Wait... Did anyone see that woman standing in the background of the 3MB/Florida Georgia Line segment holding the door?
He just showed up with R-Truth and was his tag team partner against 3MB. That was about it.I stepped out for a minute and missed Xavier Woods' debut? What the hell?
What happened?
I stepped out for a minute and missed Xavier Woods' debut? What the hell?
He's black and not built like a brick shithouse. Clearly, he must dance.
Tuned in during the Cena/Del Rio promo spot. How has the show been tonight?...
Good time for a bathroom break.
He just showed up with R-Truth and was his tag team partner against 3MB. That was about it.
Marty DeRosa
Most of the audience at @WWE #RAW in Nashville, TN looks like Wyatt Family members in @JohnCena t-shirts.
Nope. The only introduction he got was when he was getting into the ring by R-Truth to let everybody know who he was. It was weird.Did he not have his NXT entrance?
He's black and not built like a brick shithouse. Clearly, he must dance.
Nope. The only introduction he got was when he was getting into the ring by R-Truth to let everybody know who he was. It was weird.
Why is Jimmy Jacobs playing guitar for this band?
No video package build up, thrown out there randomly, thrown out there with Rtruth to get the rub from. WWE has zero confidence in Xavier Woods
That's....fucking stupid. How is that a way to debut someone?
Though come to think of it weren't Truth and Xavier a tag team at one point in TNA? Odd to see a TNA tag team reunited in WWE.
If that were true, they'd have Ohno'd him.
I'm more of a fan of this style of debut than the thing they did with Fandango where they tease him for seven months and have him debut to silence because no one cares anymore. Which isn't to say it's good, but surprise is better than beating people over the head into apathy. Commentary kept on point with him through the match, which was surprising. They focused on his Ph. D. and academic credentials over his 90s style or anything else. JBL also continued his Clueless NXT GM character: "Oh, that's Xavier Woods!"
If that were true, they'd have Ohno'd him.
Problem with that kind of debut is it leaves the live audience completely clueless, since they don't have commentary to explain who the hell that is. But whatever, it's only the start of his run and he'll freshen up the mid card.
That still baffles me. They hype up his fight with Harper, puts on a great match with Harper and then...Released 2 days later?
Big E is the new intercontinetal champ.
great! cant wait fro him to job every week!
Clueless is fine. You can work with clueless. All Xavier needed to do was show up, distinguish himself, which he did. It leads into a true intro later on, like Smackdown or next week's RAW. Get it right and it can draw interest which can easily build momentum.
To be fair, that match had been filmed weeks beforehand.