I need a good La Parka gif and Norman Smiley gif via strobogo for the following thread:
I need a good La Parka gif and Norman Smiley gif via strobogo for the following thread:
the fuck
What a bunch of fucking jobbersHey guys.
I really like her (Paige's) look but I have to admit I don't really watch NXT. Can she be a decent player on the main roster anytime soon?
I really like her (Paige's) look but I have to admit I don't really watch NXT. Can she be a decent player on the main roster anytime soon?
Prime Time Players Vs 3MBfrom Smackdown this week was cut from the broadcast and sent to the WWE website because it broke Cole and JBL.as the The Fabulous 3Birds
I really like her (Paige's) look but I have to admit I don't really watch NXT. Can she be a decent player on the main roster anytime soon?
I really like her (Paige's) look but I have to admit I don't really watch NXT. Can she be a decent player on the main roster anytime soon?
Prime Time Players Vs 3MBfrom Smackdown this week was cut from the broadcast and sent to the WWE website because it broke Cole and JBL.as the The Fabulous 3Birds
Because Axel has a rematch clause?breezed through SmackDown in about 20 mins. they need to let Big E open up his move set. i know he can do more than clotheslines, a splash and the Big Ending (which I think he needs to ditch for something better but I don't see that happening for a while). i also don't get why he's fighting Curtis Axel again at SS but whatever.
I think she looks like the dragon lady from Games of Thorns.
Maybe that'd be a better gimmick than "Girl who screams for no reason".
Except in black!The Anti-Diva ... Who takes selfies and wears the same outfits as divas.
The Anti-Diva ... Who takes selfies and wears the same outfits as divas.
Prime Time Players Vs 3MBfrom Smackdown this week was cut from the broadcast and sent to the WWE website because it broke Cole and JBL.as the The Fabulous 3Birds
WrassleGAF, I want your opinions. What is the best face/face feud of all time?
John Cena vs The Rock
WrassleGAF, I want your opinions. What is the best face/face feud of all time?
"Who was that?"
The Snowglobe Kilq's lack of presence in this thread is very odd:
Because I didn't see it!
An unlikely excuse. You and the rest of your washed up friends in the Kliq have been sitting in the retirement home for too long.
Your time is up, my time is now.
Posting Shawn Michaels jiffs in threads unrelated to wrestling was(is) a bannable offense. The Snowgloble Kliq were the Bronies of their day.