?




TO THE BACK. Security finally catches up with Los Forasteros. Nash apparently threw up.

Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Saturn

All 3 men got a jobber entrance. Shane Douglas was joining for commentary. Another guy pointing out that WCW is second best. Fans are completely drained at this point in the show. Shane says Eddie and Chavo are brothers. Fans are just dead. Silent even. Tony and Brain are also drained. A tower of doom spot ends very badly. The Animals came out AGAIN, getting into it with Shane. Kidman hit Saturn with a chair. Shane screams about a conspiracy as all 3wrestlers in the ring appear to be injured. Eddie eliminated Saturn after a Power Plex. Chavo hit a springboard tornado DDT and pinned Eddie. Chavo wins! The Animals then attack Chavo. Eddie is hurt, Chavo is hurt, and Saturn might also be hurt.


A recap of Sid Vicious Esquire.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg gets pumped up with resistance bands. As does Lex. Someone in Lex's locker room clearly said "FUCK". We're given a cheat code to unlock Halloween Havoc matches in Mayhem.

Horace vs Norman Smiley Hardcore Match

The return of the hardcore! Norman doesn't seem very excited for this match. Norman does a lot of screaming and the crowd is still dead as can be. Norman got almost no offense and won after Horace ran into a table.

TO THE BACK. Ric Flair stalks to the entrance way.

Ric Flair comes to the ring, heels on the crowd for some reason, then calls out the Filthy Animals. He shits on Eddie and the whole Guerrero family. The Animals hit the ring and attack a 50 year old man. David ran out and was also attacked. Fans are booing the Animals, but they're supposed to be faces. They then steal Flair's wallet, watch, rings, and clothes. Worst faces of all time.

TO THE BACK. Lex finds Liz on the floor with a broken guitar next to her.

Goldberg vs The Total Package

It starts as a brawl in the aisle. They get in the ring and have the shitty match you'd expect. I hope the lawyer who no sold the spear comes back out for revenge. Ref bump! Hall and Nash make it out to the ramp, tripping on Sizzurp. Sting also came out and whacked Goldberg with a bat. Bret Hart hobbles down to fight with Sting. He broke the bat on the ring post trying to hit Sting. Bret puts Sting in the Sharpshooter. Lex breaks it. Spear and jackhammer to Lex. The ref counts the fall despite seeing Bret and Sting in the ring. Bret and Goldberg hug. I guess Goldberg forgot about the metal plate thing.


DQ Count: 0 out of 12 matches. However, there were 2 matches that had no finish at all, and only 2 that had clean finishes.

This was some true Russo insanity. The very first segment had a guy SHOOTING, no finish to a match, WWF references, and dick references. Through out the night, there were 3 other people to SHOOT (Buff, Jarrett, Madusa), one of whom actually mentioned having to job and Russo by name and had other mid carders laughing at Buff for having to job. A random evening gown match where one woman didn't wear an evening gown match and then got pissed for getting booked in the match. Kim was apparently going to date rape David, but was instead fucked by Ric in record time. The Outsiders spent the whole show getting progressively more fucked up on NyQuil, culminating with Nash laying down and going to sleep on the stage. At least 3 different people mentioned WCW being in second place. Hulk Hogan, who is to main event the PPV, was only mentioned by Bret Hart. Otherwise, he wasn't mentioned nor was the Hogan/Sting match promoted.

Two guys who have PPV matches (Hugh Morrus and Brad Armstrong) got the living shit kicked out of them by guys who don't have PPV matches. Vampiro was totally squashed by Disco for no reason and didn't even have ICP with him despite them being in the building. They paid ICP to be in a 15 second backstage segment getting beat up by Goldberg. Russo/Ferrara were directly referenced or alluded to AS THE NEW WRITERS of the show repeatedly through out the night. Multiple, multiple instances of faces attacking heels for no reason and being way more heelish than any of the heels. And that lawyer no selling a spear.

All in all, it was a glorious Russo show. The only thing missing was a X on a pole match.


Fuck no....don't tell me they're going to ruin that upright bass. You mother fuckers, I want an upright bass and can't afford one.
At least Otunga gets to work out for money and appear in muscle and fitness.

I wonder what he's going to do when his career is over? Don't you have to practice to get your reputation up as a lawyer?
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